
How were the masters of Sinology forged? The "Yangtze River Pulpit" takes you closer to Qian Jibo, the father of Qian Zhongshu

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Rong Yu

Correspondent Xie Ning

As one of the most outstanding masters of Sinology in the 20th century, what are Qian Jibo's achievements in Sinology? How did he train his son Qian Zhongshu to become a master of traditional Chinese studies? How did he spend the last 10 years of his life in Wuhan? On July 31st, Professor Wang Yude, Doctor of History and School of History and Culture of Central China Normal University, visited the "Yangtze River Forum" of Hubei Provincial Library to tell the book lovers about "Approaching Qian Jibo - How the Master of Traditional Chinese Studies Was Forged".

How were the masters of Sinology forged? The "Yangtze River Pulpit" takes you closer to Qian Jibo, the father of Qian Zhongshu

In the lecture, Professor Wang Yude took the combing of Mr. Qian Jibo's life of Traditional Chinese Studies as the starting point, and told the legendary life of Qian's old and young people who became famous and engaged in education for 44 years. Qian Laoxue went through a subset of the history of the classics, was profound and knowledgeable, and settled in Wuhan in his later years, living in Puyuan. Throughout Qian Lao's life, Professor Wang Yude summed up 6 outstanding deeds: first, he comprehensively expounded the history of Sinology and wrote more than 10 million words of works; second, he engaged in Sinology education all his life, was one of the core figures who founded Guanghua University, taught in many schools, cultivated many talents, and trained his son Qian Zhongshu to become a top master; third, in the 20th century, he took the lead in writing the history of modern Chinese literature and made great achievements in the study of the collection; fourth, academia served society and wrote the most academic research on Sun Tzu's art of war in combination with the War of Resistance Against Japan; fifth, Founded the Chinese Normal Museum, wrote the most academic importance of the museum cultural relics specifications; sixth, attacked current politics, and expressed his opinions with a straight face.

How were the masters of Sinology forged? The "Yangtze River Pulpit" takes you closer to Qian Jibo, the father of Qian Zhongshu

When sharing "How Masters Are Forged", Professor Wang Yude's view is that a good family education background and the economic development and cultural prosperity of Jiangsu and Zhejiang are important objective conditions, but the subjective factors such as Mr. Qian Jibo's self-governance, seeing the wise and thinking together, insisting on learning, good reading habits, independent academic personality, and abiding by patriotic spirit are the fundamental reasons for him to become a master of traditional Chinese studies.

In the interactive session after the lecture, the unfinished online and offline listeners asked Professor Wang Yude questions, "Hello Professor Wang! What is orthodox Sinology now? "How do you evaluate Nan Huaijin, a master of traditional Chinese studies?" "The child is 7 years old, bought him a traditional "History", he is not interested, like to read animation history books, do not know how to train him to learn traditional history and culture?" "How can contemporary young people improve their cultural literacy?" Such enthusiastic and enthusiastic questions reflect the current Chinese people's concern and enthusiasm for sinology.

In response to the questions of the listeners, Professor Wang Yude answered them one by one. On the issue of "how to cultivate children to love history and traditional culture" that parents are most concerned about, Professor Wang suggested that we can grasp the children's interest points and pick out the interesting small story fragments in the "History" for him to read.

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