
Jiu YueXi's military travel text "White Olive Tree", the male protagonist Ah Zhan for his Ran Ran, insisted on "White Olive Tree" for 10 years Wen Wen has something to say after

author:Wenwen said humanities

Heroes are remembered and carved into stone tablets; survivors are forgotten and unrecognizable. - "The White Olive Tree"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > "White Olive Tree" </h1>

The author of this novel is Jiu Yuexi, the male protagonist of the story is called Li Zhan (Ah Zhan), and the female protagonist of the story is song Ran (冉冉). The story begins with a grand romance, and the story ends with a moment of loss after laughter.

From the first encounter and then to the war to the marriage, a soldier, a war correspondent. The male and female protagonists are ordinary, but they are extraordinary.

Jiu YueXi's military travel text "White Olive Tree", the male protagonist Ah Zhan for his Ran Ran, insisted on "White Olive Tree" for 10 years Wen Wen has something to say after

Jiu Yuexi's classic sadistic article "White Olive Tree"

Ah Zhan is shy and shy, smiles and is easy to blush, justice is gentle, upright, kind and selfless, he is full of love and responsibility for this world, but this world is not good for him, not good for him and Ran Ran.

"The war took away not only the bodies of the victims, but also the souls of the survivors", after the war, the scarred Ah Zhan was brought back by Ran Ran, but the spirited Ah Zhan stayed on the battlefield of the Eastern Kingdom and did not come back... Ah Zhan insisted for ten years for his ran. The once gentle and peaceful Ah Zhan, who smiled and bent his eyebrows, will always be my intentions. Song Ran handed over her boy to the state, and the state failed to return Li Zhan completely and completely.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > Wenwen has something to say </h1>

In fact, after reading this novel, the heart will be very complicated, the tone of the whole novel is sadness, especially the environment is described very rendering, the story is very simple but very grand, not simply in love and love, but war, network violence and so on.

Jiu YueXi's military travel text "White Olive Tree", the male protagonist Ah Zhan for his Ran Ran, insisted on "White Olive Tree" for 10 years Wen Wen has something to say after

The male and female protagonists are both people with family and country feelings, and the heroine's personality is really good. In the eyes of colleagues, she is an introvert, but she can go to the war-burning East country under the opposition of her mother and friends, take materials in the war, weak and strong, and be brave to meet the male protagonist after falling in love with the male protagonist at first sight, but after knowing that the male protagonist has a girlfriend, she suppresses her feelings and draws a line with the male protagonist. Her personality is really good and she handles it appropriately, both at work, family and emotionally.

The male protagonist is the person with the highest ideological realm in the novel i have read, he is an introverted and gentle and adhere to the principle of the special soldier, voluntarily joined the war, always firm in his belief, I feel that the only time the male protagonist in the whole text has shaken his faith is when he rescues the female protagonist, but after knowing that the female protagonist is safe, he is indifferent.

Jiu YueXi's military travel text "White Olive Tree", the male protagonist Ah Zhan for his Ran Ran, insisted on "White Olive Tree" for 10 years Wen Wen has something to say after

The novel also reflects many things, including disasters, online violence, depression, the psychology of veterans returning from the battlefield, and the thinking of people suffering disasters. The male protagonist is the best person, but he has suffered pain that others cannot imagine. When the heroine asked him if he complained, he shook his head. Because of his ran, he forgave all the pain in the world.

The love between Li Zhan and Song Ran is bumpy but beautiful, they are each other's comfort and strength, but after falling in love, they always face separation and war. The war brought too much pain to Li Zhan, but he insisted for ten years for his ranran, for the girl who wanted to marry her in the New Year's resolution he made. The departure of Li Zhan and Song Ran in this world seems to be a beautiful beginning in another world, there is Ah Zhan, there is Ran Ran, there are pieces of white olive trees, there are small pigeons and poplar trees, there is no war and no sacrifice, only he and her.

Jiu YueXi's military travel text "White Olive Tree", the male protagonist Ah Zhan for his Ran Ran, insisted on "White Olive Tree" for 10 years Wen Wen has something to say after

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > postscript </h1>

Ah Zhan, the spirited teenager, remained forever on the battlefield of dongguo, and he was taken home by his ran ran, who was scarred. War never only takes the lives of the dead, but also sucks the souls of the survivors. Ah Zhan and Ran Ran saw the legendary white olive tree together that day, unfortunately it was a beautiful mirage. Later, Ah Zhan could always see the white olive trees outside the window, but he did not dare to tell Ran Ran.

The end of the story makes people want to cry, but fortunately, Ah Zhan and Ran Ran are together, and there are small saplings and doves.

When the sun was blazing and there was no breeze, we sat on the roof of the car, looking at the sky and the earth in the distance, and our hearts were quiet and silent. After seeing the deepest darkness, the fiercest evil, and the ugliest horror, I am still glad that I have seen the light, I have seen the kindest heart, I am still grateful, I have seen the white olive tree. That was the best Li Zhan, and also the best Song Ran.

Jiu YueXi's military travel text "White Olive Tree", the male protagonist Ah Zhan for his Ran Ran, insisted on "White Olive Tree" for 10 years Wen Wen has something to say after

In fact, the events and places in the book are archetypes, but the characters are not, I want to have prototypes but I don't want to have prototypes. On the one hand, I hope that there are such good Ah Zhen and Ran Ran in the world, and on the other hand, I hope that no one in the world has experienced what they have experienced.

I only hope that in the next life, Ah Zhan and Ran Ran will still be Ah Zhan and Ran Ran in "Ah Zhan and Ran Ran Married".

May there be peace in the world.