
A horror short film that makes people collapse, and after watching it, all kinds of emotions erupt

author:Black comics

"A True Story", a simple story, a horror story, a pit daddy story. For those of you who love horror, this short comic is just a piece of cake, but after watching it, you will have all kinds of emotions. unbelief? Look down!

A horror short film that makes people collapse, and after watching it, all kinds of emotions erupt
A horror short film that makes people collapse, and after watching it, all kinds of emotions erupt
A horror short film that makes people collapse, and after watching it, all kinds of emotions erupt
A horror short film that makes people collapse, and after watching it, all kinds of emotions erupt
A horror short film that makes people collapse, and after watching it, all kinds of emotions erupt
A horror short film that makes people collapse, and after watching it, all kinds of emotions erupt

After reading it, I... Radio

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