
Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

author:Lingchuan Education
Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

Sooner or later, the epidemic will pass, and when the epidemic passes, what can be left for children becomes the most real and precious "education scene" that should be asked at the moment. "Under the epidemic", I hope to send out a percussion through these thoughts, leaving an echo for our children, perhaps just a few words, or will become the echo of the point after the epidemic on the road of his life.

2020 was an extraordinary year, when the sudden attack of the new coronavirus challenged us, and to this day, this war without smoke and smoke continues.

Under the epidemic situation, some people are fighting on the front line, some people are supporting retrograde, some people are sticking to their posts, some people are trapped in the virus, some workers are stopping work, some students are suspended, some roads are stopped... In the meantime, the big love and the small self, the test of life and the contemplation of death, the reflection on how to realize personal value and the real dilemma of different social levels are intertwined.

In the face of this severe epidemic, it is necessary to stimulate people's in-depth thinking about this special battle. Among them, the heaviest topic is the "life education" related to life and death.

Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

The development of life education

"Life education" has always been a serious topic, and it is also of great concern at home and abroad.

As early as 1968, the American Jedonne Watts began to advocate and practice the idea of "life education", and the concept of "life education" was formally proposed by Australians in 1974. Subsequently, Sydney, Japan, Ukraine and other countries have also paid attention to life education, and gradually began to link with primary and secondary school curricula.

Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are also extremely concerned about "life education", taking Taiwan as an example:

In 1997, the Taiwan Education Bureau introduced death education and life and death education as life education. After several years of development, Taiwan's life education has formed its own unique system from educational goals, curriculum settings, classroom teaching to evaluation activities, and is in full swing. At present, Taiwan's secondary schools have independent "life education classes, equipped with professional life education teachers, and stipulate class hours."

Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

Professor of Peking University on life education

Where did our lives come from? Are some lives more valuable than others? Do I live for myself or for others? Is my life entirely my own? Do I have the right to dispose of or even end my life?


He Huaihong, a professor in the Department of Philosophy at Peking University, has mentioned this series of issues when talking about how to talk to children about life and death, and he has expressed profound and concise views around these issues.

He noted:

We cannot but be in awe of life, it is so beautiful and mysterious. Each of us must take care of it, take care of our children, let them know how to respect life and cherish life from an early age, so that this miracle can continue to extend, fully display, and blossom.

All life is equal, every human life can shine with its own brilliance, and everyone is an independent individual. Individuals should be self-reliant, self-reliant, self-reliant, which is a positive thing, but there will also be negative narcissistic selfishness and so on. Rather, the individual is a neutral thing that can properly grasp both aspects. In the development of meaningful for their own side, such as self-reliance, self-confidence and self-improvement, to be beneficial to others, beneficial to society, in fact, first of all, we must build ourselves into an instrument, we love our children, but we can not completely have our own life. Our education is actually an education that enables children to educate themselves, to make them independent.

Death is a natural rule, and we naturally look at it, which is more complicated. Accelerate not artificially, don't even be afraid, at a certain age, we have to tell our children frankly.

We need to maintain a loving exchange and communication with our children.

In our bodies, we can see the shadow of our fathers and grandparents and even earlier ancestors. We can tell our children that our fathers and grandfathers will continue their lives and live in you; each of us was born for no reason.

In short, we must teach our children to always be in awe and always grateful for this beautiful world.

Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

So, the question is, on this topic, in daily life, how do we guide children to integrate the correct concept of life education into their lives?

The education of life in reading – the power of reality

The famous writer Lin Yutang said: "Reading can make people gain new knowledge, increase their knowledge, and cultivate their spiritual spirits." "Reading brings people not only the power of knowledge, but also a spiritual force, an educational force. For students, reading is one of the most necessary learning tools for students, a window to the world around them.

Whether it's reading stories of real people, biographical literature, or picture books, there's "real power."

Dr. King, who fights for human rights, Helen Keller, who bravely pursues the light, Hawking, who resolutely fights against the disease, Anderson Teresa, who gently encourages others...

These stories intertwined by real life can not only inspire emotions in the hearts of children, so that they can read the life stories of others while also learning to think about their own lives; at the same time, children see specific life models, through the role of expanding and lengthening the child's perspective and vision of life, so that they no longer focus solely on the present, as the protagonist of the story thinks about his own life and dreams, moving his mind to prepare for the future, while embracing confidence and hope.

Life meets life, often colliding with amazing beautiful sparks, and life education is the process of life influencing each other. When children read the true stories of those pictures and texts and walk into their brilliant lives, I believe that they will also have different thoughts and experiences about their lives and see more beautiful scenery of life.

Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

Recommended Bibliography:

"The Other Side of the Sky Blue", "The Diary of Anne Frank", "Luba - Belson's Angel" and so on

Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

Life education in movies – the best situational teaching

Watching movies, and is very focused on watching appropriate movies, when children can mentally project into the protagonists in the play, cry and laugh together, and face the difficulties and choices of life together, watching movies can be a simulated situational teaching.

--Li Weiwen

Watching movies with children is the best material for life education, and in the process of watching, through the most interpreted scenes, realize the beauty of life.

Recommended movies with selected educational themes:

【 People and Themselves 】

Bicycle on the road (etude) 【Taiwan】

Whale Rider: [New Zealand]

Meet Socrates at the gas station late at night: [USA]

Igniting the Sea of Life: [Spain]

Diving Bell and Butterfly: [France]

【 Man and Other Human Beings 】

The Fox and the Child: [France]

Tangshan Earthquake:【Chinese mainland】

Sending a letter to Copenhagen: [USA]

Mr. Leif's Shakespeare Lesson: [USA]

Sender: [Japan]

【 People and Environment 】

The Last Hunter: [Canada]

Wali: [USA]

Formosa's Ring: [Taiwan]

Up the River: [Canada]

Genius Angler: 【Japan】

【 Others 】

Fiddler on the roof: [USA]

Friendship: [United States]

Moonlight Fiddler: [Greece]

Piano boy who wants to fly: [Switzerland]

Li Weiwen said: "Every time we watch a movie together, it is an intimate exchange between parents and children. The discussion after the movie opens up the dialogue between parents and children. Those life clips in the movie nourish and enrich the world of children, so that they are more courageous and optimistic when facing their own life issues. ”

May every family, every child, be nourished by the fragments of life, start a better journey of life!

Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

"Echo" series is underway, "under the epidemic" If you pay attention to the growth of children, if you have some thoughts, even if it is only a few words, welcome to leave us a message directly on the "Lingchuan Education" WeChat platform, or send your text to us through the mailbox, we will send it in the tweets that follow!

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Echo: Education for life under the epidemic


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Echo: Education for life under the epidemic

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Echo: Education for life under the epidemic
Echo: Education for life under the epidemic
Echo: Education for life under the epidemic
Echo: Education for life under the epidemic