
"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

author:Don't gossip will be a dead star man

Chen Xiaochun's version of "Deer Ding" is a very classic version in the minds of the public, in addition to the protagonist Chen Xiaochun played by "Wei Xiaobao", there is another role that is very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people is "Zheng Keshuang" played by Guo Yaoming, "Zheng Keshuang" played by Guo Yaoming is handsome and handsome, but in fact, he is a scumbag who is afraid of things, and Guo Yaoming has performed very well both in appearance and acting.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

From the appearance alone, Guo Yaoming is tall and personable, with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a small face, and his appearance is quite outstanding when he was young. But unfortunately, in tvB at that time, appearance was not the biggest advantage. Guo Yaoming was quite good at the beginning, all the way from the supporting role to the position of male number two.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

But unfortunately, after that, he was photographed by the media several times and had an intimate date with a mysterious boyfriend, which caused a lot of discussion from the outside world at the time. It is said that TVB, because of this incident, is afraid that the outside world's discussion of him will affect the work, so it has changed from a strong support to a cold treatment for Guo Yaoming, and Guo Yaoming, who has worked hard for several years, has returned to the position of a small supporting role from male number two.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

In 2007, Guo Yaoming, who knew that it was difficult for him to get ahead in TVB, finally couldn't stand TVB's cold treatment of himself and decided to leave the entertainment industry to sell insurance. After that, he occasionally posted a recent photo of himself on social platforms, and in 2016, he posted a photo of his abs, when he was 52 years old, he had a beard and had the taste of a tough guy uncle.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

In 2017, he posted two more selfies of himself, and at this time, Guo Yaoming's hair has gradually turned white, but the muscles and skin of the face are still tight, and the face is rosy and looks still young.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

But in 2018, some media photographed Guo Yaoming dating a friend to go shopping, and at this time, Guo Yaoming had short gray hair, a thin body, wearing a gray sportswear, and walking with a waddling look that was already very old. Although his face still looks the same as when he was young, his figure really looks much weaker.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

The media noticed that he was holding a device to check blood sugar in his hand, and did not know whether the change in his body shape was related to his physical health.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

After two years, the media recently photographed Guo Yaoming shopping with a male friend, and the media speculated that this boyfriend was a man who was often photographed dating Guo Yaoming according to the comparison of height and body shape and appearance. In this way, Guo Yaoming and her boyfriend have been together for at least 13 years, and such a relationship is really enviable.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

It seems that Guo Yaoming's life is very happy, but his current appearance has also undergone great changes. Guo Yaoming, who appeared this time, has long hair and beard, but his hair and beard have all turned white, looking very old.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

However, Guo Yaoming's figure is not as emaciated as before, but it has been blessed a lot, and the previous abs have become a big belly, and it feels as if Guo Yaoming has given up the management of the body now. Although he looks gray and out of shape, Guo Yaoming, who is accompanied by a boyfriend, looks very good in spirit, and it can be seen that he is living very well.

"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years
"Deer Ding" Zheng Keshuang became an old man at the age of 57, with all white hair and beard, and accompanied her boyfriend for 13 years

Guo Yaoming's appearance and acting skills when he was young were good, and it can be said that it is a pity to quit the entertainment industry early, especially because of the outside world's discussion. But fortunately, although The life after Guo Yaoming is not very beautiful, the stable and happy relationship with her boyfriend is already a very complete life.