
The westerly wind did not leave last night sad

author:Memories of Mr. Two

There was a time when it was customary to use drowsiness and thinking to leave room for myself to be alone. How long had I not been left alone? Everything seems to be impossible to talk about, so shocked is not another intention, but suddenly seeing such a sentence that I once knew and could easily wake myself up made me a little speechless about this one in the recent period.

The westerly wind did not leave last night sad

I have always been a person who appreciates loneliness in my heart, who is willing to get close to the "low temperature" and can live out my own taste "alone"! In the crowd of people who can meet such people, just like meeting a confidant who has long been acquainted, with a sigh of the heart, hugging each other, there is no strangeness, no accident!

The westerly wind did not leave last night sad

I am also willing to thank myself for my past, because during that period, I had a lot of spontaneous and humble time, grateful for my love and hatred, no compromise against my heart, to go with the flow of my life. Sometimes loneliness is a gesture, the closest to the self, there is a tacit thing, will boil in the young heart, such as in the calm lake, into an unknown stirring, stirring up ripples, a circle of their own lonely scattered on the surface of the water.

The westerly wind did not leave last night sad

People who are cold and accustomed to being alone will inherently have an inexplicable attraction, even if they sit in a dark corner, do not argue, do not explain, do not make noise, but still find that there is a thin layer of nameless atmosphere all around them, calm, full, silent. The solemnity on their faces is a kind of craftsman's sobriety and loneliness. Even if all the sounds and colors were converged, the aura under the body was still full of amazing turbulence, which was a kind of proud loneliness.

Once, in the company of loneliness, from a fragile and sensitive teenager, all the way to a middle-aged man with deep eyes, knowledge of the world, but still not sophisticated, the calm in his heart has slowly penetrated into a pot of aged wine, and in the time of trimming and cutting, he suddenly understood that he was really suitable for loneliness, suitable for lonely sobriety, which made himself tough and soft.

The westerly wind did not leave last night sad

People, in fact, do not need to be mixed in the crowd, lively is the most accessible in life, but also the most easy to make people lose their measure, it is easier to lose themselves, so let themselves retain an inner emptiness, a state of independence.

The westerly wind did not leave last night sad

Once again alone, standing alone in the silence of the night, darkness filled the end of the line of sight, and the sound of a thin wind passing through the gap between the branches was heard in the side ear, like a whimper, more like a summons, as if to make me get closer, closer, and could not refuse! Perhaps the most important force in life will follow silently, no matter how thick the darkness is.