
Xieji Town Center School joined hands with the love team to carry out love assistance activities

author:Southern Cantonese micro-smell

Pay attention to rural education and care for left-behind children. On the morning of October 31, the sun was shining and the golden breeze was refreshing. Contacted and facilitated by Xieji Central School, Gaozhou Gaoliang Blue Sky Volunteer Association joined hands with Guangzhou Longren Human Resources Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Panyu Aiyou Tomorrow Volunteer Service Team and Wang Wenyuan Balanced Acupuncture Guangdong Team and other volunteer groups to enter the town's Maopo Primary School to carry out love assistance activities, and light up the childhood dreams of rural children with "donating to help students and passing on love".

Xieji Town Center School joined hands with the love team to carry out love assistance activities

Donation ceremony

In recent years, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Education Bureau, the town party committee and government and other higher-level departments, Xieji Town Center School has the courage to take responsibility, work hard, and all aspects of the school go hand in hand, and has achieved excellent results: the school's flute characteristic education has been effectively inherited, the school's sports and football projects have shined (in the 2021 Mayor's Cup football competition, men and women have won the Guijun), and the teaching quality is among the best in the city. Maopo Primary School in the town is a rural primary school with only more than 50 students, most of whom are left-behind children, due to financial constraints, the school's students' desks and chairs are relatively old, and children's reading books and sports equipment are also lacking.

Xieji Town Center School joined hands with the love team to carry out love assistance activities

DaAi volunteers donated a large number of teaching materials to our school, worth nearly 10,000 yuan

After the central school learned of the situation, it took the initiative to contact the Gaozhou Gaoliang Blue Sky Volunteer Association, the president of the association Zhou Wu ran up and down, and actively joined hands with Guangzhou Longren Human Resources Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Panyu Love Tomorrow Volunteer Service Team and Wang Wenyuan Balanced Acupuncture Guangdong Team to form a volunteer group, and donated a large number of teaching materials such as 50 sets of love desks, sports equipment and books to Maopo Primary School, worth nearly 10,000 yuan, and the donation ceremony was held at the school on the morning of October 31.

Xieji Town Center School joined hands with the love team to carry out love assistance activities

On the sunny playground, students and volunteers do sports together, and the campus is full of laughter and laughter...

Before the donation ceremony began, the Daai volunteers interacted with the teachers and students of the school to play games and exercises: this side of the table tennis you come and go, that side of the hula circle rotating left and right... On the playground and under the fruit trees, the faces of the students were filled with warm smiles, and the joyful atmosphere overflowed the entire campus. It is precisely because of the joint efforts of these caring people that children can bathe in the sunshine of love, the rain and dew of kindness, and grow into warm, grateful and responsible flowers!

At the donation ceremony, Liao Jun, principal of Maopo Primary School, expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks to all the guests and volunteers on behalf of all the teachers and students of the school. Zhang Hai, executive deputy mayor of Xieji Town, thanked the benevolent people and volunteers who came from afar for their kindness.

Xieji Town Center School joined hands with the love team to carry out love assistance activities

Leaders and guest volunteers exchanged views on the education and teaching work of our school and promoted growth together.

Li Dan, principal of the central school of the town, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Gaoliang Blue Sky Volunteer Association and the Guangzhou Volunteer Group for their charitable deeds of helping students; encouraged the teachers to build up morality, serve as a teacher, adhere to poverty and retain nostalgia; and placed great expectations on the students, wishing them healthy growth, academic progress, and always have a grateful heart, carry forward Chinese virtues, and pass on the love.

The leaders and team members of the volunteer team have expressed their gratitude, cherish the warm help and sincere care provided by the great lovers, and transform it into the motivation of learning and the spirit of hard work, constantly learn skills, strengthen themselves, and through their own efforts and abilities, and then pass on this love, dedicate love and give back to the society.

Xieji Town Center School joined hands with the love team to carry out love assistance activities

Group photo

Subsequently, Zhang Hai, executive deputy mayor of the town, Li Dan, principal of the central school, Ding Boru, secretary of the Maopo Village Committee, and Liao Jun, principal of Maopo Primary School, respectively presented love plaques to the volunteer team and took a group photo to commemorate the occasion.

Mr. Deng Kunyao, chairman of Xieji Town, and Chairman of Gaozhou Jinque Piano Company, traveled in many ways for this love and education assistance activity, planned and presided over the whole activity, and gave a poem----- Morning Mu Autumn Light into Xie Chicken, Huairou Homeland Sprinkled Qinghui. Thousands of miles of love and love, help Maopo happy to return.

It is the great love volunteers who shine with the sunshine of beauty, moisturize with the rain and dew of beauty, and the hearts of rural children are green and grassy, and the flowers are like flowers! I look forward to children learning to be grateful, inherit virtues, put them into action, and continue to pursue their dreams and realize their dreams on the road of growth, give back to the society and serve the motherland! (Text: Li Dan; Photo: Zhou Wu Da Ai)

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