
01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

What global film and television news is worth paying attention to in the past 12 hours? selects you professionally.

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills
01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills
01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills
01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills
01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills
01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

Disney's live-action fairy tale film Kuira, starring Emma Stone, exposes new stills and behind-the-scenes shots of costume design. The film will be released in North American theaters on May 28 and will be released at Disney+.

02. "Dragon Mother" is expected to join the Marvel drama "Secret Invasion"

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills
01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

According to foreign media reports, "Dragon Mother" Emilia Clark and Olivia Coleman, who played the queen in "The Crown", are both looking forward to joining the Marvel series "Secret Invasion".

The Comic Book's Secret Invasion tells the story of the strangely shaped alien race of Skurus who have attempted to invade Earth many times, possessing high-tech technology that is more advanced than Earth, and possessing the ability to transform themselves into other people or animals at will. The series is expected to go live in 2022.

03. Old Martin's new film "Flower Moon Killer" began filming

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

According to foreign media reports, martin scorsese's new film "Flower Moon Killer" has officially started filming in Oklahoma, USA, on April 19! Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Lily Gladstone, and Jesse Plemont.

Based on David Gran's novel of the same name, the film follows the horrific massacre of Indians by whites in American history in the 1920s, which led to the birth of the FBI agency.

04. Marvel stop-motion animation "Modok" first exposed poster

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

The first poster for Marvel's stop-motion animated series Mordor will air on May 21 in Hulu. "Mordor" tells the story of how Mordor, a fanatical supervillain with a big head and a small body, strives to run his criminal empire and evil family business well, so that he can sustain it forever

01. "French" and "Our Lady" were selected for the official unit of Cannes

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

The Organizing Committee of the Cannes Film Festival confirmed to foreign media that "French Mission" directed by Wes Anderson and "Our Lady" directed by Paul Verhoeven have been selected for the official section of the 74th Cannes Film Festival.

01. "Bid Rabbit 2" confirms the introduction

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

The movie "Bid Rabbit 2: Escape Plan" officially announced the introduction of Chinese mainland, and the file is expected to be determined. The film's North American schedule is June 18.

02. The "Essence of Film Festival" unit of the Shanghai Film Festival exposed the first batch of films

01. "Black and White Witch Kuila" exposed new stills

The 24th Shanghai Film Festival", "Film Festival Essence" screening unit exposed the first batch of films: "Lost Dogs: Part 1", "Dogs of Defeat: Part 2", "Pebbles", "Emma", "Urbsen", "Yellow Cat", "Shepherd Girl and Seven Songs", "Wilderness of the Wasteland", "Children on Motorcycles", "The Man Who Stole motorcycles".

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