
Love letters to yourself

author:Four Seasons of Beauty
Love letters to yourself

Love letters to yourself

Author: Ying Zi Recitation: Xu Jing

Love letters to yourself

You are a stream,

Flow slowly along the rugged and desolate road.

You are a little grass,

Rooted in fertile land grows tenaciously.

You are a seed,

Wherever it is sprinkled, it will bear fruit.

Love letters to yourself

Gently playing with the strings,

Sing the most beautiful melody to you;

Gently sprinkling pen and ink,

Write the most vivid words to you.

You are as bright as the spring sun;

You are as warm as the summer breeze;

You are as gentle as the autumn drizzle;

You are as beautiful as a snowflake in winter.

Love letters to yourself

Your tenderness is like the white clouds of the sky,

Your love is like a fine stream of water in the mountains.

May you collect the flowers of this road,

Wait until you're old and read it to yourself.

Written on 2021.10.23

Love letters to yourself
Love letters to yourself

【About the Author】

Hideko, speak with her heart, sincerely like a child, as quiet as the sky, as warm as the sunset! A person who loves words, loves life, and walks in the world of words and sounds.

Love letters to yourself

【Introduction to Recitation】

Xu Jing, a member of the Shanxi Recitation Association, is a scientific and technological worker. Passionate about the arts of language. Passionate about praising life with his own voice, pursuing and harvesting the fulfillment and happiness that language arts bring to us.

Source: WeChat public account ▷ Four Seasons Recitation (songdu365)

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