
Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

author:The twilight city is far away

In the past, Li Baiyou Lushan Waterfall wrote a famous poem "Wanglushan Waterfall", in which Tang Xu was shocked by the heavens and secretly compiled it into his own work. Later, Su Shi discovered the "cattiness" in Xu Ning's poems and wrote poems angrily rebuking Xu Ning.

Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

Subsequently, Su Shi wrote six or seven poems about Lushan in one go, one of which was the famous "Title Xilin Wall". This poem is completely different from Li Bai's creative ideas, but it is also famous for a long time and has been recited by later generations for thousands of years.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall"</h1>

"Wanglushan Waterfall" - Tang Li Bai

The incense burner in the sun produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs on the front river.

The current flowed down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way had fallen for nine days.

Poetry paraphrasing: The sunlight shines on the top of the incense burner peak, the clouds turn purple red, and the mountain peak seems to be a huge Boshan stove, slowly pouring out cigarettes.

Looking at it from a distance, Lushan Waterfall seems to be hanging high on a cliff. The flowing water rushed down from the peak of the three thousand feet, like the Milky Way passing through the nine heavenly barriers and flowing into the human world.

When Li Bai was a teenager, he lived in seclusion in the mountains for more than ten years. In addition to reading, he likes to travel around and writes a lot of landscape poems. After entering Shu, he passed through Jingmen, went to Jiangxia, traveled to Xiangyue, and finally went to Lushan and wrote this poem.

Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

This seven-word poem fully demonstrates Li Bai's extraordinary imagination and excellent depiction ability. The incense burner peak of Lushan Mountain is directly imagined as a huge Boshan furnace, Yunxia has become a mist of incense, and the waterfall has been compared to "nine days of the Milky Way Falling".

Li Bai also has an ancient style called "Lushan Ballad Sending Lu Shi Yu Yu XuanZhou", which describes the panorama of Lushan Mountain and the waterfall more specifically, in which he describes the waterfall flowing water as "the Milky Way hanging upside down three stone beams".

Looking down on the Lushan Landscape from the sky, it is "yellow clouds and wind colors, white waves and nine streams of snow mountains", which is very spectacular. However, when it comes to the portrayal of the beauty of the waterfall, it is not as good as the seven masterpieces mentioned earlier.

In addition to the imagination of "Wanglushan Waterfall", the use of words is also very condensed. The fifth word "sheng" in the first sentence and the word "hanging" in the same position in the second sentence are cleverly used and are well received.

The word "sheng" writes the dead scene alive, and the word "hanging" writes the moving scene to a quiet place. The third sentence then writes the moving scene of the waterfall, so as to achieve the purpose of combining movement and static.

Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

The second and third sentences of the poem are all real-life flying waterfalls, and the first and last two sentences are all fictitious metaphors, so they have the effect of combining virtual and real. In the depiction of the scenery, it has really reached the level of the pinnacle.

According to legend, Xu Ning of the Middle Tang Dynasty was very surprised to see Li Bai's poem, so he imitated Li Bai and wrote a poem "Lushan Waterfall". In his poem, he compares the flow of the waterfall to "the void falling spring thousands of straight", which means that the water of the waterfall falls from the void and is as straight as a thousand-faced knife peak.

Bai Juyi thought that the writing was very good, and it is said that Xu Ning also won the solution. After Reading Xu Ning's poems, Su Shi thought that the full text of Xu Ning's "Lushan Waterfall" was suspected of borrowing from Li Bai's Seven Absolutes. Because the metaphor in Xu Ning's poem is completely imitating Li Bai.

Li Bai compared the waterfall to the Milky Way pouring down, and he changed it to "Void Falling Spring", in fact, only the wording was different. Then, Xu Ning compared the waterfall to "bai lian" in the poem, and Su Shi thought it was very old,000, so he wrote a poem scolding Xu Ning and saying: "How much do you know about flying splashes, don't wash evil poems with Xu Ning." ”

Since Li Bai wrote "Wanglushan Waterfall", many poets have followed the trend and written about the scenery of Lushan Waterfall, all of which are just eating Li Bai's mouth foam. Picking up people's teeth and wisdom, but also showing everywhere, Su Shi said that he was very unaccustomed to it.

Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

So he traveled to Lushan by himself, wrote six poems in one go, and finally wrote the famous piece "Title Xi LinBi", which is the same as Li Bai's seven poems, these two poems are famous pieces that we memorized when we were children.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > two, Su Shi's "Title Xi Lin Bi"</h1>

"Title Xi Lin Bi" - Song Su Shi

Horizontally, it is a peak on the side of the ridge, and the height of the distance is different.

I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but I am only in this mountain.

Poetry paraphrasing: Lushan Mountain has seven ridges, looking horizontally at the unity peak, looking at it from a distance and looking up close, the height of the cliff is different. You don't recognize it as it really is because you're surrounded by green mountains.

Compared with Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall", Su Shi's poem has a completely different idea. Li Bai used his extraordinary imagination to describe the scenery of the waterfall.

Su Shi began by writing about the scenery of Lushan Mountain, and finally raised the poem to the level of philosophy, creating a famous saying - I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in this mountain.

Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

The poem "Title Xi Linbi" was written in the seventh year of Emperor Yuanfeng of the Song Dynasty (1084 AD), when Su Shi was transferred from Huangzhou to Ruzhou (Linru, Henan) as an official. At that time, Su Shi was 47 years old, and after experiencing many blows, his thinking underwent a certain change.

He slowly began to come into contact with Zen and often thought about the philosophy of life. This poem is the last summary of his trip to Lushan Mountain, inscribed on the wall of Xilin Temple, so it is called "Title Xilin Wall".

At the beginning of this poem, Su Shi simply wrote a comprehensive picture of Lushan Mountain, telling everyone: There are seven mountains in this mountain, and when you stand in a suitable position and look at it, these seven mountains will be connected into a mountain. You look at it from different places and at different heights, and you see different things.

Then, Su Shi asked a question: Do you think that the Lushan You see is the real Lushan? No, you don't know what he really is, it's because you're already surrounded by green mountains.

If you want to know the true face of the mountain, you have to jump out of the mountain and stand higher to see it. The poem deals with a relatively simple philosophical problem in the eyes of today, which is to talk about the difference between the macroscopic and microscopic worlds.

Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

It tells people how to adjust their perspective and analyze the same problem from different perspectives. Then the results seen from different angles are connected into a line like "side looking" at the seven mountains of Lushan Mountain, and the conclusions are synthesized to find the real focus of a problem (mountain).

The "Lushan" here, in addition to being a mountain, can be an obstacle created by all problems. When you solve a problem, you can never find the answer, which only means that you have not jumped out of the original observation point. At this time, you should think about how to break the limitations of your inherent thinking and constantly change directions and angles to solve problems.

So the last two sentences of the poem later became thought-provoking quotes. It is often quoted on different occasions, inspiring the reader's mind.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

Li Bai is a rare genius poet immortal for thousands of years, his poems are extremely imaginative, the details describe the gods, this poem "Wanglushan Waterfall" is written with great literary expression and charm.

Su Shi's "Title Xi Lin Bi" is far less capable of depicting landscapes and imagination than Li Bai, but he has taken a different path and taken a path of philosophical poetry creation. The theme of landscape poetry has been sublimated to make it more connotative.

Li Bai wrote that no one in Lushan could stand out, and Su Shi did not accept the challenge of a poem, which was also the first of the famous passages of the ages, Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" II, and Su Shi's "Title Xilinbi" concluded

Su Shi's poem also raised the level of Song Dynasty landscape poetry, so it and Li Bai's poems were good at winning, regardless of whether they were superior or inferior.

In fact, the merits of Xu Ning's "Lushan Waterfall" have been disputed throughout the ages. Xu Ning's description of the waterfall's void and the statement that "a boundary breaks through the green mountains" is not as bad as Su Shi criticized.

However, if we talk about the realm, he really did not jump out of Li Bai's framework, so it is no wonder that the great talent Su Shi looked down on him.

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