
Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

author:First trip
Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a country known as the tears of the Indian Ocean. It's not because Sri Lanka's geography is tearful, but because its land is really shaped like a tear. Of course, there are also said to be pearls, because Sri Lanka produces gemstones, sapphires, vowels, zircon and other minerals.

Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka also dates back to the 5th century BC and is a branch of Indian civilization. The first people to come to this island nation were the Sinhalese people of India, a people who, if they trace their origins, belonged to the northern race of the Indian subcontinent, which is now the northwest of Bengal and Pakistan. They were the first to migrate to this part of Sri Lanka, and of course they are now the main ethnic group in Sri Lanka. But after a few hundred years, the Tamils of southern India also moved to this land, and various wars began on both sides. It fought for more than a thousand years, until the European powers began to invade. First the Portuguese landed in Sri Lanka, and then the Dutch army conquered the land, but in the end it was the British colonization that never set. It was not until 1972 that Sri Lanka became officially independent. But you think that this is the end, they can develop peacefully, and after independence, they start a 25-year civil war. To put it bluntly, it is still a confrontation between tamils and Sinhalese, which is also an old historical problem. Finally, in 2009, after the Tamils finally admitted defeat to the war and Sri Lankan government forces killed the supreme leader of the rebel group, the civil war was finally over.

Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's tourism industry has always been the country's main economic source, natural scenery, tea plantations, gems and minerals, is the main attraction of tourists, especially for Tourists from Europe and Southeast Asia. Sri Lanka also has a certain number of World Heritage Sites, after all, it also has a history of thousands of years, and it is relatively well preserved, and the ancient city has not been destroyed by natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

Then let's talk about sri Lanka's capital, Colombo and Sri Jayawadna Prakot. Why sri Lanka has two capitals, because the commercial capital is Colombo, and the administrative capital is Sri Jaya Wadna Prakot (referred to as Kot), to be precise, sri Lanka prepared to move the capital from Colombo to Kot in 1985, but only a few agencies such as the National Assembly and the Forestry Department moved here. So it hasn't been completely transferred, but in fact, the two cities are not far away. Kot is the equivalent of a suburb of Colombo, but most people still think that Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka. So today we are still introducing Colombo.


Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

Red Mosque

It is a red and white brick building, also known as the Jami-Ul-Alfar Mosque. Completed in 1908, it is one of Colombo's landmarks. It is said that many sailors to Sri Lanka used it at the beginning of the 20th century to identify the port of Colombo. It is worth noting that the mosque is only open to men, and female visitors can only admire the beauty of this Islamic building from outside the door.

Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

Colombo Fortress Railway Station

The train station is not famous, mainly the train is famous, the original scene of Spirited Away and One Piece, and the sea train is the inspiration found here. In fact, it is a train line close to the coastline, and the train from Colombo to Galle is a popular attraction on the Internet. Sea train, feel the scene that only in the manga.


Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka

black tea

It is Ceylon black tea, which is the most famous specialty of Sri Lanka, and the locals are naturally loyal lovers of black tea. Highland tea in Ceylon is usually made as a crushed tea with an auburn color. Among them, the soup of Uwo tea is orange-red and bright, and the soup noodle ring of the top product has a golden yellow aperture, as if crowned; the soup color of Tingbula tea is bright red, the taste is refreshing and soft, with floral fragrance and less astringency. Nuwara Eliya tea is lighter in color, aroma and taste than the first two, the soup color is orange and yellow, the aroma is clear, and the taste is slightly closer to green tea.

Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka


Sri Lankan curries are made with high-quality spices. Sri Lankan Curry Premium Spice Sri Lankan Curry has a long history as Indian curry due to the better quality of the spices produced in Sri Lanka. A bowl of rice, a bowl of curry, a bowl of soup, a few small stir-fries, a very spicy cold dish... This is sri Lankan curry and rice set. Note, however, that curry rice is not "rice bowl", but "curry" and "rice" are separated.

Each country has its own capital, Sri Lanka


Sri Lankan breakfast is a traditional breakfast, but today it has become a popular snack in the streets and alleys. Pancakes are made with rice milk, coconut milk, coconut water and a pinch of sugar and are panned in a high-sided pan to the size of a bowl. Freshly baked, ready to eat or with eggs in the middle of the cake, it tastes better with Sri Lankan chili sauce.