
The story of the stingray trout


The story of the stingray trout

There is a fish called stingray, the body is a little crystal clear, cute like a beautiful girl in a water red dress. To ask why the stingray is like this, you have to start with a beautiful legend.

Once upon a time, there was a vast desert sea in the distance. There are a lot of fishermen living there, who come out early and return late every day, and make a living by fishing, and their lives are very hard, but they are optimistic.

Among these fishermen, there is a young man named Li Dayu, who is strong and strong, and is a master of fishing. He was a generous man, a kind heart, and whoever had difficulties, he was willing to help, and he was praised by the people in this area. It is a pity that such a young man's parents died early and he supported the family business alone. Many matchmakers matched him, but when the girl heard that he was an orphan, she didn't mention anything anymore.

Seeing that the young man's age is getting older and older, it has reached the time of male marriage, but there is still no trace of the sweetheart, and the young man's heart is also very anxious. However, marriage is a major event in life, and it is useless to be in a hurry! In this way, Li Dayu went to the deep sea every day to fish, longing for one day to hit a treasure, get rich overnight, and marry his daughter-in-law. To tell the truth, no girl married him, is it not because his family is so poor that it is jingling?

On this day, Li Dayu got up early as usual and set off for the open sea with a small boat. The sky on this day is really good, there is no cloud in the sky, although it is morning, but the sky is already a blue, like a blue sea, clear and transparent.

Li Dayu's mood is very good, he had a dream last night, dreaming that he caught a lot of fish and sold a lot of money. He used the money to build a tall house and married the most beautiful bride in the world... Li Dayu thought like this, and unconsciously sang a fishing song in his mouth.

Li Dayu never imagined that his song would spread to the Dragon Palace in the depths of the sea. Then lived the Dragon King and many of his children. Among them, the little princess of the Dragon King is the most mischievous, often sneaking outside to play when the old father is dozing off. The Old Dragon King had warned her countless times, saying that someone outside was casting a net, and if he was not careful, he would be taken away and eaten by these people, and if that was the case, they would never see each other again.

The little princess began to listen to this news, and her heart was very afraid, but later, in the process of playing, she had never seen the net or fishing man that the old father said, so she gradually became bolder. No, early in the morning, she sneaked out early to play, playing, and heard a beautiful song from above.

Who's singing? The little princess decided to see what was going on, so she swam upwards one by one, and finally she saw that the person singing was a charming young man. His body was like a mountain, his limbs were as strong as a tree, and his eyes were like the night pearl hidden in his old father's treasure chest, so beautiful!

The little princess was fascinated, and finally did not even know that she had run far away from home.

Just at this moment, a black water snake appeared not far from the little princess. This black water snake has long been fascinated by the beauty of the little princess. He was bent on getting the little princess in his hands, but he knew the old Dragon King's strength, so he didn't dare to do it. Today, since the little princess has been sent to the door, don't blame me for not being polite!

The black water snake thought so in his heart, quietly moved closer to the little princess, saw that the time was ripe, spat out a small bag from his mouth, and threw it at the little princess. Unexpectedly, this is a magic weapon, it looks small, but it can actually become very big. In this way, this small bag grabbed the little princess, and the black water snake pulled hard and dragged the little princess away.

The little princess didn't have time to shout for help, but just screamed "Ah--" and was dragged away by the black water snake.

Li Dayu in the small boat was unaware of everything that was happening under the surface of the water, and he saw that it was not early, so he cast a net and began to fish. He was still pondering his dreams, imagining his bride... Suddenly, the wind on the surface of the sea was fierce, the waves were turbulent, and one huge wave after another was coming.

Li Dayu was frightened, he had never seen such a weather before, he had only heard of no wind and no waves before, but today, how suddenly the calm sea surface...

Li Dayu was stunned, and when he came back to the gods and was about to close the net, it was too late, only to see a huge dragon claw stretched out from the huge wave, grabbing him and retracting it again. The sea immediately returned to calm, as if nothing had happened just now, and only Li Dayu's boat was still shaking slightly.

Originally, a small fish told the Dragon King that the little princess had been taken away, but he did not see that the black water snake had done something bad, but only said that the little princess had been taken away by a large pocket. When the old Dragon King heard this, he hurried out of the Dragon Palace and saw that there was exactly one person on the surface of the sea fishing, so without saying a word, he arrested Li Dayu back. The Old Dragon King angrily asked Li Dayu where he had caught his precious daughter.

Li Dayu was so scared that he couldn't even say a word.

When the old Dragon King saw this scene, he said in his heart, if this guy couldn't speak, his daughter would be difficult to find, so he had to hold his breath and let a palace girl take Li Dayu to a secluded place, so that he could entertain and suppress him, so that he could tell the whereabouts of the little princess.

Li Dayu finally understood the reason for the matter, so he breathed a sigh of relief, saying that he had not even hit the scales, where did he know about the little princess!

How can Li Dayu's explanation clearly explain the reason for the matter? Who would believe him? In this way, the old Dragon King forced him, saying that if he did not tell the whereabouts of the little princess, he would imprison Li Dayu for a lifetime and never let him return to the human world.

When Li Dayu heard this, he cried out that he had been wronged, and he told his innocence with a handful of tears and a snot. However, the old Dragon King did not believe his words, and afterwards still locked him up, saying when to tell the whereabouts of the little princess and when to return him to freedom.

Li Dayu was locked up in a closed hut, he couldn't see the sun, he couldn't see the blue sky, it was just that, poor himself was wronged, this kind of pain made his heart feel extremely uncomfortable. So he cried and cried vigorously, and in the end, he cried so much that his eyes no longer shed tears, but shed bright blood. Nor could the blood melt in the water, as if it were paint, staining his whole body red. Li Dayu's whole person turned red, and under the infiltration of the seawater, it became transparent and bright.

The old Dragon King understood that he had wronged a good man for his actions. Because, at the bottom of the sea, there is a saying that a wronged person will be stained red by his own tears. This had never happened before, and now that it had happened, it showed that the old Dragon King's original approach was really wrong.

What can I do now? For the old Dragon King, he had never done such a thing in his life! It was only when he lost his daughter that he fainted for a moment that he committed an unforgivable mistake.

The old Dragon King himself came to pay tribute to Li Dayu and sincerely expressed his mistakes, and he was willing to use everything he had to make up for his actions.

Li Dayu knew that the Old Dragon King had misunderstood himself, so he said, "Old Dragon King, when the matter comes to this point, you will give me a fish body." Let me swim freely in the water, and I will use my life to find the little princess until she is sent back to you. ”

The old Dragon King listened to Li Dayu's words, pulled him in his arms, and cried, "Child, I am sorry for you." To be honest, you don't have to ask for it, you have to turn into a fish! When your tears start staining you red, your body changes. ”

Li Dayu then remembered to come and see what he looked like, and sure enough, he was covered with scales, and there were fins and tails, where else did he look like a person? However, Li Dayu also liked the way he was now, because this was the only bright red fish in all the Dragon Palaces, and with such a body, he could swim in the sea and find the bad guy who had snatched the little princess away.

Li Dayu set off, and he waved goodbye to the old Dragon King and swam to the vast sea. With some vague memories from before, Li Dayu vaguely remembered that when he was fishing that day, he seemed to hear a shock of "ah--" under the water, so he thought to himself, could it be the cry of the little princess when she was captured by the villains? With this thought, he swam quickly in the direction of the fishing that day.

Sure enough, as Li Dayu expected, when he came to the scene of the incident, he saw a very beautiful little fish imprisoned in a small coral tank, next to a vicious-looking black water snake.

I saw the black water snake shouting vigorously at the small fish in the water tank: "Hey, have you thought about it?" There are still the last quarters of an hour, and if you don't promise to marry me, I'll imprison you here for the rest of your life!" ”

Xiaoyu'er begged the black water snake to let her go, saying, "Big Brother Water Snake, please let me go." You know, my dad is the Dragon King, and he has so many priceless treasures. If you let me go, I'll promise you whatever baby you want. ”

The Black Water Snake laughed and said, "What are the other treasures, I want the old Dragon King's treasure!" ”

The little fish had no choice but to hide in the corner and cry.

Li Dayu saw it really from the sidelines, and his heart was full of anger, so he shouted and rushed towards the black water snake.

The black water snake did not pay attention, and was hit by Li Dayu at once, and finally touched the coral horn, and shouted in pain: "Where is the monster, dare to oppose my black water snake?" ”

Li Dayu said, "Hurry up and release the little princess, or I will arrest you." ”

The black water snake saw clearly that in front of him was a strange guy he had never seen before, with a red body, almost a little transparent. From the look in this guy's eyes, he was clearly full of anger, so he asked, "Hey, monster, when did I ever offend you?" Why are you so rude to me? ”

Li Dayu then explained the incident in detail, and finally said, "Do you still let the little princess go?" ”

After the black water snake listened, it was another burst of arrogant "haha" laughter, saying: "Let the little princess go, that is not up to you." If you can beat me, I'll put her back in. Haha..."

The little princess listened to Li Dayu's words and found that the person she liked was in front of her, and she was so excited that she could no longer control herself, and she shed a series of tears of joy.

At this moment, Li Dayu had already begun to rush towards the black water snake again. The black snake learned the lesson of the last time, and instead of directly fighting Li Dayu, he opened his mouth and squirted out his treasure, saying, "I want to see how you can escape from my law." ”

The little princess was stunned, because she had been captured by this thing.

The black water snake looked at his own law and caught Li Dayu, and the happiness in his heart was ah, and he mentioned it. He was about to throw Li Dayu into another coral tank when he found that Li Dayu had already come out of his big pocket. The black water snake remembered that Li Dayu was a fisherman who would make it.

Only to see Li Dayu put the big bag in his hand, "whizzing" and holding the black water snake in his pocket. The black water snake struggled and screamed, "You monster, oh no, no, no, no, big brother Li Dayu, let me out, I will never catch the little princess again..."

"Let you go, then it depends on when you can't be more bad!" Li Dayu released the little princess, and then put the black water snake into the coral tank and said.

The little princess threw herself into Li Dayu's arms and happily followed him to the Dragon Palace.

When the old Dragon King saw that his precious daughter had returned, his eyes were filled with tears of excitement. He apologized to Li Dayu again, said a lot of guilty words, and finally asked him what he wanted, as long as the old Dragon King could do it, he would definitely do it.

Li Dayu looked at the old Dragon King, then at the little princess, and finally said, "Old Dragon King, if you don't want to give up, you will let me be your son-in-law, right?" ”

The old Dragon King looked at Li Dayu and said, "Of course, it depends on my precious daughter's thoughts." ”

When the little princess heard this, she blushed at once, no, not only her face, but her whole body was blushing, and the red color was really the same as Li Dayu's body!

"It seems that this is also Providence!" The Old Dragon King sighed and said, "Well, I'll fulfill your two little ones." Ha ha...... From now on, we have new people in the Dragon Palace! ”

At this time, Gui Cheng xiang came over and said, "Old Dragon King, your honorable daughter and son-in-law are all bright red, from now on, we will call them stingray trout?" ”

When the old Dragon King heard this, he laughed again and said, "The suggestion of The Turtle Prime Minister is really very good!" Everyone listens, from now on, our aquatic family, and more stingray trout family, do you all remember? ”

All the aquatic tribes cheered, and the sound spread across the water and was heard by humans on land, so that to this day, people call this beautiful fish, the stingray trout.

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