
Tongchuan Lantern Shadow Beef Hits the List of Sichuan's Top Ten Food Landmarks The fifth generation of heirs Deng Lilong: Centennial Lantern Shadow Beef has three major advantages

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Luo Xuan

At present, the 2021 Sichuan Top Ten Food Landmark Selection Activity is in full swing, and many famous and excellent products in Dazhou are on the list, among which Tongchuan Lantern Shadow Beef, which has a century-old heritage, is listed. On November 1, Deng Lilong, as the fifth generation heir of Dengying beef, was very happy to hear that Dengying Beef was on the list of Sichuan's top ten food landmarks, and counted the three advantages of Dengying Beef to help Dengying Beef to compete for Sichuan's top ten food landmarks.

Tongchuan Lantern Shadow Beef Hits the List of Sichuan's Top Ten Food Landmarks The fifth generation of heirs Deng Lilong: Centennial Lantern Shadow Beef has three major advantages

Traditional production process of lamp shadow beef (photo by Tang Dynasty Xiang)

Deng Lilong said that the history of dengying beef is very long, this dish has a history of thousands of years, but the formation of specific production technology has a history of hundreds of years, it can be said that dengying beef is a century-old famous dish that has gone through the wind and frost years. At the same time, it is also a famous and excellent product in Dazhou and even Sichuan. For Dengying beef to list Sichuan's top ten food landmarks, Deng Lilong said that Dengying beef has at least three major advantages: production process, material selection and taste.

In terms of production process, Dengying beef adopts the most traditional baking technology, without adding any additives, it is a pure handmade, pure natural production method, the beef is cut into thin slices and dried, and then placed on a bamboo sieve for baking, and various spices are added.

In terms of material selection, the lamp shadow beef selects the most essential part of the cow, that is, the hind leg tendon meat, and the part of a cow that is finally used to make beef lamp shadow is not more than 20 pounds. Therefore, the selection of the quality of the beef is very high.

On the palate, the light shadow beef is made by adding various spices after drying, the entrance taste is very thin and crisp, the entrance slag, the fresh flavor is incomparable, and the nutrition and aroma of the beef are preserved to the greatest extent through the most traditional production process. At the same time, because it is baked on a bamboo sieve, the light shadow beef is also mixed with a bamboo flavor.

Tongchuan Lantern Shadow Beef Hits the List of Sichuan's Top Ten Food Landmarks The fifth generation of heirs Deng Lilong: Centennial Lantern Shadow Beef has three major advantages

Light Shadow Beef Business Card:

Local traditional food in Dazhou City, Sichuan Province. The slices of beef are as thin as paper, the color is bright red, the taste is spicy and crispy, and the chewing is fine, and the aftertaste is endless. Light shadows, or shadow puppetry, use light to project silhouettes of figures made of animal skins or cardboard onto the curtain. The use of "lamp shadow" to call this beef shows the thinness of its meat slices, so thin that it can reveal objects under the light, like a curtain in a shadow puppet play.

Tongchuan Lantern Shadow Beef Hits the List of Sichuan's Top Ten Food Landmarks The fifth generation of heirs Deng Lilong: Centennial Lantern Shadow Beef has three major advantages

Legends about The Shadow Beef:

According to legend, more than 1,000 years ago, the Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Shu, who was serving as the imperial court inspector of imperial history, was demoted to Sima of Tongzhou (通州, in modern Dazhou, Sichuan) for offending eunuchs and conservative bureaucrats. One yen shu to a hotel for a drink, the beef slices in the appetizer are thin and fragrant, and there is no residue in the mouth, he is quite impressed, and he is immediately known as "light shadow beef".

According to another legend, a person with the surname Que in Liangping County, Sichuan (present-day Liangping District, Chongqing) wandered to Dazhou and burned wax as a business. Initially, he made spiced beef slices that were thick and hard, difficult to chew when eaten, and easy to stuff teeth, and poor sales. Later, day and night, I thought about it and gradually improved it, cutting the beef into large and thin pieces, marinating it first, then roasting it on the fire, and drizzling it with sesame oil when selling. The resulting beef is crispy and delicious, very popular in the market, prosperous in business, and made a fortune as a result. Others saw that it was profitable and copied it one after another, and Dengying beef gradually became a famous product in Sichuan.

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