
The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

author:Barcelona Films

Recently, the entertainment industry has really collapsed to aesthetic fatigue, and I am reluctant to eat melons.

I believe that every fan is now vaguely afraid, my "little white flower" brother, will it be targeted one day? Don't worry, if there is such a day, it must not be because of whose cake he moved, but because he was the original thing.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

With the legal team and the scumbag team each adding a point, the internal entertainment of 2021 suddenly has a little bit of bloody taste, under all kinds of critical hits, the long-awaited "brother" has begun, compared with the beauty blessing of "Lang Sister", the focus of "brother" seems to shift to nostalgia.

Obviously, this card is played very cleverly, as long as the money is in place, even the classic brothers have to bend their waists, but now the brothers who look "highly respected" have a clean past?

The private life of entertainment industry stars is chaotic, but it is not the atmosphere that has been in the past two years, and the "brother" who "does not keep male morality" is really a big catch, but fortunately, the Internet has no memory, but people have ah.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Chen Xiaochun, Xie Tianhua and Lin Xiaofeng have formed a group on the same stage, which has almost become the best selling point of "Brother", six years have passed since the last "Friendship Years" concert, and twenty years have passed since the last "Ancient Puzzle Boy" movie.

That era not only won a group of blue-headed teenagers, of course, but also gave them the capital to indulge, and now they are mentioned that they are all successful in their careers and happy families, but for example, Xie Tianhua, although he is a gold medal supporting role of TVB, has also been reduced to a "problem artist", and black materials are flying all over the sky.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Xie Tianhua's fame is not too late, and the starting point is not low, but he was born in an era when everyone is a heavenly king, so it is naturally difficult to get ahead and have no real skills.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Xie Tianhua, who came from a dance class, used to accompany various big-name artists until he won the championship of the dance program in 2007, which proved that his profession was really very strong.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

The accompaniment dance can not go out of the way, so with his and Chen Xiaochun and Zhu Yongtang's wind and fire combination, the singing and dancing combination is very distinctive, but the most important thing in that era is the charismatic singing and dancing combination, so in the end, they collectively turned to the actor's career.

Since then, the actor's career has started, not only gaining a foothold in the Hong Kong film circle, but also leaving a name on TVB and carving traces in the youth of a generation.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Career is smooth, people will inevitably drift, Xie Tianhua's emotional life always has endless accidents, in the final analysis, is to disregard morality, with a wife and children also lingering in nightclubs, coincidences, inevitably let people feel that everything is not a coincidence.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Xie Tianhua and his wife Li Tianen began to fall in love in 1993, 13 years of love run finally had results in 2005, his wife Li Tianen is not an insider, but also not an outsider, once Zhou Haimei's agent, and later became Xie Tianhua's agent.

Such a star with an agent, the example of seeing the truth for a long time, is really not a minority, as an agent, Li Tianen should also be familiar with the normality of this circle, so he can persist for 13 years, and finally cultivate the right results, it is estimated that it is also true love.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

If the love on the table has a result, can it be stopped under the table? Xie Tianhua wandered the nightclub, and the rumors of often being accompanied by beautiful women never stopped. In 2005, it was exposed that he bought drunk from a nightclub late at night, accompanied by tender molds, throwing hugs, Qingqing and me, intimate abnormalities, but without bed photos, it is not a hammer, even if the Hong Kong media will scold again, it is useless.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

In 2009, Xie Tianhua was a little too uncaring for feathers, drunk driving was sentenced, the time was not long, just 6 weeks, suspended for one year, although rounded up equal to no sentence, but it was also a stain on life, and this did not delay his new scandal at all.

Not long after, Xie Tianhua was exposed to having met Wang Luyao, a young model who made a restricted movie, in a nightclub, and the two quickly heated up, not only being photographed by Hong Kong media, But also sending photos to her social platform.

If this is not nothing, then what is more coincidental is that Xie Tianhua's wife Li Tianen was suddenly admitted to the hospital, creating unlimited imagination space for all walks of life to eat melons...

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?
The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

In 2012, Xie Tianhua's acting career in TVB flourished, during the filming, he partnered with a bold personality, a fiery figure of Gou Yunhui, a car shock scene is too realistic, photographed by paparazzi, the two both became the protagonist of "car shock door", although it was ultimately a farce, but he spent his heart outside the mouth, but also to pull the beauty into the water, it is outrageous, although the beauty is not a fuel-saving lamp, but the beauty is really miserable.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?
The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

It may be that Xie Tianhua's Brother Laughing is famous, so there will always be warblers and swallows to pounce on it, not to mention, Xie Tianhua will also give the opportunity, "do not refuse" this trick, take it to death.

During the filming in 2013, the heroine of the scandal changed again, this time it was the Hong Kong sister Yuan Jiamin, who really admired Xie Tianhua, with explicit words and strong love, even if the filming ended, he would praise Xie Tianhua continuously, and even take the initiative to contact, the two met again, and the interaction was also very intimate, and there was no avoidance.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?
The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Although it has been exposed, there are not many powerful hammers, so the melon-eating masses will eat melons, and Xie Tianhua has not really completely overturned the car.

Until 2016, the former well-known melon entertainment number "Guan Ba" received the news that some people claimed to have slept in Brother Laughing, and posted items secretly photographed in the hotel, and the watch and glasses in the photo did collide with Xie Tianhua. And Xie Tianhua also came forward to respond, "if you want to be red, work well" and the like, somewhat avoid the heavy and light, and it is not convincing to be ridiculed.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?
The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?
The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?
The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Similarly, at the same time that Xie Tianhua's beautiful women around him continued and scandals continued, his wife Li Tianen was exposed to inability to have children, multiple artificial conceptions, and finally gave birth to a son.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

Therefore, while being moved by the classic reproduction, I also hope that the Internet has a memory.

Although this kind of thing in private life is a personal matter, but in the entertainment circle, it is inevitable to be concerned, when you can't make money, you should pay attention to it, when you are scolded, you will ask others to take it, put down the bowl and scold the mother, it is really a bit unkind.

So the best cure is to ask the artists to have a little AC number in their hearts, if there is a lover who has a family, then keep the bottom line of the moral law, do not have to compete to be a moral pacesetter, but at least be a person, otherwise, it is really worthy of being scolded.

The peach-colored gossip has never stopped, the mixed real and false materials are critical hits, laughing brother Xie Tianhua has not collapsed?

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