
The happy boy is back

author:Live it
The happy boy is back

When Pop handed the championship trophy to Spark

The latter is somewhat embarrassed

At Caruso's prompting

Howard slowly raised the trophy

Under the gaze of the crowd

Kiss it affectionately

The happy boy is back

It was the first time Howard had won the title in his sixteen-year career

Many people, including himself

Maybe they will sigh

This crown came a little late

The happy boy is back

In 2009, at the age of 23, Howard led the Magic to the Finals

Despite the magic feathers

1-4 defeat to the Lakers

But the outside world has taken Howard

Join the list of future Alliance rulers

The happy boy is back

6× All-Star

5× the best team

4× best defensive team

5× rebounding king

Three consecutive best defensive player awards

These are the honors howard received during his magic career

The happy boy is back

If these honors cannot describe Howard's strength

That's the only player in the league who can single James

Enough is enough

The happy boy is back

In 2012, Howard moved west to Los Angeles

Top center joins top wing-backs

Ganash, Gasol, and Artest will be assisted

For a time, the Lakers became the most popular team in the league

The happy boy is back

However, the results are known to everyone

The Lakers have been in turmoil all season

Bryant paid the price for a ruptured Achilles tendon

The Lakers get a playoff ticket

In the end, he was eliminated by the Spurs in the first round

Howard wanted to be happy in Los Angeles

And Bryant wants Howard to be desperate for the championship

This time it was like a boy-man collaboration

At the end of the season, Howard left the team

The happy boy is back

Maybe it's a trapped back injury

Maybe the style of play is behind the times

Howard has not found a home for the past few years

At the same time as turning on the "Wandering" mode

The state is also much worse than before

The happy boy is back

It went around in circles

Howard entered the Palace Lakers last summer

Only this time it's no longer the core of the team

Or even just sign a non-guaranteed contract

But Howard gladly accepted it all

The happy boy is back

"I hope I have the opportunity to compensate you!" Thank you, LA. ”

This is a promise that Howard made 7 years ago

Now the promise has finally come true

More importantly

Howard after washing away the lead

Found the real joy of basketball


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