
Korean drama, brother I love you

author:Seven seven eight eight one chicken feathers

Today watched this Korean movie, mainly about a family of two sons, there is a son sick, the younger son is very small, the eldest son is only 12 years old, but in his brother's illness during a little bit of understanding, after watching the mood is very heavy, really feel that the child's good grades and bad have nothing to do with it, as long as they are healthy and healthy,

And what touched me the most was his young son, from the beginning of ignorance to the final director, should not let him bear some things silently endured, silently became sensible, from the beginning of the brother to take care of the younger brother, to the final brother to take care of the brother who was blind due to disease, really let me feel the affection.

After reading it, I was thinking about the people who are busy now, although it is said that it is to improve the quality of life of their families, but they have lost a lot, and they quiet down and think about the busyness every day,,,,,, the so-called family affection is really taken into account? Does the child's thoughts take care of it? As the saying goes, people's fate is destined, if the child can go to a good school is also fate, can not go to a good is also a fate, but too much demanding children, as long as they are healthy.

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