
Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

Talking about Qin and saying that where is the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han (466)? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

Emperor Liu Heng of the Han Dynasty was launched by the chancellor Chen Ping and the lieutenant Zhou Bo after the Lü clan's chaotic government to support the throne, and among Liu Bang's sons, Liu Heng, who was the least valued, became emperor, which seemed to be accidental, but in fact, it was also full of inevitability. However, after Liu Heng took the throne, he opened the "rule of Wenjing", abolished corporal punishment, and advocated the rule of filial piety, which played a huge role in the political stability and economic development of the Western Han Dynasty. At the same time, Emperor Wen of Han was frugal all his life and was buried in Baling after his death, but where baling was, the world searched for more than 1,000 years.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

Emperor Liu Heng of the Han Dynasty reigned for 23 years, reigning on the throne but living frugally, often opening bans to benefit the people. Emperor Wen of Han once wanted to build a terrace that announced the hours, but the craftsmen needed hundreds of gold to do the budget, and although the cost was not very high, they were not willing to build it in the end. Emperor Wendi of Han usually wore relatively simple black robes, and the carriages and horses he used were not often changed; his favorite Lady Shen was as simple as Emperor Wendi of Han, and usually did not wear clothes on the ground, and the draperies were not embroidered, setting an example for the people of the world.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

In 157 AD, Emperor Liu Heng of Han died in Weiyang Palace, and Emperor Wen of Han left a will and testament requiring thin burial (the size of the mausoleum is still according to the custom), requiring that his tombs be buried with clayware, not allowed to be decorated with gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, and repairing the tombs according to the mountains, not breaking the original appearance of the mountains and rivers, plus the emperor's tomb repairs are generally carried out in secret, so that later generations have gradually forgotten the specific address of the Baling Tombs. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Jin and Tang Dynasties, and the Two Song Dynasties, there is no specific record of the true location of the Han Emperor's tomb in history.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

Where is Baling? When Li Daoyuan wrote the "Notes on the Water Classic", he mentioned that he was in Bailuyuan, but more than 30 kilometers from Lantian to the Xun River belonged to Bailuyuan, and the specific location was still unknown. Luo Tianjun of the Yuan Dynasty recorded in the "Chronicle of Chang'an" that "Emperor Wen's Tomb was under the North Phoenix Mouth of Bailuyuan in forty miles east of Jingzhao Tonghua Gate", which is the earliest source of the legendary Baling in the Mouth of the White Deer Plain, and because of Luo Tianjun's record, for 1000 years people believed in the claim that there was a Tomb under the Mouth of the Phoenix.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

In 2001, many cultural relics unearthed in the middle of the Western Han Dynasty "illegally" flowed into the market. The following year, at the auction of Sosby in the United States, black clay figurines from the Western Han Dynasty appeared, waiting for the auction. Archaeologist Jiao Nanfeng was promptly negotiated by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and Sosby Auction House, and finally let the 6 excavated pottery figurines return to Xi'an. At the same time, the Xi'an Archaeological Research Institute launched an investigation into the source of the excavated cultural relics, and the clues pointed directly to Jiangcun on the Bailuyuan in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, about a kilometer from the Phoenix Mouth.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

Archaeologists entered Jiangcun to investigate carefully and found an ancient tomb around Jiangcun. However, due to the lack of information to support it, archaeologists were unable to confirm the owner of the tomb. Because there are historical records that the tomb of Emperor Wendi of Han is in Fenghuangzui, which is several kilometers away from Jiangcun, people habitually rule out the possibility that the tomb here is the tomb of Emperor Wendi of Han. Therefore, some scholars have analyzed that this tomb may be the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han's favorite daughter, Dou Tai lord, because there are historical records that Dou Tai Lord was buried with the tomb after his death.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

After further archaeological exploration, archaeologists found that the total length of the entire tomb passage reached 250 meters, showing a "sub"-shaped vertical cave soil expanding wooden tomb, which should be the tomb of the emperor from the tomb specifications. However, there are circulating sources that record that the tomb of Emperor Wendi of Han is in the mouth of the phoenix, before the tomb was excavated, under the premise of no evidence support, although some people suspect that this is the tomb of Emperor Wendi of Han, but the lack of evidence chain, questioning the academic article can not be convenient to publish at will, people are waiting for more discoveries.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

In 2011, archaeologists from Shaanxi Province and Xi'an City conducted a large screening of The Phoenix Mouth, professional archaeologists spent more than half a year, using magnetic radar, high-density resistance method, radon measurement and other modern tools to investigate, archaeologists actually found no tombs in the Phoenix Mouth, and even ancient architectural traces have not been found, and only more than a dozen stone stele erected in the Ming and Qing dynasties have been painstakingly found. Of course, no tomb has been found, and the so-called lonely certificate is not standing, and it still cannot mean that baling is not in the mouth of the phoenix.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

In 2017, archaeologists excavated a large number of Han Dynasty cultural relics from the 8 outer tooth pits of jiangcun tombs, including several "inconspicuous" small seals, and these seals with a diameter of less than 1 cm were engraved with words such as "Zhongsikong Seal" and "Chefu", which symbolized the nature of the official office. Around the entire Jiangcun Tomb, there are more than 100 similar official offices, which further shows that the owner of the tomb should be the person who led multiple official offices before his death.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

With heavy doubts, archaeologists expanded the exploration area and found a rammed earth wall about 1200 meters long and about 860 meters wide, enclosing the Jiangcun Tomb and the Tomb of Empress Dou. Two large tombs and two tomb heads are in the same cemetery, called "homologous caves". According to historical records, Emperor Wen of Han and Empress Dou were buried together in Baling after their deaths. The truth seems to be coming out, but to really understand the owner of the mausoleum, archaeological excavation is the most direct means, and archaeologists apply to their superiors to find out the tomb of Gangchon.

Where is emperor Wen of Han's tomb? Li Daoyuan only said that he was in Bailuyuan, but let the world search for more than 1,000 years

On the morning of December 14, 2021, at the "Archaeology China" project progress work meeting, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage announced the results of archaeological research, and finally confirmed that the Jiangcun Tomb is the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han on the White Deer Plain, as Li Daoyuan said, and the world has been searching for more than 1,000 years in order to confirm its specific location. Emperor Wen of Han was frugal throughout his life, abolished corporal punishment, advocated the rule of benevolence and filial piety, opened the "rule of Wenjing", and also opened the prosperous era of the Han Dynasty, and was a rare good emperor.


I am a scavenger in the Qin brick Han Valley talk about Qin said Han, thanks for reading, people go to leave incense, click a praise, thank you!

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