
Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

author:Good aftertaste
Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Movie "Little Soldier Zhang Ga"

The movie "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" is a classic of Chinese cinema, vividly portraying the real and vivid artistic image of Gazi during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and has been loved by generations of Chinese.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

In 1961, Cui Wei won the Hundred Flowers Award

In the summer of 1963, Beiying began filming the film "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", based on Xu Guangyao's novel, directed by the first film emperor of New China who won the best actor award at the first Hundred Flowers Award in 1961, known as "Big Shuai".

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Cui Wei and assistant director Ouyang Hongyi

Cui Wei lived in Jin-Cha-Ji for eight years during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and was very familiar with the life of Bai Yangdian. After joining the group, he rewrote the script with the purpose of showing the growth of a child in a specific era.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Cover of the original book of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga"

Cui Song's request for the protagonist Gazi is to highlight the "Ga" strength, not to be beautiful, and he is not satisfied with some of the children found by the crew. The lead actor has not been determined, and Cui Wei is particularly anxious.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Young Angis and mother Ulan

Later, the famous actor Yu Lan recommended a child to Cui Wei, she had a good friend Ulan, who was a steppe heroine who was a two-gun warrior at that time, and her son Angis was just thirteen years old.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

"Little Soldier Zhang Ga" working photo

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, Ulan took his son to the North Film Studio, Andis was really naughty, he once jumped from the upper floor with his brother, saying who does not jump who is not a hero, and the brother broke his leg.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Stills from "Little Soldier Zhang Ga"

Cui Wei was very satisfied with this child, but he had no acting experience, which made Cui Song spend a lot of trouble. He asked Angis and Wu Keqin, who played the fat dun, to strip naked and play with the children of Baiyangdian.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Within a few days, they were all tanned and tanned, mingling with local children, Cui Wei rarely talked to the children, and many shots were improvised when the children played, so it was very real.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

The first scene that Angis filmed was when the children cried after grandma was killed by the devil, and the other children all went into the scene and cried, but Angis couldn't cry and was there in a daze.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Li Jian, who was anxious to play his grandmother, urged him to cry quickly, and when he saw that the "dead people" were talking, Angis did not cry but smiled, and the crew had to end hastily.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

In the scene where Gazi threatens Luo Jinbao with a wooden pistol, because he understands the plot, when Luo Jinbao pushes, Angis will always unconsciously avoid it, but it will not pass, and the crew tells him to try the scene again.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Angis thought it was just to make a move, unprepared that Luo Jinbao really suddenly pushed him, fell down and got up the reaction is very real, this shooting passed smoothly.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

When filming the scene of Gazi and Fat Dun wrestling and biting Fat Dun, Wu Keqin, who played Fat Dun, deliberately smeared dirt on his body to make Gazi not mouth, and director Cui Wei quietly told Angis to let him really bite.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

During the actual shooting, Gazi bit fat dun fiercely and screamed loudly, so angry that fat dun did not pay attention to Gazi for several days, and learned that it was the director's idea that he reconciled with Gazi as before.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

After the release of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", its unique and vivid artistic image deeply attracted the audience, and soon swept the country, and Gazi became an idol that children loved to worship.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Hong Kong version of the poster

When the film was released in Hong Kong, it was renamed "Guerrilla Heroes", and it was also particularly prominently written that "the genius child star Anguis starred", which was also well received by Hong Kong compatriots.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

But Angis only made this one film and never appeared on the screen again, and rarely appeared in public. The audience who loved him knew nothing.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

In the 2004 remake of the TV series "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", the hit, CCTV held a symposium for this old movie, and almost all the surviving actors were present, except for Angis, the actor of Gazi, who did not attend.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

In the film, Li Huiying, the lover of Luo Jinbao's character Zhang Ying, tells a secret that has been hidden for many years, and in the 1966 Cultural Revolution, the 16-year-old Aggis became the leader of the school's Red Guards and traveled from Inner Mongolia to Beijing.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

After three years, Angis came to the North Film Studio again, and he has transformed from a cute little actor into a fierce rebel faction, and has come to a collective criticism of the main creator of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga".

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Luo Jinbao's actor Zhang Ying, who loved Angis and once taught him to swim, has now been classified as a rightist, and Angis took the lead in criticizing the fight and beat him.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart


Zhang Ying was greatly affected by that movement, not only criticized but also imprisoned in the cowshed of the North Film Factory, and died of illness in 1969 at the age of 45.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Zhang Ying plays Luo Jinbao

It was not until 1978, nearly a decade after his death, that he was rehabilitated and restored to the party, and Beiying held a memorial meeting for Zhang Ying, affirming that his life was a revolutionary life.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Cui Wei, who directed "Little Soldier Zhang Ga"

Cui Wei, who had been locked up in the cowshed at the time, was also severely beaten by Angis. Cui Was first criticized for fighting during the movement, and in 1968 he was imprisoned in the Beijing Garrison District and Qincheng Prison.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart


In 1969, he was sent to a cadre school to supervise labor. He did not return to work until 1974 and died of liver cancer in Beijing on February 7, 1979, at the age of 67.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" was re-released in 1977 and once again attracted people's love. In this year, the state resumed the college entrance examination, and Angis applied for the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama, but neither was admitted.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Zhang Ying and Li Huiying

Zhang Ying's lover Li Huiying said: Other people in the crew have not mentioned this matter for so many years, that is, they do not want to have any negative impact on Angis.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

"He was just a teenager back then, and I don't blame him in any way, it was all caused by that era."

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

"For him, this incident is also a past that he does not want to look back on, and I hope that he can let go of this burden and find time to get together with everyone."

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Group photo of the crew of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" in 1963

But as time flies, more and more people in the movie die that year, and the understanding of the old man's kindness is always just a good wish.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart

Angis and Wu Keqin, who plays fat mounds

After graduating from Peking University, Angis worked and lived in Beijing, but rarely interacted with the crew of that year. He was the Deputy Secretary-General of the China Youth Green Action Committee.

Behind the joy of the film, the creator's ups and downs of life, and the pain that will never linger in the heart


Angis, who has a son who went to university in the UK, said "his son is very obedient and not as naughty as I was when I was a child".

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