
China's top 5 strange food, some look at the next can not taste, some people eat quite fragrant

author:Wandering fortress

China is rich in land, the production of a variety of delicacies are countless, but there are always some are special existence, may be everyone is studying what is delicious when there is nothing to do, so there are many things that have not been known by everyone, it is covered by new food, especially the following 5 major delicacies, strange, some people can't eat it, some people eat it very fragrant!

China's top 5 strange food, some look at the next can not taste, some people eat quite fragrant

The first is edamame tofu, xiaobian first saw it when he was full of thoughts "Is tofu not delicious?" "Edamame tofu is artificially fermented out of the white hair, because the taste is particularly delicious after cooking, so it was deeply loved later, and he also has several synonyms "rich, lubricated, fresh and mellow", which also attracts many foreign tourists to taste in the local area!

China's top 5 strange food, some look at the next can not taste, some people eat quite fragrant

The second is the snake soup, looking at the next bite is serious, but according to the people who have eaten, the snake soup is really particularly fragrant, but also more nutritious, people who love to eat can not stop, but the snake is so scary, who invented to eat it, it is also more strange, was there no meat to eat at that time?

China's top 5 strange food, some look at the next can not taste, some people eat quite fragrant

The third is the beef hot pot, this is really quite strange, has been taken out of the stomach of the undigested grass, and then used to cook the hot pot, is also a little more heavy mouth, even if the ingredients in the hot pot are rich, but also really can not think of how to bite, love to eat people always eat enough, like people who do not love to eat really look at it nowhere to eat!

China's top 5 strange food, some look at the next can not taste, some people eat quite fragrant

The fourth is the child egg, this is an egg boiled with child urine, all said to have the function of supplementing the body, but think about the source or think about it, the egg is still that egg, the taste is unknown, the effect is unknown, it seems to be a feature of somewhere, anyway, very strange food, no intention to try the mood!

China's top 5 strange food, some look at the next can not taste, some people eat quite fragrant

The fifth is the roasted hairy egg, this is really fragrant, smell the taste can not move, but look at it is not very like to eat, Xiaobian put is the real egg picture, after all, the hairy egg is still a bit hairy, people who love to eat can directly eat several, some people really look at it can not go to the mouth!

China's top 5 strange food, some look at the next can not taste, some people eat quite fragrant