
Sleepy, tired, unable to get out of bed, why do people suffer from "spring sleepiness"?

author:Bright Net
Sleepy, tired, unable to get out of bed, why do people suffer from "spring sleepiness"?

Fava bean blossoms, open eyes do not open" This folk proverb is a good exposition of the common phenomenon of spring sleepiness, with the approaching of spring footsteps, the annual spring sleepiness has begun to invade the majority of people, in the face of "spring sleepiness", many people are overwhelmed, what is the cause of spring sleepiness?

As for why there is spring sleepiness, there may be three reasons:

Increased metabolism

Spring arrives, after the temperature rises, the body's metabolism will slowly increase, the body's energy needs to increase, the consumption will become more, our body can not adapt to this rapid change, the energy supply is insufficient, resulting in spring sleepiness, which from the perspective of Chinese medicine, is the stagnation of qi and blood, mental dissipation caused.

Blood supply to the brain is reduced

The occurrence of spring sleepiness in general is a temporary physiological phenomenon produced by the rise of spring temperature, spring temperature will rise, skin and muscles will gradually relax, the blood supply on the surface of the body will increase, the blood flowing into the brain will be relatively reduced, the excitement of the central nervous system will be inhibited, so the phenomenon of spring sleepiness, which is a manifestation of lack of oxygen in the brain, as the body slowly adapts to temperature changes, it can be effectively alleviated.

First, it is caused by heavy humidity in spring. Spring is coming, drizzle, although everything is revived, but at this time the body is insufficient, it is easy to suffer from the invasion of external wet evil, resulting in increased moisture in the body, resulting in drowsiness, sleepiness, mental difficulty and other phenomena.

Sleepy, tired, unable to get out of bed, why do people suffer from "spring sleepiness"?

Spring sleepiness makes people mentally ill and in a bad state, how can they be regulated? There are several ways you can try:

1. Don't miss bedtime

11 o'clock to 12 o'clock at night is a good time to go to bed, when the human body temperature drops, the metabolism slows down, the body enters a relaxed state, the human body is easier to fall asleep, and falling asleep early means that the time to sleep can be guaranteed. Try not to stay up late at night to ensure adequate sleep time.

2. Movement regulation

Insisting on daily sports such as jogging and swimming helps to enhance physical endurance, while also helping cells and tissues to get an adequate supply of oxygen, so that the spirit and body are refreshed and the brain becomes more awake.

3. Diet regulation

After getting up in the morning, you can eat some sweets appropriately, which can increase the blood sugar that drops during sleep, so as to cheer up the spirit. In addition to taking in enough nutrients in the daily diet, it is also necessary to pay attention to a light diet and avoid greasy dishes. Potassium deficiency is easy to fatigue, you can eat more soybeans, citrus and other potassium-rich foods.

4. Stimulate nerves

When you feel that spring sleepiness is coming, you may wish to choose some methods to stimulate the lower nerves, such as smelling cool oil to stimulate the sense of smell, listening to songs to stimulate hearing, and washing your face with cold water to stimulate the skin. You can also get your brain excited by moving your limbs, stretching your waist, chewing gum, and more.

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