
"Listen" to park cities, low-carbon living, 2021 World Cities Day New Town Construction Theme Forum was held

author:Archimedes FM

Today, the theme forum of "New City Construction", one of the series of activities of The 2021 World Cities Day China, was held in Fengxian New Town, and how to achieve low-carbon, green and resilient development in the construction of new cities has become a hot topic for the guests. Listen to the report:

"Listen" to park cities, low-carbon living, 2021 World Cities Day New Town Construction Theme Forum was held

Starting from the "new", Shanghai is vigorously promoting the construction of five new cities and building a new pattern of integrated urban-rural development in Shanghai. In the view of Liu Shouying, dean of the School of Economics of Chinese Min University, in the construction of 5 new cities in Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian and Nanhui, Shanghai's future development layout will be more balanced and the population distribution will be more reasonable:

This layout is a very correct urbanization strategy in our view, achieving "large city, polycentric, suburban" development. In the 5 new cities, there are the most cutting-edge technologies, the most advanced industries, the most livable environment, and the most suitable jobs. The whole city offers a new way of life, which is also very promising, and also in line with the basic trend of urbanization. ”

"Listen" to park cities, low-carbon living, 2021 World Cities Day New Town Construction Theme Forum was held

According to the plan, Shanghai's five new cities will take the lead in building park cities, and build a four-level convenient park green space system of "regional park - city park - regional park - community park" according to the standard of about 15 square meters of park green space per capita. Zhuang Mudi, secretary of the Fengxian District Party Committee, described the future scene of Fengxian New City with "Cross Water Street, Tianzi Green Corridor, Nine Palaces to See the World, DreamIng Back to Five Thousand Years". At present, cross water street has been initially built, and the Tianzi Green Corridor has also been enclosed.

Zhuang Mudi: "This new city is built on the park, so we built the park not into a park, but the whole Of Fengxian into a land park, and now we have built 188 parks, large and small, and we continue to promote the preparation for the completion of 200 this year." ”

"Listen" to park cities, low-carbon living, 2021 World Cities Day New Town Construction Theme Forum was held

Park city, low-carbon life. Zhuang Mudi introduced that Fengxian New Town implemented "Park +" and the Old City implemented "+ Park", and the Hehe Community Park was built and opened in August this year, creating an ecological garden community, neighborhood and hehe home sample. In the future, Fengxian New City will become the city's first "National Ecological Garden Urban Area".

Zhuang Mudi: "Can park + culture, here can be park + science, here side park + sports, park + our vacation, not just a simple park, so it must be a park and humanities and economic and social development closely integrated." ”

"Listen" to park cities, low-carbon living, 2021 World Cities Day New Town Construction Theme Forum was held

Shanghai is a pioneer in the green development of urban construction, the first green building in the country was born in Shanghai, and the first local green ecological urban area standard was also released by Shanghai. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, each of Shanghai's five new cities will carry out the construction of an ultra-low energy consumption building demonstration zone, and deeply explore the technical route and implementation path of the zero-carbon park. Wang Kai, president of the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, believes that in the next fifteen years, it will be the peak of urbanization and the peak of carbon emissions, and Shanghai should continue to be at the forefront of low-carbon green development:

"The next fifteen years is a very important window period for us, and some of the most pioneering cities in the country and even the world, represented by Shanghai, must be at the forefront of green and low-carbon." Through the establishment of an indicator system for low-carbon green settlements, or a set of theoretical methods, the demonstration of low-carbon green in the country and even in the world will be realized. ”

Author: Shanghai Radio reporter Li Bin

Editor: Li Shu'e

Editor-in-Charge: Ying Zhu

"Listen" to park cities, low-carbon living, 2021 World Cities Day New Town Construction Theme Forum was held

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