
The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun

author:Joyful movement

In the eyes of many people, the annual meeting is a boring party. The fact that the annual meeting is a collective New Year's festival is also a show of corporate culture and enhance the cohesion within the enterprise.

The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun

Holding a grand and unforgettable annual meeting can not only let employees see the strength of the unit and be full of confidence in the future work, but also attract more attention from the society through online videos and word-of-mouth.

In fact, it is difficult for the company to do its own annual meeting planning, planning is a systematic process, the need for strong professionalism, a good planning team whether in the effect display or the scene to drive the atmosphere has played a leading role. Therefore, it is quite necessary to hire a professional annual meeting planning team.

The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun

As a professional event planning company, to meet everyone's needs, Joy Motion has been providing advice for customers' annual meetings for many years, creating a unique interactive annual meeting ~ highly recommended annual meeting interactive mini game!

Game 1, I have what you don't

This is to tell your own experience, try to be what happened to yourself but not to others, some unique experiences can easily cause laughter

Number of people: 6-10 people.

Rules: Each person on the field takes turns to say their own unique experience, preferably one that has not happened to someone else; after speaking, the other person raises his hand to indicate whether he has had a similar experience, and if so, the person who said it is punished and eliminated, and the last remaining person wins.

Game 2: "Eye" color game

It can also be called a "number grabbing" game, you need to observe the eyes of others to judge whether to count here, which will test everyone's observation ability!

Number of people: Full audience interaction.

Rule: Someone shouts out the number 1 and starts the game. Others watched the eyes of others shout out the next number in order. If, during the course of the game, two people shout out the same number at the same time, then both people are punished. If everyone successfully shouts out the numbers, then the last person is punished.

Game 3: Hunter, Bear, Gun

Number of people: 6-12

The rounds are played in units, and the PK race is played in both rounds. The hunter's movements are: two feet together and hands crossed to the chest; bear: two feet apart to shoulder width and hands crossed at the waist; gun: two feet back and forth with both hands raised flat on the chest to make a gun posture. Hunter wins gun, gun wins bear, bear wins hunter. The two teams that performed the PK were equal in number, and the two teams stood facing each other. After the emcee shouts the password (hunter, bear, gun), the team members choose a move at will, the losing personnel are listed, and the remaining one-to-one correspondence continues the game.

Rules: Irregular movements, misalignment (such as inconsistent performance of hands and feet), the emcee 'gun' shouted out and still did not jump out of the author, all are judged negative.

Game highlights: exaggerated and funny, the two teams of players fight together, go forward and follow until the final victory is won.

The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun

If you want to play a simpler game, then you can consider playing common games such as pirate captains, counting numbers, visiting the garden, and killing werewolves.

It is not enough to have a game, for everyone the lottery at the annual meeting is the expectation, you may wish to use technology to make the lottery a little more fun. Here is the most popular annual meeting screen interactive game:

The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun

Timed red envelope rain

Red Packet Wars Upgrade, wait for your phone to shake out. More fun and exciting red envelope game! The guests waved their arms and shook the red packets, the effect was lively, and the small red packets could also pry the enthusiasm of the audience! Make the value of red envelopes greater. Timed red envelope rain can effectively increase the activity of the scene.

The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun
The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun

Shake interactively

Shake can be said to be the classic of the live interactive game classic, the participants scan the large screen QR code, into the shake link. Shake is divided into two forms: lottery and competition, which is highly interactive and has a strong sense of participation.

WeChat barrage

WeChat bullet screen can be used by scanning the code to sign in, and participants can freely send the bullet screen to the big screen, communicate with others anytime and anywhere, and can send pictures, voices, and text formats.

The annual meeting is a collection of interactive games to teach you to play fun

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The above is the common warm-up interactive artifact at the annual meeting, if you also want to create a smooth and wonderful corporate annual meeting, you may wish to come to our joyful move to try, professional technical customization services, to meet all your imagination of the annual meeting.