
Corn is a coarse grain, so is cornmeal a coarse grain? Doctor's tip: diabetics don't eat wrong

author:Dr. Shuo talks about health

Diabetes is a chronic disease, but also a disease that needs to be avoided, so once suffering from diabetes, it is a very painful thing, before a lot of like to eat food, after suffering from diabetes, you can not eat happily, and often see others eat very happy, they can only hide aside and drool, for diabetics, as long as they do not eat too much food containing high sugar can be eaten, many people like to eat corn, and corn contains a lot of starch, so diabetes need to avoid, So can diabetics eat cornmeal?

Corn is a coarse grain, so is cornmeal a coarse grain? Doctor's tip: diabetics don't eat wrong


First, let's look at the types of corn

Corn looks similar from the outside, but peeling the skin of corn can still be seen from the corn kernels, corn is divided into three types of taste.

The first kind: old corn, this corn taste is general, the taste is relatively hard, the taste will not be very sweet, the yield is very high, in the north everyone will use this old corn ground into cornmeal to eat.

The second kind: sweet corn, which is a very delicious corn, soft and sticky, can be used to steam to eat, boiled to eat, this kind of corn contains a lot of sugar, children and adults like to eat.

The third kind: waxy corn, the taste of this kind of corn is more sticky, softer, eat to the mouth will have some sticky teeth, waxy corn contains more starch and carbohydrates, eat like sweet corn.

Corn is a coarse grain, so is cornmeal a coarse grain? Doctor's tip: diabetics don't eat wrong


It is said that diabetics eat coarse grains, so can diabetics eat cornmeal?

In fact, there are many ways to process this kind of cornmeal, the glycemic index of fresh sweet corn is about 55, and the rice and steamed buns that are often eaten are low.

However, the glycemic index in coarse corn flour is 66, and fine corn flour will be higher, almost not much different from delicate white noodles and white rice, because the deep crushing and boiling of corn porridge for a long time contains less dietary fiber, faster digestion and absorption, and faster blood sugar.

Therefore, in theory, the starch contained in sticky corn is easier to digest and absorb than sweet corn, so glutinous cornmeal is more likely to raise blood sugar than sweet corn.

Corn is a coarse grain, so is cornmeal a coarse grain? Doctor's tip: diabetics don't eat wrong


Sticking to these 4 things may help stabilize blood sugar and prevent complications

1. Adjust the diet structure

Diabetics need to avoid eating, do not eat foods or fruits with high sugar content, eat less greasy and spicy and stimulating foods, need to pay attention to the balanced intake of nutrition, can be a good supplement to protein supplements, eat more vitamins and dietary fiber, often eat coarse grains, or eat some fresh vegetables, eat some low-sugar fruits.

Ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients can help stabilize blood sugar, in addition, usually drink more water to help improve the body's metabolic capacity.

Corn is a coarse grain, so is cornmeal a coarse grain? Doctor's tip: diabetics don't eat wrong

2. Timely medication treatment

After the emergence of diabetes, patients are best to take hypoglycemic drugs for treatment, itself diabetes is a kind of chronic disease, treatment requires a lot of patience, through reasonable medication, can be a good control of the speed of diabetes development.

Generally after taking drugs, sugar substances will be reduced, which can well avoid the continuous surge in blood sugar and the burden on the body, so after usually detecting diabetes, we must follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine to improve.

Corn is a coarse grain, so is cornmeal a coarse grain? Doctor's tip: diabetics don't eat wrong

3. Exercise appropriately

Diabetes often causes serious physical damage during the development of diabetes, so if you find that your blood sugar is too high, you should combine it with healthy exercise.

Exercise is an effective way to promote health, with the help of exercise, you can consume excess sugar substances, fatty substances in the body, in addition to controlling weight, but also able to stabilize blood sugar levels, so that diabetes have an improving effect, therefore, after finding high blood sugar should be appropriate more exercise.

4. Maintain good work and rest habits

Good living habits, for the stability of blood pressure has a great role, we must develop a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, reduce the number of staying up late, at the same time, more want to achieve the stability of blood sugar, can not be less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep time every day, otherwise it will make changes in the secretion between blood sugar and insulin, which is not conducive to the stability of blood sugar.

Corn is a coarse grain, so is cornmeal a coarse grain? Doctor's tip: diabetics don't eat wrong

Conclusion: In life, if you find that blood sugar is high and low, there is an unstable phenomenon, look at the above 4 things, whether you have done it in place, don't blame yourself or other people, only your own correct guidance and scientific methods are the most important.

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