
Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

author:Red Chronicler

Recently, a TV series directed by Zheng Xiaolong and starring Wang Lei, Lei Jiayin, Tong Dawei, Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Xun, Chen Hao and many other powerful actors is being broadcast, which tells the story of Tu Youyou, Yuan Longping, Sun Jiadong and other Chinese meritorious figures who are well known to the world.

But the scientist named Yu Min, played by Lei Jiayin, the audience knows not much, so why is such an ace scientist who can be called the father of China's hydrogen bomb and is called by the Americans to withstand ten group armies, why is his popularity so low, and what twists and turns has he experienced in his life?

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups


Yu Min's story is very long, on August 16, 1926, he was born in an ordinary family in Lutai Town, Ninghe County, Hebei Province, his parents are not as everyone thinks of the Generation of Scholars, their husband and wife are just a pair of ordinary workers, but the ordinary family does not mean that their ambitions are ordinary, their requirements for their sons are still very high, especially in terms of learning, the husband and wife are still working diligently under the layers of exploitation and oppression of the Japanese Kou, just so that Yu Min can have a school and study, Of course, under this kind of teaching, Yu Min did not disappoint his parents.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

Yu Min has studied in Lutai Primary School, Tianjin Muzhai Center and Yaohua High School, these three schools are not to say that the best in the whole of Tianjin, but also one of the best, but even so, in this era of talent and war, Yu Min's achievements in school are still outstanding, especially in the War of Resistance Against Japan, he studied in high school, for two academic years is the first in the school's science category, the students all admire it, and the teachers also regard it as the pillar of the future country.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

With such achievements, in 1944, the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Yu Min was naturally admitted to Peking University, the top university in China at that time, without suspense, but at this time he did not choose to major in physics, but studied in the engineering and mechanics majors of the College of Engineering, so what prompted Yu Min to turn to physics?

It turned out that all this was closely related to the two atomic bombs that exploded in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan in 1945, and Yu Min, who was at Peking University at the time, first learned of the news that the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Japan, and he was instantly impressed by the explosion and power described in the telegram, so in order to let China and Chinese have such a national weapon, this was only after two years of study, transferred to the School of Science of Peking University, that is, the school specializing in physics.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

In this way, Yu Min began to "fate" with physics, because he was a "halfway out of the family", and at that time, China's basic physics was still in a relatively backward state, which can be said to be nothing, so Yu Min was particularly difficult at the beginning of the transformation, but fortunately, the famous nuclear physicist Mr. Qian Sanqiang took a fancy to this poor teenager and took care of him in every way, which made Yu Min insist on completing his undergraduate and graduate studies.

Of course, Yu Min did not dare to forget the teaching grace of Mr. Qian Sanqiang, so after the founding of New China, he resolutely followed Mr. Qian Sanqiang into the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became Qian Lao's assistant researcher. At this time, Yu Min was in his early twenties, and this age could be regarded as an entry-level figure in the physics world.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

Yu Min and his wife

But you must know that the new China at that time was not to say that it was a veteran, not even a few novices like Yu Min, so at that time Yu Min was already the mainstay of the institute, and it was he and a group of young people of his age who dared to try the development of the atomic bomb.

In the 1950s, after experiencing the Korean War, the Cpc Central Committee and Chairman Mao profoundly realized the gap between nuclear weapons and non-nuclear weapons, so in order to no longer suffer from the nuclear deterrence and nuclear extortion of US imperialism, the research on the atomic bomb began.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

Of course, what happened later we all know that China's first atomic bomb was successfully developed in the sixties, but before that there were still some problems, that is, as early as 1952, the United States successfully built a hydrogen bomb that was more powerful than the atomic bomb, which means that even if China built an atomic bomb, it is difficult to escape the deterrence of the United States to a large extent, so the research work on hydrogen bombs is bound to be moved to the agenda.

So what was Yu Min doing at this time? It turned out that in the list of people who developed the atomic bomb at that time, Yu Min was not selected because he had never been abroad, and he deeply felt that Yu Min, who was not selected because of his own lack of learning, could be said to have suffered a great blow, so in order to have an excellent resume, in 1960 Yu Min pulled his wife to learn English and prepared to study abroad in the next year, so what changed Yu Min's intention to study abroad, thus promoting him to become the father of China's hydrogen bomb?

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

It turned out that it was the arrival of the mentor Qian Sanqiang at that time, which changed Yu Min's plans, Mr. Qian Sanqiang found Yu Min on the eve of min's imminent departure abroad, braved the goose feather snow to find him, told him the plan that his superiors were preparing for hydrogen bomb research, and said: "Don't worry about whether you have been abroad, I have already reported your situation to your superiors, and I am also clear about your ability, so I can go boldly with confidence!" Of course, Yu Min, who originally wanted to repay the motherland, how could he refuse the kindness of his mentor? Therefore, Yu Min resolutely gave up his plan to go abroad and joined the research work on the principle of thermonuclear weapons in anonymity.

The incognito here is the literal meaning, that is to say, as long as Yu Min fights in the post of nuclear physics for one day, he will hide all this from the masses, friends and even his parents, wives and children, and this concealment is nearly thirty years, which is why many audience friends do not understand it.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

In this way, Yu Min entered the dream research institute, but the working atmosphere in the institute made him feel unexpected, because each of the colleagues in the institute was a returnee who had studied in the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany, and they were not only proficient in nuclear physics, but even spoke several languages, so such a group of elites, even after Mr. Qian Sanqiang's reminder, they still had some contempt for Min, a "dirt bun" who had never been abroad. And Yu Min naturally knew the views of his colleagues, and he did have many problems at that time.

So what problems was Yu Min facing at that time? There are many, one of which is that his English is not good, and he cannot understand the English on many instruments, parts, and books; the second is that the direction of his previous main attack is quantum field theory, which is very helpful for the development of atomic bombs, but for the development of hydrogen bombs, it is equivalent to the need to learn again; third, he is not at home all day, and his wife does not know what he is doing, so the family conflicts are getting more and more serious, and several times even to the point of divorce.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

So many problems weighed on Yu Min is really a bit breathless, he even thought of giving up at one point, but Qian Sanqiang's words strengthened his direction, Mr. Qian Sanqiang said: "Yu Min, I know that you have a lot of difficulties to overcome, but the country is now facing huge trouble, under the agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union, if we can not complete the research on the hydrogen bomb before France, it means that China may never be able to build a hydrogen bomb, we will always be inferior..."

Hearing these words and knowing the pressure facing China, Yu Min suddenly felt that his problem was not so important, so in order to let China let Chinese raise his head, Yu Min had no hesitation at this time, and the research work on the hydrogen bomb officially began.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

Money three strong

However, the work of hydrogen bomb research began, but the difficulties faced by Yu Min and his colleagues were still huge, at that time, because the atomic bomb had not yet been successfully detonated, almost all of the country's equipment, manpower, and material resources were invested in the atomic bomb researchers, and the hydrogen bomb research was very small, so Yu Min and others had to use the most primitive method to calculate and use the lowest cost to carry out scientific research.

During that time, they spent all day with an ordinary ruler and stacks of scratch paper to calculate manually day and night, but do you think this will overwhelm them? The answer is no, even if the conditions are so difficult, these researchers still took less than four years to figure out the principle scheme of the hydrogen bomb, solve many key problems, and shift the research of the hydrogen bomb from the theoretical level to the practical level.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

After reaching the actual manufacturing level, under the leadership of Yu Min, who is not afraid of life and death, china spent a short period of two years and eight months, on June 17, 1967, successfully before France, so that China became the fourth country in the world to have a hydrogen bomb, which Yu Min can be described as indispensable, but I believe that there will be some audience friends who see here to ask such a question, that is, by 1967, the hydrogen bomb has not been successfully developed? So why did Yu Min remain anonymous for more than twenty years?

It turned out that this was all related to the miniaturization of hydrogen bombs, although China already had two bombs and made major breakthroughs in missiles, but until the 1980s, China had not been able to perfectly combine nuclear bombs and missiles, that is, to reduce the size of nuclear bombs to the size of ordinary missiles, and nuclear bombs could not be put into missiles, but simply by bombers, we still could not threaten the United States on the other side of the ocean.

Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb: Incognito for thirty years, the Americans said that he could withstand ten army groups

Therefore, in order to accomplish this goal, Comrade Yu Min has been fighting in the front line of scientific research for more than twenty years, so that China has completed the feat of reducing the size of the hydrogen bomb before the global ban on nuclear tests!

Never been abroad, never seen a hydrogen bomb, not even English, but what can it be? Comrade Yu Min, with his enthusiasm and patriotic spirit, has spent many years far more than the four countries of the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and France to make China and the Chinese nation raise their eyebrows in the world, of course, it is to a large extent because of his feats that today's China can be so strong and we can have such a happy life.