
Is it possible for inmates to escape?

author:Soul Thinking f0Xx

A friend asked in a private message, is it possible for the prisoner to escape? Why did the Koreans make a mistake to be able to escape from prison successfully?

I replied to him that only by committing a crime can I be a man again if I have committed a crime, and any idea of escaping is in vain.

So, is it possible for a prisoner to escape or escape? To say that there is none is not a fact, but the success rate is minimal.

Prisons used to be called labor camps, and inmates mainly worked in the wild and in the fields, and it was impossible for so many police forces to watch the prisoners' every move, the management was relatively lax, and escape incidents occurred from time to time. After 2000, the prison transformation was basically over, all prisoners worked indoors, and there were very few escapes.

In order to prevent prisoners from escaping, prisons have two means: technical defense and civil air defense.

The modern prison security management system mainly includes two parts - security system and information management system. Security system is the top priority, the main application of modern security products, such as: TV monitoring system, access control system, perimeter prevention system, illegal access alarm system and so on. The information management system is mainly used for statistics, management, and recording of prison personnel information.

From the factory to the prison gate there are A, B, C three doors, if you want to escape from the gate, only with the help of cooperative manufacturers to transport goods of the car, either hidden in the carriage, or hidden in the bottom of the car, the current infrared scanner any living creature can not hide its eyes, even a mouse can be exposed;

The prison is also called a high wall, because its wall is more than five meters high, there is a high-voltage power grid on the wall, and outside the wall is a 3-meter-wide trench, which is full of tribulus and barbs, and jumping down is either dead or injured;

The sewers and sewer pipes in the prison are specially made, and the manhole covers are equipped with protective nets, and there is no way to escape from the pipe network.

In addition to technical defense, the most important thing is civil air defense.

Prisoners were counted every 20 minutes, and even when they went to bed at night, there were duty officers clocking in on time. As long as it is found that one less prisoner is a big deal, it is almost impossible to escape within 20 minutes;

Armed police stand guard. Armed police stood guard 24 hours a day and found that the prisoners could escape with weapons.

Anti-escape education. Prisons should conduct anti-escape education twice a year to prevent prisoners from having the idea of escaping;

The prison implements a three-link system, in which prisoners monitor each other; prisoners cannot move away from the sight of the police; prisoners cannot stay in a separate space... Therefore, the chances of a prisoner escaping or escaping from prison are very small.

There is no way out of escape, only sin added to sin.