
Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

author:Shangguan News

The Spring Festival is approaching, the taste of the New Year is getting stronger, and the purchase of New Year goods is an indispensable part of the old and the new. Salt warehouse crystal rice cake, Datuan Longtan sake brewing, old Port snow vegetables, seasonal strawberries, raw flying rice...

From February 4th to February 9th, the activity of "Punong Excellent Fresh Welcome new year - Pudong High-quality Real Estate Agricultural Products Exhibition and Sales" was held in the B1 Open Theater of Jinqiao International Commercial Plaza, providing a good place for the general public to purchase New Year goods with a New Year goods market!

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline
Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline
Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

More than 100 kinds of high-quality real estate agricultural products in Pudong

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

It is understood that in the past, before the Spring Festival every year, the Shanghai Municipal Agricultural and Rural Committee would hold an annual New Year Joint Exhibition, and this year, considering the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the New Year Joint Exhibition was cancelled, but the demand for citizens to purchase New Year goods did not decrease. "Most of the citizens have the tradition of purchasing New Year goods years ago, in order to meet everyone's needs, we have joined hands with Jinqiao International Commercial Plaza to carry out a small-scale New Year goods market to bring more than 100 pieces of pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products to the public." Ji Shuai, a staff member of the Comprehensive Development Department of the District Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee, said.

At this New Year market, Pudong's local fist agricultural products appeared in a concentrated manner, which was well received by the public.

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

According to reports, the agricultural products participating in the exhibition and sales are from 4 agricultural industry consortiums in Pudong, Pudong Yinong Cooperative, and Pudong counterpart Xinjiang-aid enterprises, with a rich variety of products and more secure quality.

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

Ying Xiong, head of the lead unit of the Yueya Watermelon Industrialization Consortium, told reporters that there are currently 8 member units in the consortium, and this time it has brought cream strawberries, red beauties and other seasonal fruits, which can make the citizens feast.

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

Aunt Gu, a citizen, came from Jiading Huaqiao to purchase New Year goods this time, and after less than 10 minutes of shopping, she carried several bags in her hand. In her view, the quality of Pudong real estate agricultural products is guaranteed, "I purchase New Year goods every year to stare at Pudong local agricultural products, the products are fresh, the price is affordable, the key is still delicious." ”

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

Shanghai Xiangshao Mao Mao Professional Cooperative brought two kinds of corn, small red glutinous and purple and black glutinous, which are the cooperative's main products. Many citizens saw the corn placed on the stalls and sighed one after another: "This corn is praised!" Chen Yulan, the head of the cooperative, told reporters that the stall had just been set up for less than half an hour, and more than a dozen boxes had been sold, "A citizen listened to a friend introduce our family's corn and bought six boxes to go home in one go." ”

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

Can this year's New Year's Fair only buy agricultural products on the spot?

Buying New Year goods? Just come here! Pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products are gathered, which can be bought online and offline

Of course not, this year, not only the popularity of the offline New Year goods market, but also online purchases, "live streaming with goods" is also very popular ~

On the other side of the on-site market, the live broadcast of agricultural products with goods on the platform of "Punong Excellent Fresh" was launched synchronously. During the exhibition and sale of pudong high-quality real estate agricultural products, a total of 2 live broadcast activities were held, which brought more convenience and preferential treatment to the public while expanding the sales channels of agricultural products.

It is reported that this activity is also the first cooperation between the District Agricultural and Rural Committee and Jinqiao International Commercial Plaza. In the follow-up, the two sides will launch online and offline exhibition and sales activities from time to time according to the theme of different seasons, and send Pudong's high-quality real estate agricultural products to more citizens.

What are you waiting for?

Come and choose the Pudong New Year goods that you want to miss.~

Responsible editor Yang Linyu

Source Pudong Release