
Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

author:Quilt reading

Junichi Minamiun was an admiral of the Japanese Navy and an early advocate of coordinated naval and air operations, and in April 1941, he was appointed commander of the 1st Air Fleet of the Japanese Navy. On December 7, 1941, he led an attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, severely damaging the U.S. Pacific Fleet. In March 1942, he commanded a raid on the British Royal Navy in the Indian Ocean. In June, during the Battle of Midway, the 1st Mobile Formation was severely damaged by the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, and four large aircraft carriers were lost and dismissed.

Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

Back on June 4, 1942 (the time of this article is based on midway local time), Nanyun Zhongyi may be a little uneasy: the absence of two cutting-edge aircraft carriers in the Five Navigation War has caused Nanyun's aviation force to shrink by at least one-third compared with the original plan;

The Midway raids were already a day behind earlier plans;

The weather conditions on the battlefield were not ideal, which was not conducive to the implementation of reconnaissance, the submarine force responsible for strategic reconnaissance failed to establish a cordon as planned, and the Tanaka fleet was reconnaissance and attacked by the US army the day before, indicating that the US military was likely to have learned of the Japanese military's combat intentions;

Before nightfall, the escorting cruiser Ligan spotted several enemy aircraft. All indications are that the U.S. military has detected the Japanese movement in Midway, the suddenness of the planned battle is difficult to achieve, and the Japanese army is ignorant of the movement of the U.S. army (only the airfield and radio activity at the Midway base were found to be unusually frequent).

Despite the apparent unfavorable situation, Minamiun Tadaichi ordered the battle to be launched, and the result was a crushing defeat for the Japanese army.

Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

Some people say that Nanyun Tadaichi's approach is wrong, in the case of being deciphered by the intelligence department of the US military, in fact, the entire orientation of the Japanese combined fleet is exposed, which is already in an unfavorable situation, equivalent to the Japanese combined fleet is in a state of being ambushed, and at the beginning of the battle, a sector-faced reconnaissance plane released by Nanyun may have a direction that may be because of the failure to find the US fleet, and it just so happens that the US fleet is in that direction, then I think it is absolutely problematic to order the bombing of the island in this case. Just because the resistance of the American troops on the island was relatively strong, he ordered the bombing of the island (it seems that keno Kurita's first mobile unit reacted to the strong resistance of the American troops on the island when he returned).

But wouldN't Junichi Minamiun, the commander of the Japanese fleet, have not considered the American fleet ambushing them?

After the reconnaissance plane has begun to blow up the island, the reconnaissance plane sent back the signal to find the US fleet At this time, it was already too late to tell the truth, the US carrier-based aircraft had already pounced, at this time as a commander you only began to torpedo to load the bomb, the bomb was reloaded with torpedoes, it was already too late, at this time I remembered that another Japanese commander, Yamaguchi Tatsumi, persuaded Nanyun to take off immediately at this time, but Nanyun did not adopt it, and the results behind everyone saw, the Japanese 4 aircraft carriers were sunk one after another.

Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

Some people also felt that if Nanyun Zhongyi did not bomb the island at that time, using the defensive firepower of his fleet or the escort aircraft taken off on the deck of the aircraft carrier would be enough to deal with the counterattacking US aircraft on Midway Island, they would wait for a while until their reconnaissance planes were sent back to the us aircraft carrier position and decided to sink the US aircraft carrier in one fell swoop, and at that time, the Japanese combined fleet still had a clear advantage in strength (if not considering the US troops on the island).

Moreover, the purpose of this operation is to annihilate the US aircraft carrier, how can it finally bomb the island? Obviously, the strategic intention of the Japanese combined fleet this time was to use Midway as a decoy to annihilate the three aircraft carriers of the US Pacific Fleet, but how to inexplicably bomb the island was too fatal.

Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

Some people also say that this cannot be blamed on Nanyun Zhongyi, and the platoon of 56 has major problems. It is strange that this formation can win (not to mention the intelligence mistakes or anything) Let's talk about it on paper.

The strategy of the book's halfway point is to annihilate or severely damage the US aircraft carrier formation, and the strategy adopted is to encircle the point to provide reinforcements, and the enemy will be saved. First of all, attacking the enemy must be saved, is Midway a place that must be saved? Is it? Is it? Not necessarily: Of course, in the end, the US aircraft carrier still came (of course, the Americans had accurate intelligence)

Second, concentrate superior forces. The Battle of Midway, the book seems, complex strategy, huge engineering, scheming, multi-strategy, and even pretending to attack Alaska. It looks dazzling. In fact, they dispersed their own forces. (As soon as people have intelligence, your feints have no meaning except to disperse your own forces))

Last but not least. How should the reinforcements be fought? From the Red Army to the Tuba Road, from the People's Liberation Army to the Volunteer Army, our army can be said to have demonstrated countless times. Surround the point to help. What's most important? It is the position where the main force is ambushed. The main force must accurately predict the enemy's behavior route, and then destroy the enemy in the middle of the road, which is the key to the tactic of encircling the point to provide assistance and attacking the enemy and saving the enemy.

Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

And how is Midway 56 arranged? The carrier fleet attacking the island attracts ,--- the main fleet to ambush behind the carrier force... The main fleet was ambushed behind the carrier forces... Who are you ambushing???

If the Americans had thought that support for Midway was uncertain, the carrier would not have come at all. If the Americans could have defeated the troops of the South Cloud. When your main force arrived, the yellow broccoli was cold (and this was the case), even if the intelligence was not leaked, Nanyun was not completely destroyed. As soon as your main fleet approaches, people will not be able to run when they see that they can't fight? So what do you want your main fleet to do? Isn't this just telling Nan Yun Zhongyi to single out the US aircraft carrier? Just like the Northwest Field Army besieged Yichuan, set up an ambush at the wazi mouth of the necessary road, and annihilated Liu Kan, who came to the rescue.

Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

According to the arrangement of 56, it was to put the main force behind Yichuan, wait for Liu Kan to come, and then go up. In this way, even if people can't beat you. You don't have a trick to escape. If you follow the classic round-up tactics. The main fleet should be ambushed in the direction where the Americans are coming. As soon as the Americans came, they attacked the Americans from the rear. Even if it is not good, it will be ambushed near Midway.

In addition, in order to make the Americans feel that the battle is won, the island attacking forces should try to use cruisers, battleships and other general warships. Aircraft carriers should be incorporated into the main fleet for ambushing the enemy. As a result, the 56 such a deployment, the Nanyun aircraft carrier has been feeding fish on the seabed for a long time, the main fleet has only begun to ask for the enemy, in addition to sending heads and what is the use?

Was the battle of Midway a mistake to bomb the island?

Of course, the above is all on paper. But I really can't figure out what the so-called main fleet is for such an arrangement as 56. What does Nanyun have to do with the main fleet if it really wins? If you really can't fight, what is the use of the main fleet except to send heads in the follow-up (this is true)

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