
How did Chen Hou lord, who sang "Backyard Flowers", sing the country? The first aspect: the reuse of scribes who have no political experience. The second aspect: the third aspect of spoiling women is extravagant pleasure.

author:Ji characters
How did Chen Hou lord, who sang "Backyard Flowers", sing the country? The first aspect: the reuse of scribes who have no political experience. The second aspect: the third aspect of spoiling women is extravagant pleasure.

Smoke cage cold water moon cage sand, night berth QinHuai near the restaurant.

The merchant girl did not know the hatred of the country, and sang the backyard flowers across the river.

This poem "Bo Qinhuai" is a poem by the great tang dynasty poet Du Mu, and this "Backyard Flower" is the work of Chen Hou lord.

So how did Lord Chen Hou perish in history, is it because of a song "Yushu Backyard Flower" that the country was destroyed?

In 584, when the Sui Dynasty was under the rule of Emperor Wen of Sui, it was thriving and strong, forming a Sui-Chen confrontation with the State of Chen, which was then occupying the south.

What about the opponents of the Sui Dynasty?

Chen Shubao, the emperor of the Chen Dynasty, was a well-known figure in history, known in history as The Lord of Chen Hou.

Everyone knows that he is a fainting lord, what is lord Chen Hou fainting in? Fainting in the weak, not the general weak, but excessive gentleness will lead to obscenity.

How could he be a weak lawyer? Chen Hou's weakness is reflected in three aspects.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > first aspect: the reuse of scribes without any political experience. </h1>

Chen Hou lord himself was an emperor cultivated in the elegant environment of Jiangnan, and he himself was a poet, and his calligraphy was also good, so the people he looked up to were similar to himself, so who was similar to him?

At that time, there was a famous talent in Jiangnan named Jiang Zong, and Chen Hou lord thought that this person was a talent. Jiang Zong this person did not have any other hobbies since childhood, born in the scholar family, no other hobbies, like to read, and is reading day and night, hands do not release the volume, the family has a lot of books, thousands of books, at that time a country collection is tens of thousands of books, their family has thousands of books, Jiang Zong read it all, so by the age of seventeen or eighteen, it has become famous in Jiangnan, when many old literary heroes of fifty or sixty or seventy years old are vying to make friends with him, when they forget to make friends, this person is of course a rare talent in the eyes of Chen Hou Lord. What did such a big talent let him do?

The problem of letting him be the prime minister is that although Jiang Zong reads well and writes poetry well, he does not have any real political experience, but fortunately, Lord Chen Hou does not need him to have any political experience, and he does not want him to be an official, and the biggest job he arranged for Jiang Zong is to accompany him to drink and write poetry, this is Jiang Zong's old line, it is too easy to do, and he is particularly enthusiastic, Jiang Zong found more than a dozen scribes of similar level to him in the imperial court, and brought them to the palace every day. Brought to the harem to drink and write poems with Lord Chen Hou.

The prime minister has come in a group, and the emperor is not willing to show weakness, what should he do?

Lord Chen Hou searched the harem, found more than a dozen palace girls with both talents and colors, gave them a name called female bachelors, and confronted these male bachelors brought by Jiang Zong, we know that in ancient China, men and women were not intimate, the palace was particularly heavily fortified, who had seen the harem can be freely entered and exited by ministers, and the people Chen Hou Lord allowed it, among them, one of the male bachelors was called Kong Fan, and he also saw a stitch, and one of the concubines of Lord Chen Hou, that is, the concubine Kong Gui, formed a dry brother and sister, and the two people interacted all day long, making it very unpleasant.

If anyone writes a poem well, he will immediately send someone to compose a song, and then let the palace maid practice and practice new songs, among all the new songs, the most famous and widely circulated is the "Yushu Backyard Flower" written by Chen Hou Lord himself.

How did Chen Hou lord, who sang "Backyard Flowers", sing the country? The first aspect: the reuse of scribes who have no political experience. The second aspect: the third aspect of spoiling women is extravagant pleasure.

How is this poem written, the reputation is so big, we say all day long that the businesswoman does not know the hatred of the country, and sings the backyard flowers across the river, what is the singing?

The poem goes like this:

"Li Yu Fang Lin to The High Pavilion, the new makeup is beautiful and the city is falling,

Ying hu did not enter at first, and greeted each other with a smile,

The face of the demon is like a flower with dew, and the jade tree shines in the backyard",

In fact, this poem is to write one thing, the beauty is really beautiful, how beautiful the beauty is, her face is as delicate as a flower with dew, her figure is as graceful as the wind of the Yushu Linfeng, on this point, the typical palace poetry is gorgeous, the content is empty.

From this masterpiece, we also know that the poems written by Jiang Zong and these people are basically like this. The prime minister and the chancellor did not want to think about how to govern the country, so they spent all day thinking about how to write beautiful poems, and of course the ordinary people could not see it, so they gave them a nickname called foxes, saying that they were a bunch of idle literati who accompanied the emperor and accompanied the concubines.

If these people can only help idle, which imperial court may have such a person, the problem is that these people not only help idle, he wants to help, he wants to take power, literary power and military power must be taken over, or the power of the phase and the power must be taken over, the power of the phase has been won, and they still want to take over the military power.


This Kong Fan lobbied Lord Chen Hou, saying that now those military generals are what they are, born in the ranks, brave in the military, and when they really want to fight, they can't rely on these people, but they can't rely on those people to rely on, and he hinted very clearly that we who have a strategy, And Lord Chen Hou was also alive by his foolishness.

Then, if the generals of the Chen Dynasty made a small mistake, Chen Hou immediately took away the military power in their hands and gave them the responsibility of Kong Fan and other scribes, so that the military and political power of the entire imperial court would be handed over to these little white-faced people. This is the first aspect.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the second aspect: pampering female color</h1>

The second aspect of Chen Hou Lord's performance is to spoil the female color, Chen Hou Lord loves many people, and the names left in the history books, for example, Kong Gui concubine, Jiang Guifei, ah, many, but one of the most famous is Zhang Guifei.

How did Chen Hou lord, who sang "Backyard Flowers", sing the country? The first aspect: the reuse of scribes who have no political experience. The second aspect: the third aspect of spoiling women is extravagant pleasure.

Who is Zhang Guifei? Zhang Guifei's name is Zhang Lihua, the number one person in the harem of the Chen Dynasty, how can she stand out among many beauties and become the number one person?

Zhang Guifei has three major advantages that no one can match.

The first big plus is beautiful.

What is Zhang Lihuamei in? Beauty in long hair fluttering, long hair fluttering how far? Her hair is seven feet long, higher than her height, and it is black and bright as lacquer, the light can see people, such long hair, such black hair, in order to set off Zhang Lihua's skin like gelatin, very beautiful, this is the first advantage.

The first advantage is not nothing, the second advantage is more prominent.

The second advantage is not jealousy.

Then we know that the harem is the place with the greatest competitive pressure, so the harem women are generally surprisingly jealous, but Zhang Lihua is not jealous by nature, not only is she not jealous, she also comes out of her side anytime and anywhere these palace women, concubines, choose those better ones to actively recommend to Lord Chen Hou, how understanding.

Therefore, the popularity in the harem is very good, and in the eyes of Lord Chen Hou, this is also a plus.

If this second advantage is rare, then the third advantage is even more important.

How did Chen Hou lord, who sang "Backyard Flowers", sing the country? The first aspect: the reuse of scribes who have no political experience. The second aspect: the third aspect of spoiling women is extravagant pleasure.

The third advantage is smart.

Isn't Lord Chen Hou lazy in the upper dynasty, so the hundred officials entrust the eunuchs to convey on their behalf, and since the eunuchs play things, the emperor can be less formal, so he sits in the harem, sits on a soft collapse, and holds Zhang Lihua there to listen to the government.

As we all know, the eunuchs in ancient China were born low, and their education level was generally not high, and the things conveyed by eunuchs were often said to be upside down.

At this time, Zhang Lihua was next to help these eunuchs to analyze and clarify their thinking, and Zhang Lihua had a particularly good memory, and she was able to connect the things played today with the things played yesterday, and even the things played a few days ago, and even the things that were played in the past few days, and tell chen hou lord clearly about the ins and outs of a matter.

Quite satisfied, so, big things and small feelings are decided together with Zhang Lihua, Zhang Lihua is obedient, Zhang Lihua is therefore recruiting power and bribery, doing everything, the problem is this, the emperor is relaxed, the country can be unlucky, originally the state affairs should be decided by the emperor and the prime minister collectively, now, the prime minister is a fox, the emperor is a prodigal son, no one cares about the government, this country will not get out of control? This is the second question.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the third aspect of the problem is extravagant pleasure. </h1>

Lord Chen Hou is a gentle person, and if wen ya takes one step further, it is red tape, and what is red tape and one step further? What a luxury.

Too elegant is often associated with luxury, how does Lord Chen Hou have a luxury law?

How did Chen Hou lord, who sang "Backyard Flowers", sing the country? The first aspect: the reuse of scribes who have no political experience. The second aspect: the third aspect of spoiling women is extravagant pleasure.

Not long after he came to power, he built a large number of buildings and halls, and was very interested in architecture, among all the buildings, the landmark achievement was the three high pavilions of Linchun, Jieqi and Wangxian.

These three high pavilions were a private garden built by Lord Chen Hou in his harem for himself and his favorite concubine, with small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions needless to say.

Lord Chen Hou himself lived in Linchun Pavilion, Zhang Guifei and Zhang Lihua lived in Jieqi Pavilion, Gong Guifei and Concubine Kong Guifei lived in Wangxian Pavilion, and the three high pavilions were all connected by a cloister, which allowed them to travel conveniently day and night.

Moreover, each high pavilion is tens of meters high, and all the railings, doors and windows, and beds are made of sandalwood, and the breeze blows and the incense floats for miles.

Lord Chen Hou and the concubines stood on the top, dressed in beautiful clothes, like gods, ah, the problem is that when the immortals are first-class figures always rely on money to accompany, right?

At any time you have money, you may become a living immortal, and these living immortals will also spend a lot of money, and the state finances are tight, what to do?

At this time, several famous courtiers in the history of the Chen Dynasty were like Shi Wenqing, and Shen Keqing's first-class figure came in handy.

These people were all from a cold door, their education level was not high, and they had no political ideals, but they all climbed up from the grass-roots level, so they had a strong ability to do things, and because they were born in a cold door, they had no backing in the imperial court, so they could only wholeheartedly rely on Lord Chen Hou and meet all the requirements of Lord Chen Hou.

Now Lord Chen Hou said that if he lacked money to spend, these favored courtiers would have to go to him to get money.

How do you make money? Increase taxes, how to increase taxes? The first is to expand the source of taxation, and the second is to strengthen the amount of tax.

Haven't all the generations done this, but taxes are different from other things, what is the problem of taxation?

The problem of people's livelihood, according to the current people's livelihood problem is no small matter, as soon as the tax problem comes out, a harsh donation and miscellaneous taxes make the people unbearable, and the chaos is not the imperial court, but the whole society.

Because of such three problems, Chen Hou's reputation was very bad, and people thought that he was a dimwitted monarch, and he could not be compared with the heroic Sui Wen Emperor.

How did Chen Hou lord, who sang "Backyard Flowers", sing the country? The first aspect: the reuse of scribes who have no political experience. The second aspect: the third aspect of spoiling women is extravagant pleasure.

In 589, the Sui army invaded Jiankang, and Chen Shubao was captured in a dry well in the palace, along with Zhang Guifei, Kong Guifei and others.

16 years after Chen Shubao surrendered to the Sui Dynasty, he died of illness in Luoyang At the age of 52, and was posthumously awarded the title of Grand General and Duke of Great Wall County, and was buried in Luoyang's Beiqi Mountain.

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