
Another top 100 housing enterprises fell! In the year of real estate upheaval, the real estate company you live in is still alive...

author:Yuan Guobao

The former top 100 housing enterprises have officially withdrawn from the historical stage today, and there is no glorious legend on the rivers and lakes since then.

At noon on September 26, Guangyao Group issued an announcement officially declaring the bankruptcy of the group, and the housing enterprise that once dominated Huizhou officially disappeared into history.

Guo Yaoming's guangyao, which was founded in 2002, has really combined brilliance and glory in many years. Its development has been on the rise.

In 2007, Guangyao, which had just been established for 5 years, became the sales champion of Huicheng District.

Another top 100 housing enterprises fell! In the year of real estate upheaval, the real estate company you live in is still alive...

In 2010, Guangyao, which had a certain strength, began to rush out of Huizhou and guangdong, and its business developed rapidly to the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, and Bohai Rim region, and began to play an extraordinary role.

During the period from 2011 to 2013, Guangyao was rated as one of the top 100 real estate enterprises in China for three consecutive years, which was also the most glorious three years of Guangyao.

However, the storm soon came.

In 2013, Guangyao Group had some problems with the company due to excessive expansion; in 2014, Guangyao was exposed to the problem of the group's funds, and the total liabilities reached 10 billion yuan.

As of June 30, 2016, Guangyao Group had total assets of RMB6.403 billion, total liabilities of RMB7.97 billion, and liabilities arising from the provision of guarantees to affiliated companies of approximately RMB2.6 billion, totaling nearly RMB10.6 billion.

Overextending and two failed listings, coupled with huge private lending, have overwhelmed Guangyao.

In the end, Guang Yao went bankrupt and Guo Yaoming left hong Kong.

In addition to Guangyao Group, other housing companies have not been very good in recent times.

Just in August this year, Guangzhou Yuetai Group, which was founded in 1994 and has a history of 27 years, was applied for bankruptcy liquidation and issued the Indicative Announcement on the Application for Bankruptcy liquidation of controlling shareholders and their co-actors.

Once, Guangzhou Yuetai Group, together with Guangzhou Evergrande and Guangzhou R&F, was known as the three musketeers of Guangzhou's private real estate industry. However, after two failed real estate acquisitions, the stock of Guangzhou Yuetai Group plummeted, directly pulling it to the bottom and having to declare bankruptcy.

When it is brilliant, it is brilliant together, and it is lonely to fall together. These three musketeers are like saying that they are all right, and no one has been living well lately.

Guangzhou R&F Group has also been in a mess lately.

Another top 100 housing enterprises fell! In the year of real estate upheaval, the real estate company you live in is still alive...

According to the financial report of R&F Group, as of June 30 this year, the total liabilities of Guangzhou R&F Real Estate Group reached 331.8 billion yuan. In order to repay the high debt, R&F Group had to sell assets to cash out the debt.

In addition to office buildings and subordinate assets, R&F Group also transferred all the shares of its subordinate R&F Property to Country Garden for 10 billion yuan on September 20. But that's a fraction of the debt it needs to pay off.

I don't know if R&F Group will be able to survive until the day when it sees the light again.

Small and medium-sized housing enterprises are facing difficulties in appearance, large housing enterprises are in deep trouble, and even Country Garden's performance this year has declined.

Clear-eyed people can see that recently the entire housing enterprise industry has begun to go downhill.

According to incomplete statistics, since 2021, as of September 5, 274 housing companies have issued bankruptcy documents.

When it comes to the factors affecting the housing enterprise industry, it is necessary to mention the strong control of real estate by the government in the past two years.

In 2016, after the government proposed the positioning of "housing is not speculated", real estate did not dare to continue to build times, and the houses that were speculated to sky-high prices gradually cooled down.

But even as house prices come down, there are fewer and fewer buyers in the market. First, the policy restricts buyers from buying houses; second, in the context of "no speculation", buyers are not involved in the inside, and they have become more calm about buying a house.

The reduction in demand for housing has made it more and more difficult for housing enterprises to make money, and the pressure is also increasing.

Coupled with the "three red lines" policy proposed in 2020, it has increased the pressure on real estate.

Although money is more difficult to earn, many housing companies are still expanding.

Another top 100 housing enterprises fell! In the year of real estate upheaval, the real estate company you live in is still alive...

For example, R&F Group, in 2017, acquired all the interests of 73 wanda hotels and office buildings in Dalian Wanda Center. This undoubtedly makes the burden on his body heavier.

On the one hand, it is affected by the policy and cannot earn money, and on the other hand, it spends a large amount of money outside, and such an operation does not collapse.

2021 is a difficult survival year for housing enterprises, and national policies are bound to have a significant impact on the housing enterprise industry. However, if an enterprise wants to have the last laugh, it must adjust its strategy in time to cope with various difficulties.

#Huizhou 10 billion real estate enterprise Guangyao Group announced bankruptcy ##R&F ##破产 #