
Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

author:King Zhao of Xifu

There is such a person in this world, they can't rub sand in their eyes, their heads are often a tendon, they are strictly in accordance with their own standards, they don't know how to be flexible, they are not smooth at all.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

Such a person is very awkward, not just for one person or one thing, but for all people and things. They often can't live with others, and they can't live with themselves. This is better to say that love is more true, and to say that it is ugly, it is to screw up.

Li Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty was such a screwed person, even if life abused him a thousand times, let him eat one big loss after another, but the screwed people are still screwed, and the more real people always can't rub sand in their eyes.

Speaking of Li Daoyuan, everyone is more impressed that he wrote a book called "Notes on the Water Classics". This is an ancient Chinese geographical masterpiece, which has played a pivotal role in the history of Chinese geography and even in the history of world geography. Therefore, we usually think of Li Daoyuan as an academic geographer. However, the Northern Wei Dynasty did not have the discipline of geography, so the Notes on the Water Classics was only a side business of Li Daoyuan and belonged to his hobby. Li Daoyuan's real profession in history is to be an official.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

Li Daoyuan was born into a family of officials and eunuchs, and his father Li Fan was an important official of the imperial court, and the official was a proper feudal official in Qingzhou. Thanks to the blessings of his father,Li Daoyuan started much higher than ordinary people, and at a young age, he held the title of YongningBo and entered the dynasty as Shang Shulang.

Unfortunately, a high starting point does not mean that the career path is smooth, and although Li Daoyuan is an official eunuch family, he has not been able to learn a little from his father the sophistication and smoothness of being an official. He was straight, he was law-abiding, and he couldn't screw it up. In front of him, there are only rules and regulations, there is no human accident, and you are treated equally, which is a typical oil and salt.

This kind of person is not a good mix in the official arena, and no one wants to deal with a screwed person because you can't get anything in return from him. When such a person becomes an official, in addition to offending people, he still offends people.

Therefore, although Li Daoyuan learned five cars and had outstanding abilities, he was still unable to move at all in the imperial court. After a few years of fighting in the capital luoyang, he was finally sent to the local area, came to the remote Jizhou town of Dongfu, and served as a small long history, managing the prison and maintaining law and order.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

It is reasonable to say that after Li Daoyuan experienced such a lesson, he should have stopped, but he did not. Because the person who screws it is still screwing, the more real people can't always rub sand in their eyes.

Zhendongfu is located in a remote area, the people's customs are fierce, the legal system is relatively unrestrained, it is because bandits are rampant, whoever comes has a headache, and officials in the past often turned a blind eye.

However, a screwed person like Li Daoyuan has no strength or no strength in his eyes, only decrees. Whether it is a thief who commits adultery or a vicious bandit who kills people and sets fires, as long as you break the law, then I will fight you to the end. As long as you are in this acre and three points of land in Zhendong Province, then I will have to send you to prison.

In the face of Li Daoyuan's tough actions, which were accustomed to emperor Shangao's remote small city, at first they all thought that it was the three fires of the new official, so everyone did not care too much, but just used their own means as always. The sleek man gave gold and silver jewelry, and the outrageous man sent threatening letters, either corrupting him or scaring him away.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

However, they desperately found that this outsider from Luoyang, soft and hard, did not eat, and had to fight with them to the end. More crucially, he does have two brushes, and the people he is eyeing are either obediently tied up and imprisoned, or they flee early and die in the end of the world.

Li Daoyuan stayed here for three years, the bandits and thieves here were afraid for three years, and the Zhendong Mansion was quiet for three years.

The most crucial thing is that Li Daoyuan's outstanding political achievements were reported to the imperial court, and the payment was also rewarded, and he was transferred from ZhendongFu to Luyang County by the imperial court, and his official position was also promoted from Changshi to Taishou. Li Daoyuan came to the new place and did a lot of practical things, he not only cracked down on bandits, but also built schools for the people, and with outstanding political achievements, he was promoted to the history of the Eastern Jingzhou Assassin and became a feudal official.

However, for Li Daoyuan, this is not a good thing. Places changed, official positions changed, and the people he dealt with changed. Formerly a bully, now a powerful landlord. These people prefer to stab them in the back than in the previous head-on confrontations.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

Coming to Dongjing prefecture, his style was the same as always, and he couldn't screw up, which made the local magnates very uncomfortable, and they could no longer suppress people. So a complaint was carried with gold jewelry and sent to Luoyang City. In this way, in the eyes of the people of Zhendong Province and Luyang County, the upright and honest Taishou Lord became a cool official in the eyes of others. Because Li Daoyuan damaged the image of the imperial court, he was deposed and has been idle at home ever since.

Of course, for Li Daoyuan, losing his job is not a good thing, anyway, he has the title of Yongningbo, and he has no worries about food and clothing, but it is less of the official arena. Li Daoyuan, who was idle, could devote himself to the landscape every day, fiddle with the pen and ink platform, and even take time to write the "Notes on the Water Classics".

It is reasonable to say that Li Daoyuan's life should have been like this, retired life, so uncomfortable.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

However, after fate had deceived him and left him at home for nearly ten years, the imperial court used him again, and he went to the capital to become a high official. There was no way, at this time, the imperial court encountered a crisis, there were six towns rebellion inside, and there was a southern dynasty pressure outside, which needed a truly capable talent like Li Daoyuan.

I have to say that Li Daoyuan is really powerful, after throwing his pen from Rong, he followed the army to first quell the internal strife, and then resisted foreign enemies, and made a lot of military achievements, quite the style of his father's year.

Because of his outstanding military achievements after his comeback, Li Daoyuan was also promoted all the way, and his official was promoted to general Annam, becoming a general on the side of the imperial court, recreating the glory of his father's generation.

Li Daoyuan has sunk and flowed several times, and finally achieved fame, it is reasonable to say, even if it is a hard edge, it should be smoothed out, right? But he didn't, because the screwer was still screwed, and the more real person couldn't always rub sand in his eyes.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

After Li Daoyuan was promoted, his behavior was as annoying as ever, and when his official position was promoted, his power was greater, and there were more things to manage, so there were more people who offended.

For example, at that time, the emperor Yuanhui framed his uncle Yuan yuan, which was originally a struggle within the royal family, but Li Daoyuan could not rub sand in his eyes, and he helped Yuanyuan Chen to be wronged and showed snow for him. As a result, Li Daoyuan became a thorn in yuan hui's eyes.

For example, at that time, Wang Yuanyue of Runan had an attendant named Qiu Nian, although he was only a small attendant in the royal palace, but he was deeply loved and trusted by Wang Ye, so this Qiu Nian fox fake tiger wei, with someone above, arrogantly, openly controlling the election of state officials.

Because of the King of Runan, no one dared to take care of it, only he stood up and arrested Qiu Nian. In order to save the male favor, the king of Runan personally ran to ask the empress dowager, but he did not even give the empress dowager's face, and directly cut off Qiu Nian before the empress dowager's pardon came down. Therefore, because of a small Qiu Nian, he not only offended the king of Runan, but also offended the empress.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

In short, Li Daoyuan has offended too many people because of his upright style, and they all want to find an opportunity to retaliate.

Finally, in 527, when the King of Chang'an Qi was showing signs of rebellion, Li Daoyuan, elected by a group of princes and nobles, was appointed as a special envoy by the empress dowager to go to Chang'an to supervise. When he went, he undoubtedly went into the mouth of the tiger.

Before Li Daoyuan arrived in Chang'an, the King of Qi received a letter from Luoyang, telling him that Li Daoyuan had come to monitor him. In order to avoid the long night and dream, the King of Qi directly attacked first, and on the eve of the rebellion, he led a large army to hunt down and kill Li Daoyuan.

Surrounded by rebels, Li Daoyuan struggled to resist. At that time, the king of Qi persuaded him to surrender, because at this time it was already a desperate situation, and there was only one way to surrender.

But he didn't, because the person who screwed it was still screwing, and the more real person could not rub sand in his eyes.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

Li Daoyuan was a Confucian priest from elementary school, doing loyal servants, although he encountered a non-ming lord, but when he became a traitor, he could not afford it.

So Li Daoyuan died!

This is li Daoyuan's life, and it is also the life of screwba. In fact, with his ability, status, and origin, he could have lived a comfortable life, only needed to be a little smoother, but he had to live with himself, and finally ended up like this.

To sum up, character determines fate, and people like Li Daoyuan who screw up are doomed not to be very comfortable. However, life is always twisted, and the person who screws it is often the most real person.

Li Daoyuan, who wrote the Notes on the Water Classics, a strange man who twisted to the extreme, eventually died because of it

I admire such people, and I feel that the world needs such people...

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