
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation

author:Teacher Li does the courseware

Gong Zizhen (1792–1841), known as Ding'an. Han Chinese, Renhe (present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang). Qing Dynasty thinker, poet, writer and pioneer of reformism. He is the author of The Complete Works of Gong Zizhen.

According to legend, when Gong Zizhen passed through Zhenjiang, people reverently worshipped the jade emperor, the wind god, the thunder god and other gods. A Taoist priest recognized Gong Zizhen, a great literary magnate, and begged him to write a sacrifice for the gods, and Gong Zizhen wrote this immortal poem with a big stroke of his pen, "Miscellaneous Poems of the Sea".

The "year of the self-sea" referred to as "the year of the self-sea" is 1839. This year, the year before the Opium War, the once mighty Qing Empire was on the verge of collapse. The decadent Qing government bowed to the outside world and suppressed it internally, officials were corrupt and corrupt, and the people did not have a good life.

Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation
Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems" PPT appreciation

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