
Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute

author:Beiqing Net

According to media reports on March 11, a Fisherman in Denmark accidentally caught a baby red stingray while going out to sea to fish. When he reached out to touch it, he noticed that the baby red stingray would curl up, and the mouth and breathing hole were just in place to form a smiling expression, which looked as if it were smiling, and then the fisherman also said that the baby red ray was still alive, and they immediately released it back into the sea after they finished shooting.

Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute
Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute
Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute
Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute
Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute

Netizen comments

Netizen: So cute

Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute
Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute
Danish fisherman catches baby red stingray! A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and netizens called it too cute

Stingrays and sharks are close relatives, both belong to the cartilaginous fish, the tail of the stingray is slender, the body is flattened, the thickness between the back and the abdomen of the body becomes thinner and wider horizontally, so that the body shape looks like a thin disk, the body surface has a variety of patterns, and the tail has several thick thorns, which is its weapon for self-protection. Red stingrays are large, with the largest weight in the ocean reaching 65-70 kg, and generally about 5-8 kg.

(Original title: Fisherman catches baby red ray!) A magical scene appeared when the hand touched, and the netizens called it too cute! Source: Beiwan New Visual Synthesis Palm News Netizen Comments Encyclopedia