
Where to find the other half? Objectionable mate selection conditions

author:Orange Whisper

Where to find the other half? Because people are not free now, then when they reach the marriageable age, they still find that they have not found a good partner around them, so one is to introduce blind dates through relatives and friends; one is free love. In fact, sometimes we like to look at something, his characteristics and then like him. Or look at something you resent.

Where to find the other half? Objectionable mate selection conditions

01 What kind of blind date does people dare not?

Hong Wei's first blind date was because he reached the age of arrogance and began to accept the persuasion of others, saying that I would help you introduce a good girl. At the beginning, Hong Wei was really psychologically unable to pass, and he had fallen to the point of needing a blind date. Hong Wei used to be quite confident in himself, but after a certain age, he slowly gave up on himself.

But it is very important to see the eye contact between people, so Hong Wei will ask for friends introduced in the middle. Hong Wei's friend's wife is a flight attendant of an airline, as soon as he hears about the flight attendant, the boys have some habits for the uniform, and when they hear that there are only flight attendants, nurses and the like, Hong Wei will think that this must be great. The photo was passed over to take a look at first, and it was seen that this was the type that Hong Wei liked.

Hong Wei looked at the beauty of the national color and heavenly fragrance that she did not have to sink the fish and fallen geese, Hong Wei thought that at least the work was very dignified, and then it looked like Hong Wei's eye rim. The next day Hong Wei and they met at a restaurant to eat, during the meal process will introduce each other, because the couple just happened to be present together, all the intermediate media process they should be more relaxed mood to bring the atmosphere up, but this girl from the beginning to the end is not very fond of talking, except for the beginning of the self-introduction.

After eating for about 30 minutes, the girl said she had to leave the seat first, and as a result, she went for 2 or 3 minutes and did not come back. Because Hong Wei smoked at that time, Hong Wei told his good friend that we went out to smoke. It turned out that when I walked to the door, I saw the girl smoking. Hong Wei looked for it when he was looking for a bag, and there was no cigarette he wanted to say to buy it. The girl said, "What are you looking for?" You are not smoking. ”

Hong Wei said, "Yes, how do you know." ”

The girl said, "I just have it here." She took out a pack of yellow longevity cigarettes from her brand-name bag, and it was okay not to take it, and as soon as she took it out, Hong Wei thought of Grandpa Hong Wei, because he ate very heavily.

At that time, she took out the cigarette in fact, Hong Wei's heart was already half and half cold, because the impression was that when he was a child, his grandfather smoked at the door of the house and played chess with others, and everyone who smoked knew that the smoke smelled very bad, and Hong Wei saw that a beautiful girl actually took out Huang Changshou to find him to smoke, that was when Hong Wei felt that you didn't care how good your conditions were, or how to throw in with me, Hong Wei really couldn't help it.

Hong Wei said that it is not to exclude girls from smoking, but the problem is that you smoke at least in line with your image and temperament, which is very important to Hong Wei. This thing was a bit of a plus for her, but when she took out the cigarette, it was a big deduction for Hong Wei, and it was very disillusioned.

Where to find the other half? Objectionable mate selection conditions

02 Blind date became a Hongmen feast, losing the wife and folding the soldiers

Before I was 30 years old, I was actually very reluctant to blind dates, and I would like to say that I was not bad looking, and I did not need to know boys through blind dates. But after the age of 30, the mentality is different, blind dates are not necessarily to find a partner, maybe we can make friends. That guy may be helpful to you in the future, or become your close friend or something like that.

I remember when I was 32 years old, my mom told me that I had a friend whose son was a fan of yours and liked you. Then you come back next week to see if you want to have dinner with him, then I will say okay without saying a word.

At that time, I met him in a restaurant, sat down and said to me, "I am your fan, and I often like it on your fan group." "Then he took two things from his bag, one was a mug and the other was a key ring, and it was all printed with my picture.

Then he said, "This is my first meeting with you, and this one is for you." ”

Actually, I'm a bit dumbfounded, but I still take the same. I said to him, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were bringing a gift, so I don't have any gifts for you." ”

He said, "It's okay, it's the best gift for you to come and eat with me." ”

At that time, I felt very sympathetic when I listened to it, he was quite experienced, and it felt good that he said this sentence.

We started to talk about dinner, he was doing insurance, he was already at the supervisor level, he said to me: "You are very tired in show business, so how much money do you make?" So you run the notice, are you driving or cycling? You don't have to stay up late often. After all these questions were asked, he came to the occupational disease and took the insurance policy out of his bag.

He began to tell me: "People like you who don't have three meals may have colorectal cancer, and if you have to stay up late, you may have liver cancer." I tell you that I have the best cancer insurance on my side now; like you sometimes have to catch up with the announcement, there may be accidents, and I also have accident insurance; then you make money and you don't make a lot of money, then I also have good savings insurance on my side. "All told me about a round.

I have to say he's really good because she got me through and I bought savings insurance with him. After buying savings insurance, he said, "Thank you for always, then I will give you an extra year of free accident insurance." ”

After that blind date, I also became a very good friend with him, and I asked him about insurance. When I went back, I told my mother about this funny story, my mother was also too laughing, and my mother was also the first time to meet a blind date that turned into an insurance pull and pulled success.

Where to find the other half? Objectionable mate selection conditions

03 30-year-old woman was scolded for "5 years of mate selection conditions"

There is a female netizen on the Internet who posted in distress that she and her ex-boyfriend have been separated for more than 3 years. Ming ming has always wanted to actively develop new relationships, and once through blind dates but could not find the ideal partner. So she posted her 5 conditions for choosing a mate and asked everyone if my requirements were too high and too excessive.

She is more than 30 years old this year, 60 minutes, 50 kilograms, a monthly salary of about 10,000 yuan, and looks ordinary. She said to find a medium-looking engineer, not less than 170 cm, preferably with a monthly salary of about 20,000 yuan, and then come back to have a house and a car. The following netizens all say that you are looking for the second generation of the rich? 30 years old looks ordinary, so why do you think that you open this condition that others want to choose you? Your conditions are really too high. One of the big indicators is that it is really too difficult for young people to have a house and a car today.

However, I think girls must not lower the conditions, you just have to maintain your conditions, you recognize you before proposing, so you have to believe in yourself. Just to say that you insist on this condition today, you will wait and see, whether you are eliminated by the world, or the boys who do not meet your conditions are eliminated. If she is eliminated by these boys, it is right, because she does not know that to cater to the trends or circumstances of this world, we humans or animals must be able to judge the situation if we want to survive. I think it's an ecological balance, so don't lower your conditions.

When you set this condition, it is because you think that girls must get married and have children. If you set this condition in the background that does not say that you must get married, you must have children, then you are less likely to be confused by such conditions. So the conditions can be set, netizens a lot of criticism of her stemmed from her want to marry, if she did not want to marry but wanted to 10,000 yuan how to live, rather than put forward conditions I hope boys 20,000 yuan. Others misunderstand that you are not satisfied with the life of 10,000 yuan, you want to live a life of 30,000 yuan, and others should not be too sad to judge you.

This society is actually quite unfair, why a girl with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan wants to know 20,000 boys who are more poor and love the rich; on the other hand, if the boys want to know girls who make more money, then everyone will think that the boy's brain is very smart. But when a girl wants to marry a richer boy, everyone thinks that the girl is greedy, why doesn't she look down. So in addition to not changing my own personal conditions, it is more meaningful to ask what kind of life I am going to live if this condition is opened up and there is no way to succeed.

Where to find the other half? Objectionable mate selection conditions

04 If you want to find a good marriage, keep these 3 points in mind

1, you must not be afraid of blind dates, you must tell others that I want to know more people now, all of you come to help me introduce. You have to take the initiative to release the message that you are single before anyone notices that you are single. So if you really want to step into marriage and want to meet people, you have to be honest and face up to your needs.

2, you go on a blind date for the first time is not just to listen to others, and then you see that others are fat and thin or study this dish, whether you like to eat or not is not only this, that is called generally going to the restaurant to eat. If we go on a blind date, the first step is to judge whether you want to come out with this guy for the second time. Then you yourself will ask what are you going to see him the second time you come out? That's why you ask questions, and you get the answers you want. Otherwise, the next time he takes the initiative to ask you, then whether you want to come out or what, you will hesitate. Don't waste your first blind date, you have to do something good the first time.

3, suppose that after the second meeting, you have to ask you and him whether there is a situation of entering the marriage, if you can not enter the marriage of the status of what is the situation, and then look at this person you feel that you can not stand the most can not tolerate what is. Then the third meeting can decide whether you want to get married or not. If not, we shouldn't waste other people's time, and we shouldn't allow others to waste my time, so take a look at one when you're over 30 years old.

Girls or boys have another point, because many girls will fantasize about whether I will meet Xuan Bin or not before I leave, and what I will do when I meet Xuan Bin. That's actually a fantasy, girls don't always brainwash what kind of model they want to be there, when you have a model in your heart, you look at no one is right. You should relax your mind, I don't have a preset position today, this dish, what kind of wine I want to study today. The focus is not only on the object, when you put down the urgent mood and pressure, you can definitely see more.

Where to find the other half? Objectionable mate selection conditions


There is nothing wrong with choosing your favorite lifestyle, but don't resist all the ways and means to get a good marriage, let alone oppose it for the sake of opposition, and have confidence in your future.

Getting married is a beautiful and pleasant thing. Find a person who is compatible with each other and is very suitable in all aspects to talk about a sweet love, and finally hold hands and enter a happy marriage.

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