
The Millionaire of the Slums is made of money from the accumulation of blood and tears

author:White talk movies

It is a 2008 film directed by British director Danny Boyle and based on the work Q&A by Indian writer Vikas Swarup.

The Millionaire of the Slums is made of money from the accumulation of blood and tears

Movie posters

Jamal, a tea waterman who grew up in the slums of India, is participating in a TV show that answers questions to win prizes, and all people are not optimistic that he can break through the success, but it just so happens that these topics are closely related to Jamal's life experience, relying on his own memory, step by step to successfully win the 20 million jackpot.

But every question answered was Jamal's history of blood and tears, and it was a past that he could not bear to look back on. I may not remember the specific topic clearly, but I will give you a few examples!

Question 1: It is the name of a local star, Jamal can remember this name because this person is his idol from childhood, when the idol arrived in the local area, he was locked in the toilet by his brother, in order to let the star sign him, he had to jump into the dung pit, and mistakenly got the signature of the star, but his signature was sold by his brother that night.

Question 2: A paragraph of text in india's national emblem, this is supposed to be a problem that should be grabbed, but he does not know, chose the scene for help, people are puzzled, in the understanding of ordinary people, this is a points topic, can Jamal grew up in the slums, all he saw are short and broken houses, piles of garbage, dirty streets, and people who live in order to live, where will you have the opportunity to see the national emblem! lamentable

Question 3: What weapon is a god in India holding in his hand, this question is too cruel for Jamal, because behind the answer to this question is the loss of his mother who loves him the most. In a conflict, the mother is killed, and in the process of escaping, he sees a child dressed as this god and a weapon in the hands of this god!

The Millionaire of the Slums is made of money from the accumulation of blood and tears


Question 4: Which poet wrote a song in India, and it was precisely after the loss of their mother that the two brothers were tricked into a special begging organization, in which they sang the song every day and went out to beg, in order to get more money, even at the expense of blinding the eyes of these children, fortunately, the brother found out about it and escaped with him, but his favorite girl, who was not so lucky, was caught by the bad guys.

Question 5: How can a person on the dollar 100 be an American figure, a person who does not even remember his own national emblem, know the person on the dollar? On the contrary he remembered, because it was told to him by the friend who had been tricked into begging with him at the time, and this friend's eyes were blinded, and it is conceivable that if he had not escaped, he would have returned to the same result as this friend!

The Millionaire of the Slums is made of money from the accumulation of blood and tears

Blind your eyes

Question 6: Who invented the revolver? For ordinary people, it is impossible to know in a lifetime, but for Jamal, it is an unforgettable answer, and after all the hardships, he finally found the girl he liked at that time, and his brother also relied on this revolver to snatch the girl out. But it was with this pistol that his brother threatened him, forcing him out of the room, and it was better to lose it than not to lose it.

Question 7: Which city in the UK is Cambridge's intelligence service? The answer to this question should be because he works at a call center, where he contacts his brother again and meets the girl who makes him think about it day and night.

Question 8: Which cricketer has scored the most in history this century? Originally this question was what he should have known the answer to, when he and the girl were reunited, the black boss's TV was playing a cricket game, through the voice of the announcer, he could hear the name of this athlete, but at that time his mind was all on the girl, where can he still notice this matter; what is even more infuriating is that in the bathroom between breaks, the host also gave him a wrong answer, trying to interfere with him to let him answer the wrong question and go home, but people who grew up in the slums are suspicious by nature. Those who did not believe the host finally answered the question successfully.

Question 9: The name of the third musketeer in "Three Musketeers", when he was a child, he and his brother and the girl, he was also called the combination of the three musketeers, but he chose to ask for help outside the field, dialed his brother's phone, at this time the brother repented, let go of the girl, and gave his mobile phone to the girl, the girl also answered the phone at the last second, but he did not know the answer, but at this time for Jamal, the answer is not important, and finding the girl is the best answer. In the end, he successfully selected the answer and won the prize money.

The Millionaire of the Slums is made of money from the accumulation of blood and tears

Win prize money

Eventually, he and the girl met successfully and kissed on the street. At this time, he just got the grand prize of 20 million, and he also found the girl in his heart, and everything seems to be so perfect! But he has lost more, and there are thousands of people who, like him, are still living that life!

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