
Chinese large noodles

author:Zhongyu Foods

There are many kinds of pasta in our country and have a long history. At present, people eat more than 1,200 kinds of noodles on a daily basis. Although China is not the earliest birthplace of noodles, it is the earliest discovery of human noodles so far, and archaeologists have found noodles 4,000 years old at the Lajia site in the Yellow River Basin of China. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, noodles were called "boiled cakes", and the Wei and Jin dynasties were called "soup cakes", which were called "boiled cakes" or "soup cakes" because the noodles were boiled in hot soup. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the types of noodles that people ate also increased, and in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was called "Water Introduction". The so-called "water introduction" is to put noodles the same size as chopsticks into hot water and cook them to eat. In the Five Dynasties of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the way to eat noodles was more varied, such as cold noodles or over the water, known as "cold Tao". Later, dry noodles were invented that could be stored for a period of time.

Chinese large noodles

The Chinese character "mai" originally meant "people who came from afar", and combined with the word "noodles" of noodles, it became "麺", and noodles made of wheat and wheat flour were indeed made from thousands of years ago. Wheat cultivation techniques, along with dough-making techniques, began to spread from the Middle East to the Mediterranean, across the Balkans and the Alps, and eastward through Central Asia to China. Therefore, this "Silk Road" starting from Chang'an and passing through the western region, Central Asia, West Asia, and even the Mediterranean countries is also called the "Noodle Road". Along the Silk Road into Chinese mainland noodles, from here spread north to east, into Mongolia, Korea and Japan, south into Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia, noodle culture swept across East and Southeast Asia.

Chinese large noodles

In our country, noodles have always played a pivotal role in people's lives. First of all, noodles are convenient to eat, rich in nutrition, and belong to the daily food that can be used as a staple food and can be used as fast food; at the same time, noodles also have a good meaning, slender noodles in Chinese food culture have longevity, endless beautiful meaning, so the birthday of the birthday of the birthday can not be a bowl of longevity noodles. In ancient times, eating longevity noodles symbolized the blessing of newborn baby boys with a long life, and this world has been inherited. When eating noodles, a whole noodle should be swallowed at once, neither chopsticks can be broken, nor can it be broken by the mouth. Eating longevity noodles not only means longevity, but also represents respect for the elderly. With the spread of China's noodle culture to the outside world, South Korea should have noodles at the banquet on the wedding day, which means "white head with old age, long and long". Thailand eats noodles on traditional celebrations in order to "keep the joy going".

Chinese large noodles

Due to the difference in production technology and eating habits such as strip making, seasoning, thickness and fineness, thousands of varieties of noodles with different characteristics have emerged in different regions of China, which can be divided into north and south regions.

Chinese large noodles

Famous noodles in the northern region include: Knife-cut noodles, braised noodles, and dumplings from Shanxi; fried sauce noodles from Beijing; Longsu noodles, Jin Noodle King, Ma Sauce Noodles, Andi Noodles, Baoding Dacige Vegetarian Noodles from Hebei; Dacige Noodles from Shandong; Tanglai Noodles from Shaanxi; Oil Noodles, Qishan Zhenzi Noodles, Yangling Dipped Water Surfaces, Banner Flower Noodles, Pulled Noodles, Pulp Noodles (Hanzhong) in Wugong Town; Braised Noodles, Paste Noodles, Pulp Noodles, Boiled Pot Noodles, And Marinated Noodles (commonly known as Steamed Noodles) in Henan; Lanzhou Beef Ramen in Lanzhou; Yanbian Cold Noodles, Dog Meat Soup Noodles, And tou dao Warm Noodles in Jilin; And Grilled Cold Noodles in Heilongjiang.

Famous noodles in the southern region include: Yangchun noodles in Shanghai, Nanjing small boiled noodles in Jiangsu, Dongtai fish soup noodles, shrimp oil noodles, fish soup eel noodles, Nantong jumping noodles, Zhenjiang pot cover noodles, Suzhou Su-style soup noodles, etc.; Hangzhou Slice Erchuan, shallot oil mixed noodles, shrimp fried eel noodles, gnocchi, Wenzhou longevity noodles (also called vegetarian noodles or so noodles) in Jiangsu Province; Wuhan hot dry noodles and Xiangyang beef noodles in Hubei; Plate noodles and Weiwang noodles in Anhui; Fuzhou noodles, Shanggan mixed noodles, Shaxian mixed noodles, Putian brine noodles, Xiamen Shacha noodles, Zhangzhou brine noodles, Quanzhou noodle paste, Putian Mazu noodles, Youxi noodles, etc.; Taiwan's Danzai noodles, beef noodles, flower clam noodles, etc.; Guangdong's Guangzhou wonton noodles (made of wontons and noodles), Bamboo Sheng noodles; Hong Kong's Fish noodles (different from northern noodles), Chezai noodles, shrimp noodles, etc.; Chongqing's Chongqing small noodles, pea noodles, duck blood noodles, etc.; Sichuan's Dandan noodles, burning noodles (Yibin), yizhi noodles (Huanglongxi), Cover noodles, Ma Ge noodles (Wusheng); Guizhou bean flower noodles, intestinal noodles, etc.

Each type of noodle has its own characteristics, so the flour, process, and ingredients needed are also very different, for more information, listen to the later decomposition of the editor.