
The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

author:The Internet goes with the wind

The drama "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" can be described as a big hit, especially the performances of the two actors, Zhao Jian and this Sha, which made the audience's eyes shine.

The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

Zhao Jian, Qiu Qianren he played in the play, is simply a stroke of genius. This character, I always felt that something was missing in other versions before, but as soon as Zhao Jian appeared, the audience was circled. His unique body language and rich facial expressions make the role of Qiu Qianren very good.

The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

The character of Qiu Qianren has a great contrast. For a while, it was the humorous and funny Qiu Qianzhang, and for a while, it was the deep Qiu Qianzhang of the city. But under Zhao Jian's interpretation, these two completely different images are perfectly integrated.

The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

Especially in the scene of Tiezhang Peak, Zhao Jian vividly expressed Qiu Qianren's inner pain and helplessness. Just by looking at his eyes, you can feel the character's mental journey. This kind of acting skills is really admirable.

The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

Guo Jing played by this Sha. Everyone's impression of Guo Jing before was always a little indecisive and submissive. But Guo Jing, shaped by this sand, completely subverted this image.

The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

From the very beginning, this sand showed Guo Jing's heroism and bravery. In the face of feelings, he dares to love and hate; In the face of betrayal, he was resolute; In the face of Ouyang Ke and Elder Peng, he was even more righteous and awe-inspiring. Such Guo Jing is the real hero.

The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

This Sha's performance allowed the audience to see a new image of Guo Jing. I believe that with the deepening of the plot, his acting skills will go to the next level.

The ranking of the 10 actors who benefited from "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Bao Shangen is third, and the first is not disputed

The reason why "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" can become popular is not only the wonderful plot, but also the outstanding performance of the actors. Zhao Jian and this Sha, with their acting skills, added a lot to this drama. I believe that as the series continues to be broadcast, there will be more wonderful performances presented in front of the audience.

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