
Spit: A forgotten theatrical version of "Wound Story"

author:Quadratic anime fungus

Wound Story belongs to the theatrical version of the anime, and three "Iron Blood Chapters", "Hot Blood Chapters" and "Cold Blood Chapters" have been released.

Nowadays, there are really not many people who like Monogatari, most of the people who are still chasing are old fans, it hurts me big Monogatari, I told my classmates that I especially like the Monogatari series, and then she said to the people in the cram school that after her friends said that they were still chasing ah?

Spit: A forgotten theatrical version of "Wound Story"

On the surface I forced a smile, but inside I felt worthless and sorry for the story

However, in my mind, the Monogatari series is an eternal classic, and no one has been able to surpass it so far, not to spit on it because it is not suitable for its painting style, not to comment on the boring Story because of its slow pace, these are all blasphemy against a god.

Spit: A forgotten theatrical version of "Wound Story"

Monogatari is a kind of slow-heat animation, to watch one or two episodes or even to watch the whole thing, but also to understand a little anime meme, and to get used to the strange storyboard style of the new house, but also to get used to Kamia's long speech for a few minutes without moving. Only by doing these few things will you like the Monogatari series and treat it like a treasure_

Spit: A forgotten theatrical version of "Wound Story"

Monogatari is interesting to look at carefully, I have to say that Monogatari Supervision is a perfect match for the new house (a bit of personal feelings), I just don't know if I can see the cold-blooded article in my lifetime. There's also up talking a little less...

Spit: A forgotten theatrical version of "Wound Story"
Spit: A forgotten theatrical version of "Wound Story"

Monogatari is interesting to look at carefully, I have to say that Monogatari Supervision is a perfect match for the new house (a bit of personal feelings), I just don't know if I can see the cold-blooded article in my lifetime.

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