
"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

author:Hong Kong film nostalgia

Liu Jialiang, Yuan Heping, Cheng Xiaodong and Hong Jinbao are known as the four major action directors in the Hong Kong film industry, each of which is extremely prestigious, and "Wuguan", "Jingwu Hero", "New Dragon Gate Inn" and "A Knife to the City" are their masterpieces. In addition to them, there are Lin Zhengying, Jackie Chan, Zhen Zidan, Dong Wei, Yuan Biao, Yuan Kui and other excellent action directors, if you pick another fifth, personally inclined to Yuan Kui, he is the most low-key strength faction in the "Seven Little Fortunes", and his reputation in the circle is extremely high.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

Yuankui in the "Seven Little Fortunes" is not Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan Yuanbiao "Iron Triangle" famous, not chartered Gong Yuanhua and chartered Po Yuanqiu so like acting, he likes to be behind the scenes, like to be an action director, one of the roles on the screen that everyone is most familiar with should be Li Guobang who is "safety first" in "Fang Shiyu 2", as well as "Gambling Saint" Fish Sheng, Master Huo of "New Jingwumen 1991", and Shi Chun, a policeman in "Corpse Heavy Land". Yuan Kui's record is also brilliant, "Royal Master Sister" opened the road of Yang Ziqiong to beat women, "Gamble Saint" won the red Zhou Xingchi, "Fang Shiyu" won the red Zhao Wenzhuo, and he was also Jet Li's best partner, helping Jet Li's Zhengdong Film Company to fight in the country and break into Hollywood with Jet Li.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

Of course, Yuan Kui is most proud of the action design, in the action film industry is also a banner, although not Cheng Jia Ban, Hong Jinbao, Dong Wei, Yuan Heping, Cheng Xiaodong They have won many awards, but also won 15 nominations for the Academy Awards, let's take a look!

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

1. "Dragon Ninja"

The Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Action Direction was established from the 2nd edition, and Wonk kwai was nominated for his first independent directing work, "Dragon Ninja", losing to "Loser Boy", a dream combination of Hung Kam Po, Lam Cheng Ying, Yuan Biao and Chan Wai-yi, which is not unjust at all, and "Loser Boy" is still regarded as a Wing Chun teaching film. It is necessary to mention li Yuanba, the star of "Dragon Ninja", who wanted to make him a second Jackie Chan, but he destroyed his future and offended Wu Siyuan.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

2. "New Shushan Swordsman"

The road is narrow, the 3rd Academy Awards Yuan Kui was nominated for "New Shu Mountain Swordsman", and once again met Yuan Biao, Lin Zhengying, Chen Huiyi and several others, losing to their "Strange Scheme Five Luck Stars". Xu Ke has always been a pioneer in the film industry, the pursuit of stunts, innovation, has never changed, "New Shushan Swordsman" invited the Hollywood special effects team to assist that year, and strive to achieve the magnificent and brilliant fairy world in his heart. Objectively speaking, Xu Ke's "New Shushan Swordsman" more than 30 years ago is much better than Cheng Xiaodong's "Xue Xian 1", what do you think?

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

3. "Royal Sister"

At the wrong time, the "Royal Master Sister" created by Yuan Kui and Meng Hai met the "Police Story" of the Chengjia class, which is also a fashion police film, but the scene of Jackie Chan's brother is larger and more desperate. The significance of "Royal Master Sister" is that yang Ziqiong has become popular, marking that she has begun to embark on the road of beating women from a rich family who learned to dance.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

4. "Pioneer of Law Enforcement"

At that time, Yuan Biao slowly began to break away from the Hongjia class and move toward independence, and Together with Yuan Kui, he created "Law Enforcement Pioneer", desperately did not lose jackie Chan of "Police Story", and also staged a thrilling action of jumping off the plane, and there were two helpers in the action design, but unfortunately lost to Cheng Xiaodong's "Strange Edge", which was really a bit of a surprise.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

5. "Fang Shiyu"

Yuan Kui has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Action Director 15 times, the only time he won the award was his and Yuande's "Fang Shiyu", he designed a strong and powerful and dashing and beautiful action for Jet Li, personally I think the most powerful scene is the leg skills of Jet Li and Zhao Wenzhuo under the execution ground, the small space you come and go, wonderful. The best action director of that year was also a fairy fight, Yuan Bin's "Huang Feihong 3" and Yuan Heping, Yuan Xiangren, Yuan Xinyi, Gu Xuanzhao's "Young Huang Feihong's Iron Horse", Cheng Xiaodong's "Three Heroes of the East" were lost.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

6 and 7, "Middle, South, Sea, Bodyguard" and "New Shaolin Five Ancestors"

In 1993, jet Li began to seek transformation after experiencing the great melee of the year of martial arts, and Yuan Kui's "Zhong, South, Sea, Bodyguard" tailored for him came into being, and its success also gave birth to the later "Jingwu Hero". Whether it is a shootout in the mall or a fight between Jet Li and Zou Zhaolong in the gas chamber at the end, Yuankui's entire design is flowing smoothly and does not drag at all. In 1995, the 14th Academy Awards Best Action Direction Award was a real fairy fight, Yuan Kui two film nominations, the result was lost, really because the opponent is too strong, met Liu Jialiang and ChengJiaban's "Drunken Fist 2", to know that that year's first Chinese action film "Jingwu Hero" lost.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

8. "Letter to Daddy"

The 15th competition is also more fierce, Yuan Kui and Yuan De's "Letter to Daddy" lost to Tang Jili and Jackie Chan's "Red Fan District", the three-legged king fought Jet Li Xie Miao's "father and son", after all, it is not as thrilling as Jackie Chan's big brother, you know that it is that jump that completely conquered foreigners. Accompanying yuanbin, Meng Hai and Dong Wei's "Knife", Chengjiaban and Hongjiaban's "Thunderbolt Fire" and Luo Lixian's "Chariot of Fire" were also accompanied by Yuanbin, Meng Hai and Dong Wei.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

9. "The God of Fists"

Co-directed by Yuan Kui and Liu Weiqiang, this film is a semi-sci-fi and half-action film, and in Yuankui's directing career, "Fist God" is not well known, mainly because the story is not good. That year, he lost to Dong Wei and ChengJiaban's "Special, Service Maze" in action direction.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

10. "Sunset Angel"

This film is jointly produced by Zhengdong Film Company and Columbia Film Company, it is said that the lineup considered at the beginning was Cecilia Cheung and Karen Mok as two sisters, Zhao Wei played a policewoman, and later Cecilia Cheung resigned, replaced by Shu Qi, and then adjusted the role, the plot of this film is general, but the action design is romantic, all kinds of pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, my luck was a little worse, and I met Cheng Xiaodong's "Hero" that year.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

11. "Thousand Machines Change 2 Flower Capital War"

In 2004, Yuan Kui and Liang Bojian co-directed "Thousand Chances Change 2 Huadu War", the lineup is quite strong, Liang Jiahui, Zhen Zidan, Jackie Chan, etc., but unfortunately the plot is a mess. Similarly, that year, he encountered a god-level opponent, Yuan Heping's "Kung Fu", and he did not lose at all.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

12 and 13, "On the Red Cliff" and "Under the Red Cliff"

Wu Yusen returned from Hollywood that year and created a large-scale costume war film "Chibi", Yuan Kui applied his action design concept to the war scenes of tens of thousands of people, and a hearty cold weapon battle brought a new visual impact to the film. However, Wu Yusen did not tell this Three Kingdoms story well, the pace is too slow, if you combine one, it may be better. "On the Red Cliff" lost to Hong Jinbao and Liang Xiaoxiong's "Ip Man", and "Under the Red Cliff" lost to Dong Wei and Li Dachao's "October Siege".

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

14. "New Shaolin Temple"

Chen Musheng's directorial works, Andy Lau, Nicholas Tse, Jackie Chan, Wu Jing, Xiong Xinxin, Yu Hai, Shi Xingyu, all kinds of masters to join, although not as good as "Shaolin Temple", but overall is a rhythmic, ornamental film, which is indispensable to the credit of Yuan Kui, Yuan De, Li Zhongzhi, but the three of them lost to the "Dragon Gate Flying Armor" of Yuan Bin, Lan Haihan, Sun Jiankui trio.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

15. "Huang Feihong's Hero Has a Dream"

Jet Li and Zhao Wenzhuo did not have Huang Feihong after that, even if Hong Jinbao and Liang Jiahui joined, Yuan Kui was also a clever woman who was difficult to cook without rice, and lost to Zhen Zidan, Dong Wei, Yuan Bin, and Yan Hua in "One Man's Martial Forest" that year.

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

In addition to the 15 works mentioned above, YuanKui also has directorial works such as "Fang Shiyu Sequel", "Flying Dragon Fierce General", "Ma Yongzhen", "Royal Female General", "Sister Dashe" and "Oriental Condor", "Dragon Young Master", "Children of the Troubled World", "Rats and Dragons", "Scorpion Warrior" and other works involved in action design, which works of YuanKui that you like most "safety first"?

"Safety first" Yuan Kui, who has been nominated for best action direction 15 times, did not have "Ma Yongzhen"

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