
"Spring and Autumn" (154)

author:Shaoxing Li Zhen

"Spring and Autumn" (153)

Fourteen years after the proclamation of the Emperor

The 148th time, the armed force force forced Zheng Guozheng to hang himself as a public loyalist

In the spring of the tenth year, wei killed his doctor Kong Da. Xia May Nongshen, Cao Boshou died. Marquis Zheng of Jin. In the autumn of September, Chu Zi surrounded the Song Dynasty. Buried Cao Wengong. In the winter, Gongsun gui's father would be Marquis Yu Su.

In the spring of the fourteenth year, Kong Da, the ruling minister of the Patriotic State, hanged himself and fulfilled his promise. The fate of the slightly weaker princely states is also so fragile. Wei Guo thus pleased the Jin State and stopped crusading. At the same time, the State of Jin demanded that Wei Guo report to the princely states, put the blame on the deceased, and let Wei Chenggong himself declare: "The widow has an unkind courtier, Kong Da, who has framed the friendly relations between wei guo and the Jin state, and has now committed his own guilt, hereby informs." This wave of overt operations; secretly Wei Guo remembered that Kong Da had a merit in helping Kong Da's son marry his wife, while inheriting the position of father.

Summer, May 11, 11th Nongshen Day, Cao Wen Gong 卒, Ji surname, Cao clan, name Shou, reigned for 23 years.

Jin Jinggong also came up with a trick to attack Zheng Guo, on the grounds that the cause of the "Battle of Wudi" was for Zheng Guo. At the same time, Xun Lin's father (Zhonghang Huanzi) also thought of a way to use the military parade to play a role in deterring the Zheng state, so he informed the princely states to watch the Jin state military parade ceremony. Father Xun Lin estimated: "Show them military might, let them weigh themselves." Although Zheng Guo was frightened, he sent Gongzi Zhang (Gongsun Heiqiu) to the Chu Kingdom to exchange Gongzi Liang (Gongzi to go to illness). In this way, Zheng Xianggong went to the Chu State to plan how to deal with the Jin State, and the prince Liang Mingli summoned him back to China.

  King Zhuang of Chu sent the doctor Shen Zhou (Wen ZhiLiang) to the State of Qi to ask him, "Don't go through the Song Kingdom. At the same time, he sent Gongzi Feng to the Jin State to inquire, and did not allow Gongzi Feng to pass by Zheng Guo. As soon as Shen Zhou heard this, he remembered the punishment of Song Zhaogong's entourage in "Meng Zhutian Hunting", which was recorded in the "Ten Years of Wen Gong", and he had already offended the Song Kingdom, so he said: "Zheng Guo is reasonable, Song Guo does not know etiquette, there is no danger to go to the Jin State envoys, I will die." King Zhuang of Chu promised, "If I kill you, I will crusade against the Song Kingdom." Shen Zhou first confessed the aftermath, entrusted his son Shen Xi to the King of Chuzhuang, and then sent an envoy. When the Song Kingdom was detained, Hua Yuan, the Right Master of the Song Kingdom, said: "After our country does not borrow the Way, so despise our country, when our country does not exist." If you kill the envoys of the Chu state, you will be crusaded, and you will perish, anyway, when our country does not exist. "Just kill Wen Zhi's unscrupulousness." When the king of Chuzhuang heard that Shen Zhou had been killed, he stood up and rushed forward, and his entourage rushed to the front court of the road to send his shoes, and rushed to the door of the palace and sent the sword, and the car chased to the Puxu street market and finally sat on it.

"Spring and Autumn" (154)

  In September, Cao Wengong was buried, in accordance with the ceremonial system. In the same month, King Zhuang of Chu besieged the Song Kingdom.

In the winter, Gongsun Gui of the State of Lu (姬; pinyin: 姬; pinyin: Ji, Dongmen, dongmen, zizi) met with Qi Xiang at the "Grain Land" (present-day Liaocheng, Shandong) in the Qi Xiang Pact.

Gao Xuanzi (Gao Gu), the Grand Master of the State of Qi, saw Yan Huanzi (Yan Wei, the father of Yan Bao), who was also the Father of Qi, and was very happy to talk to him about the return of The Gongsun of the State of Lu to his father (Zi Zi Family), and Yan Huanzi judged: "The Son's family will flee, and he covets the power of the State of Lu; Greed will give birth to greed, and greed will be calculated." He who calculates others, others also calculate, until the people of a country calculate him, how can they not flee? "The father of Yanzi has such a golden saying: it is also an assertion of those who rely on calculations to live their lives.

Meng Xianzi (Zhongsun Contempt) said to Lu Xuangong: "The subjects heard that small countries were exempt from the punishment of big countries, and they both went to hire and contribute money, so there were theories of "Tingshi Brigade Hundred" (referring to gifts displayed in the court) and "offering merit to the dynasty" (referring to the merits of conquest). In this way, there will be a variety of gorgeous treasures, plus extra gifts. This is to forgive sins, and if you contribute your goods during the crusade, it will be too late. Now Chu Guo Tun Bing Song Guo, you consider considering. The implication was to let Lu Guo take a stand, and Lu Xuangong was very happy to hear it. Gentle advice, everyone is happy to hear, saying that before it happens, it will be done unconsciously.

"The UnbridledNess of Literature"

There is no hesitation in obeying the king's orders, and the matter of the widow is left behind.

Forgetting death and sacrificing his life to fulfill his duties, King Zhuang heard the letter and threw his sleeves out.

Barefoot gallops to take revenge, and the monarch and his subjects are willing to die.

How many good stories have been passed down through the ages, and the ghosts of self-evident life and death have been passed down.

August 13 of the Year of the Ugly