
Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

Xie Tianhua's story has to start with that crowded and warm little home. Sau Mau Ping Estate, a place full of life, is also the cradle of his growth. Imagine a space of less than 200 square feet to accommodate a family of 11 people, which is almost inconceivable today. But for Xie Tianhua, it is not only a place to live, but also a treasure trove of his childhood memories.

Poverty in the family did not prevent family members from bonding with each other. Xie Tianhua's home, although the material conditions are limited, love and care are everywhere. With 9 siblings, plus parents, each of them is an integral part of this small family. When night falls, there is a "battle for a bed" at home. With not enough room, Xie Tianhua and the other brothers had to get creative and turn the hallway into their makeshift bedroom. The nylon bed, a simple and practical invention, became their support for a good night's sleep.

You may wonder how Xie Tianhua spends his days in such an environment. In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine through the windows, the house begins to live. Siblings scrambled to wash up, mother busily prepared breakfast, and father left early to work to support the family. Despite the difficult living conditions, everyone is full of love for life and vision for the future.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

At school, Xie Tianhua is not the kind of child who is particularly conspicuous. His grades were mediocre, but his curiosity and desire to learn were unusually strong. He likes to observe the world around him and think about the problems of life. Whenever he came home from school, he couldn't wait to share what he saw and heard at school with his siblings, and the family was filled with laughter.

Over time, Xie Tianhua gradually demonstrated his leadership qualities. In the family, he began to take on more responsibilities, helping his parents take care of their younger siblings and taking care of household chores. His maturity and steadiness made his parents feel extremely gratified. In the community, he has gradually become a leader for the children, organizing various games and activities to make this small community full of vitality.

Despite the challenges in life, Xie Tianhua never gave up on the pursuit of a better life. He knows that only through his own efforts can he change the status quo and create a more comfortable living environment for his family. His perseverance and positivity deeply influenced his siblings and became the cornerstone of his future success.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

Xie Tianhua's story is a story of growth, challenge and hope. In that small space, he learned how to find opportunities in the face of adversity and how to remain optimistic in the face of difficulties. These experiences have undoubtedly shaped his strong character and laid a solid foundation for his future life path. And this story is far from over......

Xie Tianhua's father, a man who doesn't say much in front of life but has a lot of weight. His words are not many, but every sentence is like a mark engraved on Xie Tianhua's heart, which has a far-reaching impact. In this challenging environment, his father pointed out the direction of Xie Tianhua's life in his own way.

My father was an ordinary worker, who went out early and returned late every day, worked hard, and supported the family with his own hands. Although he rarely expresses his emotions directly, his love and expectations for his children are integrated into the bits and pieces of his daily life. He always silently pays attention to the growth of children and educates them with his own actions.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

In Xie Tianhua's memory, his father always emphasized the importance of honesty and integrity. He told Xie Tianhua that no matter how difficult life is, he must not give up his principles and cannot embark on the road of crime. This kind of education, although there is no flowery rhetoric, is deeply rooted in Xie Tianhua's heart and has become the compass of his life.

In the complex environment of Sau Mau Ping Estate, Tse has seen a variety of people and things. Sometimes, some bad temptations and pressures can make him feel lost and confused. But every time this happens, he thinks of his father's words and those simple but profound truths. This allows him to always maintain his true colors in a complex social environment and not learn badly.

My father's way of upbringing, although there are not many words, is full of wisdom and strength. Through his actions, he set an example for Xie Tianhua. Whether it is diligence and persistence in work, or honesty and integrity in life, his father has influenced Xie Tianhua with his practical actions.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

As time passed, Xie Tianhua gradually understood his father's good intentions. He began to cherish his father's teachings more and work harder to practice those life principles. He knows that only through his own efforts can he truly realize his father's expectations of him and truly become a useful person to society.

Xie Tianhua's story is a story of growth, education and influence. The role of the father is crucial in this process. His taciturn did not hinder the wisdom of life that he passed on to Xie Tianhua. On the contrary, this unique way of education has given Xie Tianhua a deeper understanding of the complexity and beauty of life. And this story is still continuing, and Xie Tianhua's life is also continuing......

Xie Tianhua's childhood, although not rich, had a different kind of richness. Every corner of the Sau Mau Ping Estate has left the cheerful footprints of him and his friends. The joy of that time, simple and pure, did not require expensive toys and did not need the company of video games. A piece of mud, a twig, or even a tiny grasshopper can be a source of happiness for them.2

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

I remember those days, when the sun was always shining brightly, Xie Tianhua and his friends chased and frolicked in the open space of the estate. They catch grasshoppers more than anyone who catches them, and whose grasshopper jumps farther. It is a kind of joy in close contact with nature, which is difficult for modern children to experience. The feeling of the grasshopper jumping in the palm of the hand, the transmission of that kind of vitality, makes people feel awe. They would also simmer sweet potatoes, find a few bricks, build a small stove, light a firewood, and bury the sweet potatoes under the hot coals. The moment of waiting is always full of anticipation, when the fragrance of sweet potatoes is overflowing, everyone sits around, you take a bite and I take a bite, sharing this simple but extremely satisfying happiness.

Xie Tianhua's childhood was accompanied by nature and neighbors with the community. Their childhood, without too many constraints, without too many worries. In that era when there was no Internet, their world was the sky of the estate, and it was the little friends around them. They can run freely outside, they can laugh out loud, and they can have fun. That kind of freedom is unimaginable for modern children.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

Compared to modern children, Xie Tianhua's childhood was closer to nature and community. They are not occupied by all kinds of interest classes and cram schools, nor are they confined to a small space by mobile phones and computers. In their childhood, they grew up freely in the vast world of the outdoors, and learned to share and cooperate through interaction with their partners. The joy and freedom of childhood come from the heart and cannot be replaced by any material conditions.

Xie Tianhua often wonders, although modern children are rich in material conditions, are their childhood as happy and free as they were back then? Do they still have the opportunity to experience the joy of being in close contact with nature, to feel the freedom to play with their friends? Perhaps, every era has its own childhood, but that innocent happiness and free state of mind is a precious treasure that should not be lost in any era.

Xie Tianhua's childhood is like a cheerful song, with a simple but touching melody. The time spent with his friends, the days of running freely in nature, have become the most precious memories of his life. Even if the years go by, even if life changes, the joy and freedom of childhood will always be engraved in his heart and become his strength to move forward.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

Xie Tianhua's family life is a lively and warm picture. When night falls, the long tables at home are filled with steaming dishes, which is the busiest time of the day. Eleven people, sitting around the dining table that never seemed to be long enough, you chopsticks and I spoonful, quickly sharing four or five dishes carefully prepared by my mother.

On the dining table, there is my father's favorite braised pork, which is fat but not greasy, and melts in the mouth; There is a steamed fish that my mother is good at, the fish is delicate and the soup is delicious; There are also scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which are sweet and sour, full of color, flavor and flavor. Every dish is a taste of home, and every bite is a feeling of happiness.

In such a lively dining atmosphere, Xie Tianhua unconsciously developed the habit of eating quickly. Maybe it's because there are more people and fewer dishes, or maybe it's because everyone is scrambling to taste every dish, in short, eating has become a contest of speed and passion. He always manages to sweep the food in the bowl in just a few minutes.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

After growing up, even though he has left that crowded but warm home, Xie Tianhua's habit has not changed. Whenever he sat alone at the dining table, facing the food in front of him, he would unconsciously speed up, as if the laughter of his family was ringing in his ears again, as if he was back at the lively table.

This habit of eating quickly, although to some extent reflects his homesickness, has also had some impact on his health. According to studies9, fast eating may lead to problems such as indigestion, stomach bloating, and easy to consume too many calories, increasing the risk of obesity. Therefore, Xie Tianhua is also gradually trying to adjust his eating habits, slow down the speed of eating, chew slowly, and enjoy the beauty brought by every bite of food.

Family life and eating habits are an indispensable part of a person's upbringing. They not only affect our physical health, but also carry the warmth and happiness of home. For Xie Tianhua, the lively table and those dishes that were quickly shared are the most precious memories of his life. How to combine these good memories with a healthy lifestyle is a topic that he needs to continue to explore and learn on the road of growth.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

Xie Tianhua stood in front of the window, his gaze through the glass, and landed on the community park downstairs. There, several children are each looking down and playing with their phones, occasionally looking up to exchange a few short words, and then quickly immersing themselves in their own little world. This scene made him frown, and a trace of worry surged in his heart.

He recalls his childhood, when community parks were a children's paradise. They chased and frolicked, played hide-and-seek, jumped rubber bands, kicked shuttlecocks, and every party was full of laughter. The children of the neighbor's house are not only familiar with each other, but also have a close relationship, like a family. That kind of innocent friendship, that kind of harmony between neighbors, is unimaginable for today's children.

Looking at the present, Xie Tianhua found that modern children seem to have become lazy. They prefer to stay at home and face a cold screen rather than go out of the house and experience the outside world. The sense of community seems to be becoming more and more weak in their minds, they don't know their neighbors, they don't know their surroundings, and even when they meet, they are addicted to their mobile phones and lack communication and interaction.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

This change worries Xie Tianhua. He worries that this kind of living situation will make children lose the ability to communicate with others, whether they will become self-isolated, lack team spirit and sense of social responsibility. He worries about whether such a childhood can still raise a healthy, happy, and caring next generation.

Xie Tianhua began to reflect on the differences between modern children and his own childhood. He realized that it was not just a problem for the children, but also a problem of the entire social environment and the way of education. With the development of science and technology, people's life rhythm is getting faster and faster, and the pressure of competition is also increasing. Parents are busy with work, children are busy with learning, and everyone is striving for a better life, but they ignore the most basic emotional communication between people.

He recalls that when he was a child, his parents were busy, but they always found time to spend time with them, teaching them how to get along with others and how to care for others. Schools and communities also organise activities to give children the opportunity to get out of the house, get in touch with the community, and experience life. And now, it seems to have become extravagant.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

Xie Tianhua realized that to change the status quo, we need the joint efforts of all sectors of society. Parents, schools, communities, and even every adult should take responsibility for creating a healthier and more harmonious environment for children to grow up in. Give them the opportunity to explore, experience, and communicate, and develop their sense of community and social responsibility.

He began to think about what he could do. Perhaps, we can start by spending more time with our children and organizing more community activities, so that children have more opportunities to go out of the house and experience the beauty of life. Perhaps, more people can be advocated to pay attention to this issue and work together for the future of children.

Xie Tianhua knows that this is a long-term process that requires patience and perseverance. But he believes that with a little effort from everyone, they can create a better tomorrow for children. He hopes that the children of the future will not only have a rich material life, but also have a healthy, happy and loving childhood.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

Xie Tianhua's family is like a big tree deeply rooted in the soil, with lush branches and leaves, and solid roots. His relationship with his family, especially his filial piety to his mother, is the most luxuriant branch of this big tree. No matter how busy he is at work, he always tries to find time to go home to his mother, listen to her tell stories about the past, and share the bits and pieces of his life.

In Xie Tianhua's heart, his mother is the greatest and most selfless person in the world. She used her own hands to support the whole family and warm every child with her love. Whenever he saw the wrinkles on his mother's face, he felt a trace of guilt, which was the mark left on her face by the years and the proof of her dedication to the family. Therefore, he always does his best to make his mother feel the love and care of her son.

In addition to his filial piety to his mother, Xie Tianhua's relationship with his family is also very harmonious. He often travels with his family to enjoy the beauty of nature or at home family gatherings to taste delicious dishes made by his mother's own hands. In these heartwarming moments, he was always able to feel the warmth and strength of his family, which he could not get in the outside world.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

On the issue of having children, Xie Tianhua has an open attitude. He believes that having children is a part of life, but it is not the whole of life. He believes that whether you have children or not, you can enjoy life and find your own happiness. He will not blindly pursue procreation because of social pressure or the constraints of traditional concepts. On the contrary, he will make the most suitable choice for himself based on his actual situation and inner thoughts.

In Xie Tianhua's view, life should not be limited by rules and regulations, but should be full of infinite possibilities. He wants to be able to live his true self and pursue what he truly loves, whether it's career, love, or family. He believes that only in this way can he truly enjoy life and make his life more colorful.

Xie Tianhua's attitude to life has also affected his family. They respected his choice, supported his decision, and gave him the utmost understanding and tolerance. In this loving and free family, Xie Tianhua feels very happy and satisfied. He knows that no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, as long as he has the company and support of his family, he will be able to face everything bravely and pursue the ideals and happiness in his heart.

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

This kind of cherishing of family and love for life makes Xie Tianhua's life full of warmth and strength. He believes that as long as there is love, dreams and support from his family, he can overcome all difficulties and create a wonderful life of his own. And this story continues, and Xie Tianhua's attitude towards life is also constantly influencing and inspiring the people around him......

Xie Tianhua talked about 9 brothers and sisters, and the whole family of eleven people ate a spectacular scene, and if you eat slowly, the food will be gone

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