
Everyday ancient poems | Tang Poems, Du Fu's Wild Hope

author:The art of poetry


[Tang] Du Fu

Xishan Baixue Sancheng Shu, Nanpu Qingjiang Wanli Bridge.

The wind and dust in the sea are separated from the brothers, and the end of the world is in tears.

However, there will be many sicknesses in the twilight, and there will be no pilgrimage to the Holy Pilgrimage.

When crossing the horse out of the suburbs, it is extremely eye-catching, and it is unbearable to be depressed on the personnel day.


The western mountains are covered with snow all year round, and the three cities are heavily garrisoned;

The Wanli Bridge on the southern outskirts crosses the Mighty Jinjiang River.

Years of war in the sea, several brothers heard and blocked;

At the end of each other's world, am I alone?

But the twilight of the year will be handed over to the sickly body;

So far, there is no bit of merit, repaying the wise Holy Emperor.

I rode my horse alone, often looking far away,

The world is depressed day by day, and it is really unimaginable.


West Mountain: In the west of Chengdu, the main peak snow ridge has snow all year round. Sancheng: Refers to the three prefectures of Song (present-day Songpan County, Sichuan), Wei (the ancient city is in the west of present-day Li county, Sichuan), and Bao (the old city is in the northwest of Xinbaoguan, Li County). City, one as "year", one as "strange". SHU: Defensive. The three cities were important towns on the shu border, and when Tubo invaded each other, the garrison guarded them.

Nanpu: Waterfront land in the southern suburbs. Qingjiang: Refers to jinjiang. Wanli Bridge: In the south of Chengdu. When Shu Han Fei Yi visited the State of Wu, he said to Zhuge Liang before leaving: "The journey of ten thousand miles begins at this bridge. These two sentences are written in hope.

Wind and Dust: Refers to the successive years of war caused by the Anshi Rebellion. Brothers: Du Fu's fourth brothers: Ying, Guan, Feng, and Zhan. Only Du Zhan followed him into Shu, and the other three brothers were scattered everywhere.

Chi Twilight: At this time, Du Fu was fifty years old. For the sick: It is handed over to the sick body. For, for.

Trickle: Dripping water, dust, refers to the slightest trace.

Day: A work of "self".


The poem is titled "Wild Hope", which is a self-portrayal of the poet's sentimental situation and nostalgia for his brothers when he went out of the suburbs.

The first two sentences write about the West Mountain and the Jinjiang River that you saw when you looked at the wild. The main peak of the West Mountain is covered with snow all year round, so it is described as "snow". The three cities, at that time, the garrison strictly prevented the invasion of Tubo and were important towns in Shudi.

The middle four sentences are the feelings of the country and individuals triggered by wild hopes. Three or four sentences from the war to the chaos of the nostalgia for the brothers, self-injury and displacement of the feelings. There are beacons everywhere at home and abroad, and the brothers are scattered, and at this time, "one body is far away" from the Western Shu, as if at the end of the sky. The poet misses his homeland and can't help but "weep" and flow. The true feelings are all revealed and cannot be touched by people.

Five or six sentences are also led by "Tianya" and "one body" to the "sick" years of the disabled years, "not" to pay tribute to the slight force, and there is no compensation for the inner shame of the "Holy Pilgrimage". Du Fu was fifty years old at the time, so he said that he had entered the year of "twilight". He sighed and said: I can only put my twilight years into the body of "many diseases", but I have "not made the slightest contribution" and am very ashamed to repay the "Holy Pilgrimage".

Although Du Fu was exiled to Western Shu, his desire to repay the Li Tang Dynasty has never changed, which shows that his patriotic consciousness is very strong. The middle four sentences, because of the continuous use of the occasional poet's worries about home and country, the sense of his life, especially the heart of repaying the Li Tang Dynasty, are artistically and effectively summarized.

Seven or eight sentences conclude with the way of "wild hope" and deep apprehension. "Personnel", a matter of the world. Because at that time, the three cities of Xishan were defended by troops, and the people of Shudi had a heavy burden of enlistment, Du Fu was deeply worried about the people's life and had a "day" turn to "depression" about the world. This is the meaning of the closing sentence. The poet "crosses the horse" from the grass hall, walks "out" of the southern "suburbs", and looks at the four "looks". "Nanpu Qingjiang Wanli Bridge" is a close-up view. "Three Cities in the West Mountain and Snow", is a distant view. He was led by the "Three Cities Shu" to the sigh of chaos, and from the "Wanli Bridge" to the meaning of Shu. This is the reason for the worries of the family and the individual in the middle four sentences.

Du Fu "crossed the horse out of the suburbs" and "looked at the extreme eyes" and "looked" four times, originally to dispel depression. However, the feelings of patriotism and love for the people drove him from the natural landscape he "looked forward to" to lead to various reflections on major national events, brotherly separations, and personal experiences. For a time, the thoughts and feelings of serving the country, nostalgia for flesh and bones, sad diseases, etc., gathered their hearts. In particular, I am worried about "twilight" and "many diseases", and I am ashamed that "Juan'e" has not "answered".

The process of change in thought and feelings when the first triptych of this poem is written in the wild hope, that is, from outward observation to inward examination. Tail link points out the reasons from extrovert to introvert. In terms of artistic structure, it is quite easy to control and indulge.

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