
16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

author:A selection of educational stories

Ten years ago, a movie called "The Social Network" came out, and in the second year of its release, it won three oscar awards.

The film is based on Ben Mazridge's novel The Unexpected Billionaire: The Founding of Facebook, a Story of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal, and tells the story of Facebook's founding.

The protagonist of our story today is one of Facebook's former co-founders, Sean Parker.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Sean Parker (left) and Mark Zuckerberg (right) in the film

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > underage hackers were punished to see the ups and downs of genius programming teenagers</h1>

Sean Parker was born in 1979 to the son of a marine research scientist and an advertising agent. At the age of 7, his father taught him to code and told him that if he wanted to take risks, he should start a family.

Adhering to his father's "risky remarks", the young Sean started a network hacker, and one day when he was 16 years old, Sean was hacking into the website of a Fortune 500 company when he was pulled down by his father with a wake-up gas.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Sean Parker

This directly led to Sean not being able to quit the website, but instead leaking his IP address, and as a result, he was taken away from class the next day.

Because he was a minor, he was only punished with community volunteer labor.

Sean really changed the world for the first time after he left high school, the year he met Sean Fanning, a talented programmer at just 15 years old.

In 1999, they collaborated to develop a music software Napster, which can be used by netizens to upload and download music for free, listen to songs at will, as well as chat, forums and other functions.

In that era dominated by CD records, Napster software spread music on the Internet for free and convenient, making it quickly popular, but because of music copyright issues, it was sued by the record company.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Sean Parker (left) and Sean Fanning (right)

Although his first venture ended in bankruptcy, the event brought about a seismic change in the music industry, and the Internet began to become the first channel to replace the dissemination of records.

The second time the world changed was in 2001, when he developed Plaxo, a mobile social app whose main function was to send email, which was a common way of socializing at the time.

The reason why this is the second time to change the world is not because of the software function itself, but because of the way it spreads and promotes.

The software will automatically read the user's mobile phone address book and send a message to the contacts of the address book, recommending that they also download the software.

They pioneered a fission-based communication method with dots and surfaces, using the credibility of communication between relatives and friends to promote, which is still used by many apps.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Social software Plaxo interface diagram

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, when the company was on the right track, Sean was eventually driven out of the company by the shareholders because of bad problems such as lateness, early departure, and absence.

Sean, who was deeply affected, said in the interview: "I feel a loss of trust in human nature, as if the end of the world is coming. "

Sean, who was kicked out of the company, used his keen sense of business to discover a website that would change the world in the future - Facebook.

He emailed Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in the hope of an interview, and Zuckerberg, who was studying at Harvard at the time, was so attracted by Sean's remarks that the two hit it off.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Sean Parker (left) and Mark Zuckerberg (right)

Sean relied on his entrepreneurial experience and strong programming skills to help Facebook, which was still in its "early childhood", slowly grow into the world's first social platform.

Facebook changed the way people socialized, sharing their lives through software, pushing "real social" to the pinnacle.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the programming path of Internet giants, and it turns out that this is the first step of genius</h1>

In fact, like Sean Parker, many of the Internet giants we know have learned programming from an early age.

Take another Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, who started writing programs in middle school, and his father taught him Atari BASIC programming when he was a teenager.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Mark Zuckerberg Harvard graduation photo

Later, out of love, Zuckerberg also hired professional programmer David Newman to teach him programming.

In 2004, as a sophomore at Harvard, he created a Facebook website for classmates to communicate with, and has since begun his path to success.

When Uber founder Travis Kalanick was 6 years old, his parents took him to see the movie "Electronic World Battle", which tells the mysterious power of computer programs that made Kalanick fall in love with programming.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Travis Kalanick at work

Since then, he has learned to write programs, and after repeated efforts and several entrepreneurial failures, he learned lessons before finally founding Uber, the world-famous ride-hailing app, in 2009.

Demish Hasabis, the founder of Google AlphaGo, began learning to code at the age of 8, Microsoft founder Bill Gates learned to code at the age of 13, Kai-Fu Lee learned to code at the age of 10...

It can be said that 90% of the big names in the Internet industry are programmers.

In addition, "Global Brain King" Zheng Linkai also learned to write code from an early age.

When Zheng Linkai was in the first year of junior high school, he participated in the programming class opened by the school, and he liked to play games, originally wanted to learn programming to write games, so he learned.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Zheng Linkai participated in the "Strongest Brain" program

Unexpectedly, in the process of learning, he was gradually deeply attracted by this brain-stirring discipline, interest and hard work, so that he won numerous awards in programming competitions, and finally Tsinghua University gave him the independent admission qualification of "unconditionally reduced to a line".

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > improve logical thinking ability and achieve a better future for children</h1>

In this era of rapid technological development of the Internet, people's food, clothing, housing and transportation are closely related to the network, and programming can not only bring wealth to people, but also improve their logical thinking ability.

Programming allows children to solve problems through logical thinking, helps to consolidate thinking habits, and benefits children for life.

Yuan Zhedong, CEO of Aumeng Programming, who won the "2018 China Education Industry Cutting-edge Figures" award, once said that if you only use basic software or can only find information on the Internet, it will not be able to meet the needs of future development.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Photos of Yuan Zhedong attending the event

In 2014, Yuan Zhedong founded Aomeng Programming, and after two years of exploration, he found that the essence of programming teaching should be to develop children's logical thinking and creativity.

He believes that programming teaching should pay attention to personalized teaching and should be taught according to individual talents. If you also teach uniform content like traditional classroom teaching, it will undoubtedly stereotype the child's thinking, thus stifling the child's creativity.

So he gave up the offline business, focusing on the development of online 1-to-1 teaching courses, and invited experts from Columbia University, East China Normal University, Beijing Normal University and other universities to develop courses.

16-year-old into a computer hacker, because of the gas of the father to pull away the keyboard line, resulting in the leakage of IP was taken away by the FBI underage hackers were punished, to see the genius programming teenagers up and down the Internet giants of the programming road, it turned out that this is the genius first to improve the ability of logical thinking, the achievement of children a better future

Yuan Zhedong and the students of Aumeng Programming took a group photo

At the same time, it has independently developed an online 1-on-1 interactive programming education platform to allow students to communicate with teachers without barriers. Students can also upload and share their programming works after class to communicate with teachers and students.

The "online 1-to-1 teaching is the most suitable way for young children to learn programming" advocated by Aumeng takes care of each child's learning progress and implements personalized teaching content customization for children, which is well received by students and parents.

Children learn to program, can exercise logical thinking ability, cultivate excellent creativity and problem-solving ability, in the era of artificial intelligence, have a better tomorrow.