
"Red Cultural Relics Telling Stories" 100 Audio Poster No. 30: "Family Letter Accompanying the "Frog King" to Pursue Dreams"


Revolutionary cultural relics carry the glorious history of the heroic struggle of the party and the people, record the great course and touching deeds of the Chinese revolution, are the precious wealth of the party and the state, and are vivid teaching materials for carrying forward revolutionary traditions and revolutionary culture, strengthening the building of socialist spiritual civilization, stimulating patriotic enthusiasm, and invigorating the national spirit. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to inherit the red culture and carry forward the red spirit, Jinyun New Media and the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism (Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau) jointly launched the "Red Cultural Relics Storytelling" 100-issue audio poster.

In the major exhibition halls in Tianjin, each red cultural relics witnessed a period of glory, telling the sacrifice and dedication, reflecting the original intention and mission. Tell cultural relics, tell stories, tell the revolutionary deeds behind them through red cultural relics, let the red cultural resources precipitated in the land of Jingu come alive and move, inherit the spirit of struggle, and draw on the strength to forge ahead.

Born in Tianjin in 1935, Mu Xiangxiong practiced swimming under the guidance of his father from an early age. In 1956, Mu Xiangxiong actively prepared for the Olympic Games in Guangzhou. Before the competition, his father wrote him a letter. Let's take a look at the story behind the family letter that accompanies the "Frog King" to pursue his dream, and this issue of the audio poster will answer for you.

"Red Cultural Relics Telling Stories" 100 Audio Poster No. 30: "Family Letter Accompanying the "Frog King" to Pursue Dreams"

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