
Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

author:Red Cuckoo Kan Entertainment

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women hosted on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play</h1>

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

CCTV "Conference" series of cultural knowledge quiz programs have added new members, on September 4 at 19:00, the first season of "China National Treasure Conference" was launched on the financial channel (CCTV-2). "Reading China from a National Treasure", the program production form, the format process, and the stage design all continue the consistent style characteristics of the "Chinese Poetry Conference", but the carrier of the competition is a cultural relic. The first episode was very exciting to watch, and even more fresh than the six-season poetry conference.

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

The first season of "China National Treasure Conference" has nearly a thousand cultural relics from more than 140 museums across the country, which has become the test point for the contestants in the program. Before entering the CCTV recording, the 36 contestants have already gone through layers of selection, all of whom are genuine cultural enthusiasts, and there are several from Xi'an, the oldest is 78 years old, and the youngest is 11 years old. Someone answered all 12 questions correctly in the "Every Second Counts" link, and was the only player with a full score who won the full hall. The next game starts with the knockout rounds, and the schedule will be more exciting and exciting.

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

It is often said that "men and women are matched, the work is not tired", the setting of the host of the variety show, if it is two or more, generally arranges for the male and female hosts to partner. For example, the comprehensive channel's "Classic Arias", the main stage host is Sabine, the host on the second scene is Wang Jianning, there is no direct communication between the two programs, they belong to their respective duties, and the cooperation is also very good. "China National Treasure Conference" has a unique way, so that Xie Yingying and Long Yang, two beautiful hostesses, partner, at least visually give people a very pleasing feeling.

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

Personally, I lack knowledge of literature and bo, and watching "China National Treasure Conference" is completely aimed at the two hosts, Long Yang and Xie Yingying. Although Xie Yingying and Long Yang appeared at the same time at the beginning, the two had different divisions of labor. I just didn't expect that the host host was Long Yang, who was directly face-to-face with the players and was responsible for answering the questions. Xie Yingying played an auxiliary role, working with the expert group at the second scene to ask the experts to make a professional interpretation of the contestants' wrong questions.

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

First of all, Long Yang, who felt that after two seasons of "Chinese Poetry Conference" and one season of "Chinese Party History Conference", he became more and more skilled in hosting "conference" programs, and the communication between contestants became more and more handy. Many classical poems can be blurted out, in order to adjust the atmosphere on the field and ease the tension of the players, Long Yang also has timely and kind jokes and ridicule, but it is not completely nonsensical. There is a player from Hunan, Long Yang met is a dialect greeting, suddenly close the distance between each other.

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

There was also a player on the field who first asked Long Yang to sign his costume, And Long Yang also cheerfully agreed, and whenever the players had wonderful performances, Long Yang also had heartfelt praise and encouragement... And so on, which seems to have nothing to do with answering the question, but reflects the affinity side of Long Yang. As the host of the knowledge quiz program, affinity is essential, which can not only relieve the pressure of the contestants, but also make the game more enjoyable. More and more people feel that CCTV chose Long Yang to pick the host beam of the "conference" series of programs, which has a long-term strategic vision.

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

Xie Yingying in the second scene, there is no opportunity to play on her own, whether it is to communicate with experts or ask questions about the contestants, it is to follow the process step by step, but this is not Xie Yingying's problem, but the program team design is so. Overall, although Xie Yingying has more seniority than Long Yang on the financial channel and is once a "boss Hua Dan", she still has more experience in hosting "conference" programs. At first, I couldn't quite understand the division of labor between the two hosts of the "China National Treasure Conference", but after watching the first episode, I understood that Long Yang did have her advantages.

Longyang Xie Yingying presided over the National Treasure Conference on the same stage, the former affinity full score, the latter self-play insufficient Longyang Xie Yingying two beautiful women on the same stage to host, the former affinity full score, the latter has no room for self-play

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