
Lower yourself to fly higher

author:Cheerful pencil M
Lower yourself to fly higher

Only from the starting point can we reach the other side of success, in the real society, if everyone wants to achieve a career, they will endure the contrast between the glorious dream of the heart and the real life, and in the endurance to adapt little by little, to lower their own proud heart,

"Only by not being proud can we learn from others." For a person to gain wisdom and experience, he must lower himself. Lowering yourself is not lowering your ideals, lowering your ambitions. Lowering oneself is a way of thinking that changes in order to achieve the goal, which is a mentality of starting from zero, from a small age, and starting from a low. Bottom line: Lower yourself is not the ultimate goal, but to fly higher.

A young man who had encountered walls everywhere in reality waded through the mountains and waters to Famen Temple, and said to the abbot, Shi Yuan, "I have devoted myself to learning painting, but so far I have not found a satisfactory teacher." Many people are vain, and some of their painting skills are even inferior to mine. ”

After hearing this, Shi Yuan smiled lightly and said, "Although the old monk does not understand painting, he also loves this art. Since the donor's painting skills are not inferior to those of the famous masters, please ask the donor to leave an ink treasure for the old monk. "

The young man asked, "What to draw?" ”

Shi Yuan said, "Poor monks like tea ceremonies, can the benefactor draw a teacup and a teapot for me?" ”

The young man listened and thought: This is not easy? So I spread out the rice paper, and there were very few

The pen is painted into a sloping teapot and a quaint teacup. What is even more vivid is that the spout of the teapot is slowly flowing out of a stream of tea, as if it is about to be poured into the teacup. The young man asked, "Are you satisfied with this painting?" ”

Shi Yuan shook his head and said, "You painted it well, but you put the position of the teapot and the teacup wrong, it should be the teacup on the top, and the teapot on the bottom." ”

The young man listened and laughed, "Why is the master so confused, where is the teacup that fills the teapot with water?" ”

Shi Yuan listened and said, "It turns out that you understand this truth!" You long for your cup to be filled with the tea of those Danqing masters, you can't put your cup too high, and only by lowering yourself can you absorb the wisdom and experience of others. ’

The young man suddenly realized, and from then on he studied with an open mind and finally learned something.

Shi Yuan's phrase "lower yourself" not only vividly illustrates the way of learning, but also the way of dealing with the world. Only by lowering yourself and knowing how to leave room for yourself can you harvest more, go further, and fly higher.

Lowering yourself is a matter of mentality, but also a matter of estimating the value of your own life. In a certain sense, to lower yourself is not to regard yourself as too important, too capable, too clever. In other words, to lower yourself is to be a low-key person, which not only reduces the slander and jealousy of others, but also clears the way for yourself to move towards a higher goal. This is both a kind of self-knowledge and a kind of open-mindedness

Lower yourself to fly higher

The famous American politician Perkins became the president of the University of Chicago at the age of 30, and some people doubted that he was so young that he could not qualify for the position of president of the university

He said: "What a 30-year-old knows is so little, and there are so many places to rely on his assistant and acting principal." Just this short sentence reassured those who had doubted him.

Many people often like to try to show that they are better than others, or try to prove that they are people with special talents, but a truly capable leader will not brag about himself, but will be humble like Perkins, the so-called "self-humility is obeyed, boasting is people must be suspicious" is this truth.

s "The qi is jealous, the heart is full, and only the dew is avoided." "Want to be

Lower yourself to fly higher

Ming Dynasty thinker Lü Kun said:

As far as big things are concerned, we need to calm down and lower our posture. When you lower yourself, the future can accommodate you. There is a philosopher in the West who said, "If you want to reach the highest place, you must start from the lowest place." "The sea lowers itself in order to accommodate the water of a hundred rivers and thus achieve itself; man lowers himself, treats everyone sincerely, and faces everything tolerantly, and the world will become an ocean of joy, a harbor of happiness."