
The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

Alessandra Soveneva, a 30-year-old witch in California, usa, drank a bubble of bear urine while walking up the mountain on September 22, and was arrested by the police on the same day...

What is the world of Millikin now? When he saw this news, the old Sayoubang was surprised and deeply felt that the Americans now have strange tastes - what is there to drink in this bear urine?

Think about it carefully, the taste of things, or the big brother does not say the second brother as well. There have been similar incidents in China, but I have not heard of anyone drinking bear urine, but there are many people who drink tiger urine. A folk folk remedy said that tiger urine supplement can be aphrodisiac, leading some fanatics to find ways to engage in tiger CC, and even caused a zoo keeper in Henan to be arrested for stealing tiger urine a few years ago.

If you think about when you were a child in the zoo Shihu Mountain, the most uncomfortable thing is the fishy smell (big cats have the habit of using urine to punch cards to circle the ground, the taste is not strong, ah), and it is really incredible that someone can drink this thing.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

A tiger is punching the tourist car, and the people in the car are quiet.

The tiger must have thought that he was hinting at accepting the ownership of the car, the big meat of this car.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

I don't know how, I suddenly thought of my friends who like to take selfies on street corners.

Once I told a zoo keeper I knew about it and asked for confirmation, and the other person had a strange expression. I think there must be something strange in it, and I know it is a technical problem after careful questioning. It turned out that the old man was a breeding center, and according to what he knew, the tiger did not like to snap, there was only a short time in a year to have fun, and the time of each snap was very short - given that both sides belonged to the beast, for the male tiger, the female tiger was definitely not a good playmate, and could turn her face and bite him at any time.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

With such a bite of teeth, the tiger will also braid, how can the male tiger not always be vigilant?

Thus, in the long process of evolution, the tiger developed the habit of each snap being very short (according to the old man's observation, not once exceeding a minute), and ensuring conception through the number of times. There are no days of interest every year, each time faster than the newspaper delivery, are you sure that tiger urine can aphrodisiac? Therefore, he said that the keeper who sold tiger urine should be caught, which is a pit to deceive customers knowing that the product quality is not up to standard.

Well, even if there is such a ridiculous thing as drinking tiger urine in our country, then drinking bear urine...

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

It is estimated that even Bear Big Bear II will be surprised.

The American lady did drink it, and according to her confession, when she went up the mountain into the valley, she saw a pool of water on the stone, which was judged to be bear urine, which according to the witchcraft she knew, which could enhance mana, so she decided to drink it.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

It seems that the American wizarding community may be popular with this tone.

It's a bit ridiculous, but... Wouldn't it be enough to arrest people because of this? After all, what to drink is a personal freedom, unless it is a drug, otherwise the police have no right to arrest people, right? I've never heard of bear urine being included in the list of drugs!

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

Otherwise, aren't everyone drug manufacturers?

With the interest of boring gossip, Lao Sa found relevant news to see, and suddenly realized that there was another mystery behind it.

In the news, it is obvious that this incident is also surprising on the other side of the Pacific (indicating that Americans are not used to drinking bear urine), so reporters from various newspapers have reported it, and some people have gone to the field to investigate (looking for a bear to interview and experience it is not heard), so a lot of insider information has been revealed.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

For example, this Lady Soveneva, after investigation, turned out to be a highly educated female wizard, and in addition to witchcraft, there is another rather normal resume.

In 2012, she graduated with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the California Institute of Technology, and in 2015, she received her Doctor of Environmental Studies (PHD) from the State University of New York, where she worked as a teaching assistant after one of her time as a teaching assistant. During this time, she also worked as a piano teacher.

It is still unclear when and where she began to study witchcraft, but according to the materials released by the police so far, she has worked for the zoo for two years since 2007, and it is possible that she began to be exposed to mysterious substances such as bear urine at that time?

Counting the years, so young to be interested in things like bear urine, the education of teenagers in the United States is worrying.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

Raising such a strange thing, the education of the elderly in the United States is also worrying.

As for her arrest this time, it is not because she simply drank bear urine, the key is that she wants to make bear urine hot and drink again...

Thinking about it also makes people feel abnormal, and it seems that they are not afraid of being scolded late at night.

However, even if people heat up the bear's urine and drink it, even if they add two spoonfuls of companions and throw two sugar cubes, it is still personal freedom, and it is still a performance art.

The point is, she wants to heat the bear's urine in the woods to drink, which makes a fire.

A startling fire ensued in the jungle of Shasta County, California, which was brought under control that day despite the efforts of firefighters to put it under control, but still caused considerable damage, in addition to the direct destruction of the forest by the fire, and some houses and vehicles were burned.

Firefighters rescued Soveneva from the fire after receiving her cries for help, when they noticed that she was carrying a lighter and some green plant leaves that she said were sucked and eaten. When she filled out the questionnaire, she filled it out — "Wizard."

The police arrested him on suspicion of arson.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

Therefore, drinking bear urine is not the reason for Soveneva's arrest, the suspected arson is!

However, almost all the media in the United States reporting on this matter focus on "bear urine", and the arson is only an understatement, which fully captures the three tastes of the "man bites the dog" principle of the news.

Defending her innocence against the charges, the woman insisted that she had only decided to boil and drink it after failing to filter the bear's urine with a tea bag, but the fire had nothing to do with her because the grass was too wet to ignite.

Lawyers, on the other hand, defend themselves against mental problems and misconduct after drug use.

I think it is more reliable to have mental problems.

The American "witch" caused a wildfire to heat bear urine into the police station, this face China really has not seen drinking bear urine will also be caught? What a world!

I think even the bears will agree with this.

Recently, Lao Sa learned that there was a follow-up to the sale of tiger urine, and it seemed that the breeder was arrested because of "illegal operation". Recently, it seems that this aspect has become less strict, and some zoos have started selling this stuff again, and it is said that the business is still good.

Of course, now that people's taste is also high, it is necessary to have "pure" tiger urine, which is not easy for Party A. It seems that even condoms have been used, and the effect is not good - how to make the tiger say that peeing is a big problem.

I heard that there is a smart person who comes up with a way to put a faucet outside, and the tiger inside will also reflexively make a splash inside, so it can be collected regularly, and both buyers and sellers are happy.

How many of these mental problems, then I don't know.


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