
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment

author:Fujian forest firefighting

"Comrade examiner, the backbone of the newly trained cadres has been prepared before the completion of the training, please instruct..." Recently, the forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training Southern training team strictly organized the completion assessment.

Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment

It is reported that the assessment mainly inspected and accepted 19 contents of 5 subjects, namely, group training method, health rescue, rope rescue technology, fire extinguishing bomb throwing, and basic physical fitness, with the aim of comprehensively testing the backbone training ability of the new training cadres and the level of mastery of the difficult subjects, and constantly consolidating their role as "leading geese and vanguard soldiers".

Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment

As an essential skill for the backbone of the newly trained cadres, the assessment of the organization training method is the highlight of this assessment. "The technical actions of the wind fire extinguisher are mainly cutting, pressing, topping, picking, sweeping, and scattering, and I will explain and demonstrate for everyone in the form of talking and doing, and everyone should listen carefully and look carefully..." On the examination field, Xu Kang, the leader of the second team of the new training, skillfully carried out the explanation demonstration and organizational exercises of the operation and use of the wind fire extinguisher.

"What do you do when your new firefighters are bored during training..." The examiner's intentional "difficulty" did not bother the old squad leader with new experience many times. The purpose of the assessment team is to comprehensively test the ability of the new training team leader to speak, do, teach, and do ideological work, so as to improve the overall teaching and training ability of the team, reserve the training talents for the next step of the new training, and ensure that the new training work has a good start and a good start.

Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment

"The body stays on the bar for more than 3 seconds, this action does not count..." All the reference personnel on the equipment examination field are fiercely competing for better results." We will write the syllabus how we test! Instructor Wu Weiwei, a member of the assessment team, said. It is understood that all the subjects of this assessment are carried out in full accordance with the outline standards and detailed rules, and the assessment team strictly controls the assessment procedures, adheres to a ruler to measure to the end and strictly to the end, abandons the common procedures in the assessment, and does not standardize the actions, and puts an end to emotional and relationship points.

Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment

This assessment is an important part of the new training work, and it is a comprehensive acceptance of the results of the training of the backbone cadres of the new training, which greatly improves the training enthusiasm of all team members, and also allows the trainees to have an objective understanding of their own abilities. In the next step, the training team will accurately exert efforts according to the assessment situation, consolidate the strong and make up for the weak, and do a good job in the next article where the backbone of the new training cadres and the new firefighters grow and progress together.

Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment
Hit the scene straight! The forest fire brigade newly recruited firefighters induction training southern training team completion assessment

Producer: Su Changgen

Author: Qin Wenwen

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