
When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Introduction: It's tomato season again, and the temperature is constantly rising recently, whenever the child and wife say that they have no appetite, I will always fry a large plate of tomato scrambled eggs for my family to eat. And when some friends or their children come to my house as guests, they must order the tomato scrambled eggs I made every time, saying that the tomato scrambled eggs I made not only have more tender eggs to eat, but also the sour flavor of the tomatoes is more sufficient, which is several times better than the tomato scrambled eggs made in the restaurant. So every once in a while, there will always be a few friends who ask me, how to fry scrambled eggs with tomatoes, so that they can be made the best?

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

In fact, if you want to make tomato scrambled eggs delicious, you really need to master a lot of tricks, but many people do tomato scrambled eggs for the first time, they scramble eggs very finely, and they are not fragrant at all, so many people have lost interest in rice, so whenever someone asks me how to make tomato scrambled eggs, I will always explain each step in detail to them, that is, I hope they can regain the confidence of cooking. And when making tomato scrambled eggs, there are about 2 ways, and some people are scrambled eggs first, and some people are first fried tomatoes, in fact, these 2 methods are not right, and then I will share the most correct tomato scrambled egg method with everyone, as long as I do it according to my method, to ensure that you are better than the restaurant fried.

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

【Ingredients】: 400 grams of tomatoes, 2 eggs, 3 grams of chives, 2 grams of chicken essence, 2ml of white vinegar, 15ml of cooking oil, salt, water to taste.

【To prepare scrambled eggs with tomato】:

Step 1: First wash the tomatoes, then put them into the pot, put a little hot water into the pot at the same time, cook the tomatoes for 40 seconds on high heat and fish out, and finally remove the skin of the tomatoes and cut them into 2 cm chunks to set aside.

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

Step 2: Crush the eggs and put them in a bowl, while putting the white vinegar into the egg mixture, stir well and set aside.

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

Step 3: Heat the pot and put in a little cooking oil, when the oil temperature is 70% hot, put the tomato pieces into the pot, fry for about 1 minute on medium heat, until the juice in the tomatoes is fried out and then set aside.

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

Step 4: Start another pot, heat the pot and put the appropriate amount of cooking oil, when the oil temperature is 80% hot, put the eggs into the pot, and fry the eggs on high heat to a golden brown.

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

Step 5: At this time, immediately put the sautéed tomatoes into the pot, sauté on high heat for 10 seconds, then put a little water, salt, chicken essence into the pot, cook on high heat for 30 seconds, then sprinkle a little chives to eat.

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

【Precautions for scrambled eggs with tomato】:

1, when making tomato scrambled eggs, be sure to put the tomatoes into the pot for 40 seconds and then fish out, and then put them into the pot to fry, because cooking the tomatoes in advance can not only remove the tomato skin, but also make the tomatoes softer, and when frying softer tomatoes, the tomatoes will flow out a lot of juice in advance, so that the scrambled eggs of the fried tomatoes are more fragrant and flavorful.

2, scrambled eggs, you need to add a little white vinegar to the egg liquid in advance, because white vinegar can remove the egg fishy smell, but also can make the scrambled eggs eat more tender.

3, when making tomato scrambled eggs, do not put ginger, garlic these 2 flavors, because these 2 flavors will suppress the sour flavor of tomatoes, so that the fried tomato scrambled eggs taste strange.

When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some people scramble eggs first, and some people fry tomatoes first! None of them are right, teach you the right thing to do

When you make tomato scrambled eggs in the future, you must first boil tomatoes, and then make tomato scrambled eggs according to my method to ensure that the tomato scrambled eggs you make will be several times better than before. This article is Master Hu's original graphics, the follow-up Master Hu will also explain to you more cooking tips, the latest recipes to everyone, thank you for watching, if today's article is helpful to you, then point a concern, a like, thank you for your support.