
Slumdog Millionaire The story takes place in Mumbai, India, where jaimal, a street youth, unexpectedly answered all the questions correctly for participating in a show "Who Will Be a Millionaire", and won Rs 20 million and became a millionaire overnight. The host suspects Jamal of cheating, hands him over to the police, and during torture and torture, in order to explain why he can answer all the questions, Jamal recounts his experience, an India full of religious conflicts and slums, we are slowly unfolding before our eyes, and India's hidden social problems are beginning to emerge layer by layer. (It is said that after the film was broadcast, Indian officials decided to move the children and families of the slum out of the slum to pay tribute.) )


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > takes place in Mumbai, India, where jamar, a street youth, unexpectedly answers all the questions correctly for a show "Who Will Be a Millionaire", gets 20 million rupees, and becomes a millionaire overnight. The host suspects Jamal of cheating, hands him over to the police, and during torture and torture, in order to explain why he can answer all the questions, Jamal recounts his experience, an India full of religious conflicts and slums, we are slowly unfolding before our eyes, and India's hidden social problems are beginning to emerge layer by layer. (It is said that after the film was broadcast, Indian officials decided to move the children and families of the slum out of the slum to pay tribute.) )</h1>

Mumbai, India, 2006. Indian young Gemma Malik (Dave Patel) is one question away from winning Rs 20 million. How did he do it? A: He cheated; B: He was lucky; C: He was a genius; D: Everything was destined. This is the life version of The Who Wants to Be a Millionaire TV Quiz show. Gemma Malik was arrested for fraud by the police after winning Rs 10 million and tortured gemma to tell the truth about his Rs 10 million – he did know the answer, but he only knew it! Born in a slum, Gemma lived a difficult life at an early age, but together with his brother Sharim and the young girl Lataka (Freda Pinto), he experienced decades of Indian change. Every previous question seemed to be a fragment of Gemma's memory, touching his memories of family, love and life. And now, gemma wants to clear her suspicions of crime on the one hand, and save her love with Lacaka on the other hand. Before money and love, can Gemma be calm and calm and choose the right answer?

Beautiful pictures,even dirty are beautiful—full of that tenacious, irrepressible vitality from beginning to end. But I still think... In any case, there is a sense of curiosity that European and American directors look at the East. This kind of "curiosity" is actually the same for us - Mumbai, where prosperity and filth coexist, Taj Mahal in the sunshine and dust, dark streets and alleys, slums on garbage heaps... There are too many elements and symbols included. Although there are ambitions and sufficient means, but at the same time it will break up a lot of things. Probably still wary. But in any case, Dan Dao still has two brushes... There are not many directors who can tell stories this year.

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