
A home, the cleaner it is, the more blessed it is

author:Tomorrow's world

What is home?

A home, the cleaner it is, the more blessed it is


Home is where we live, it can be a big house in our countryside, it can be a small house we buy in the city (of course, the local tycoon may have a building in the city), it can be a company or school dormitory, or it can be a room that we temporarily rent somewhere.

It is estimated that about two-thirds of the time people spend at home.

Therefore, the influence of home on us is very obvious.

After years of research, Harvard Business School found one phenomenon:

Successful people with strong happiness often have a very clean and tidy home environment, while unfortunate people usually live in messy and dirty.

Simply put, it is a home, and the cleaner it is, the more blessed it is.

So why is it said that the cleaner a home is, the more blessed it is?

First, the home is clean and tidy, which can make people feel happy.

Imagine sitting in front of the clear window, the whole house is spotlessly clean, the things in the home are neatly arranged, and the mood is not particularly pleasant?

Is there a special sense of happiness in the heart?

And you think, every day sitting in front of the dusty window, the coffee table is also covered with dust, things are everywhere, garbage is everywhere, the smell is stinking, because there are too many things, occupying a position on the ground, thinking that the next foot can not be, then, you live in this environment one day, will you feel happy?

Second, a home, the cleaner it is, the more harmonious the family.

And home and everything.

So, the cleaner a home is, the more blessed it is.

Since there are few windows in the environment, people will be in a better mood.

And people's emotions can be transferred, so that the owners of the house rarely lose their temper.

But if a home is messy and smelly, then the bad mood of the owner of the house will also be transferred, which will make family members often have conflicts.

Therefore, we must always take care of the home and not mess around.

Third, the cleaner a home is, the better it can relate to the people in the neighborhood and other outsiders.

The cleaner your home is, the happier it will be when other people, such as neighbors, come to your house, and the more harmonious you will be when you get along.

When your relationship is good, your career will naturally go smoothly.

Fourth, tidying up the house has magical powers.

Sanmao formed a home in the Sahara Desert by picking up rags, but repaired it and called it the most beautiful home in the Sahara Desert by reporters.

A home, the cleaner it is, the more blessed it is


Sanmao is also in the process of cleaning up the house, and the writing inspiration pours out and reaches the peak of creation.

It was during that period that The Story of the Sahara was created.

See an example in a similar article.

There was a woman who had a relationship and ended up in nothing.

The woman was in pain and planned to commit suicide.

She suddenly saw that her room was very messy, and thought that it would be very inconvenient if someone else came to clean up her body.

So she decided to clean the house and then commit suicide.

But she did not expect that cleaning the house would heal her internal wounds, and she would no longer look for short-sightedness.

Therefore, cleaning the house has a certain magical effect.

Someone on the Internet asked: "My life is a mess, how can it change?" ”

One of the high-ranking people replied: "When you are in trouble and have no idea about the predicament at hand, go clean the house." ”

This also illustrates the magic of cleaning the house.

Fifth, a clean home can inspire people's morale.

See this little story in a similar article:

A little sister who bought roses gave the last rose to a beggar.

A home, the cleaner it is, the more blessed it is


When the beggar got home, he inserted it into a bottle on the table.

He looked at the rose and thought: How can such a beautiful flower be inserted into such a dirty bottle.

So he washed the bottle clean.

Looking at the clean bottle, he thought to himself: How can such a clean flower and bottle be placed on such a dirty table.

So he washed the table clean again.

Then he thought: How could such a clean table be placed in such a dirty room?

So he cleaned the house again.

Then he looked in the mirror again, and found himself disheveled, thinking how could he live in such a clean house.

So he shaved off his beard, dressed himself up, and turned into a pretty guy.

He thought he was such a beautiful young man, how could he be a beggar?

So he went to find a job and later became the owner of a small business.

Therefore, when a person cleans up his home, the requirements for himself will naturally rise, thus stimulating his fighting spirit.

Sixth, cleaning the house can consume a person's pride and inspire a person's gratitude.

Some people say that people are not grateful because they are happy, but because they are grateful.

And when a person is cleaning the house, the gratitude in his heart arises.

There is an old saying called: If you can't sweep a house, why sweep the world?

A home, the cleaner it is, the more blessed it is

Chen Fan

This old saying tells the story of Chen Fan, a famous minister at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and his father's friend Jiang Qin.

Chen Fan has been ambitious and diligent since childhood.

When he was fifteen, he lived alone in a courtyard with overgrown and disorganized rooms.

One day, his father's friend Jiang Qin came to visit him, saw the mess in his room, and asked: Young man, why don't you clean up and welcome the guests?

Chen Fan dismissively believed: The eldest husband should take it as his duty to sweep away the scourges of the world, how can he do such a thing as cleaning the room?

Xue Qin retorted, "If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world?" ”

Later, Chen Fan began to sweep the house, and gradually polished off his pride and became a generation of famous courtiers.

Since a home is cleaner and more blessed, what should we do?

First, regular clean-ups.

Because some corners are not easy to clean, but over time, it will also accumulate dust, so it is necessary to clean regularly.

Second, we must dare to break away.

Now that material civilization is becoming more and more developed, many things are useless and must be discarded.

My sister is a woman who dares to give up, and as soon as she cleans up the room, she will throw away all the unwanted things, so that the crowded room will suddenly open up.

Third, develop the good habit of putting things in order at any time.

Fourth, when you are not in a good mood, go and clean up your room.

Tidying up the room can make you feel cheerful.

Fifth, not only should we dress appropriately, but we must also clean our house.

Some people dress themselves up outside, but the home is a mess.

Such people often go out to play mahjong, enter the gambling hall, and their lives must not be much better.

Dear friends, have you cleaned up your home?

Do you believe in a home, the cleaner it is, the more blessed it is?